Into the Night
Verified User
The $64 question being "Why only on Earth?" What little evidence we have is that life, once started, is hard to kill off. Even if the Earth had another impact event or super volcano, even a nuclear exchange, life would continue to exist....just not human life. LOL
Still, human beings have been looking for life ever since we realized we're on a planet and that the "wandering stars" were other planets. So far, nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero indication that life exists elsewhere in the galaxy. The religious say it's because God only put life on Earth. The realists think that's unlikely but have a hard time explaining Fermi's Paradox.
Current thinking, as Cypress and I have already discussed, is that life is very rare. An additional theory to explain why no other advanced species exist is that advanced species have a tendency to knock themselves back to lower levels. Something which our species has done a couple times and has come close to doing permanently.
Discussing this with yourself is no different than discussing things with Sybil, Sock.