Right. It goes beyond not allowing the organization of a prayer time and you fucking well know it. Teachers are DISMISSED for expressing a religious opinion in the class room. No prayer, just an opinion, and they are tossed out on their ass. Since when is a teacher expressing an opinion about religion "making a law"? A judge cannot even, AT HIS OWN EXPENSE, decorate his courtroom with a monument to the Ten Commandments. Since when is THAT "making a law"?
Fact is, that is not interpreting the constitution as written. It is ADDING a new definition to the intent of the constitution.
You anti-religion types push religion into the background as much as you possibly can, and then wonder why religious people feel just a bit persecuted? Try putting the shoes on the other foot and think about it for a while. If you were forbidden to express YOUR views on religion in aa public venue, I'd bet you'd feel just a bit persecuted, also. But only the religious have that stricture. I have personally witnessed over the past 10-15 years, in multiple places as military personnel tend to be moved around, teachers express the opinion that there is no God in their classrooms. But they get away with it. Teachers who say there IS a God in a classroom setting are censured at least, and not uncommon to fire them.
And then there is the case of the school district in CA that SPECIFICALLY set aside a period of time each day, FOR PRAYER, according to Islamic law, in order to accommodate the large Islamic population in their schools. And leftists from all over DEFENDED the act.
But Christians have no reason to feel persecuted, do they?
In short, you full of shit on this topic. The left have taken an anti-religion agenda (focussed most on Christianity) and pushed it WAY beyond where the founders intended when they placed a limit on governments' interference with religion.