Yep. I created a site as a repository for "information at the ready." There is a lot of excellent information there, you should check it out. In fact, if there is any set of information you'd like to compile and house there I'd be happy to give you a board and you can create your own signature reference(s) to make responses easier.
That site is
not intended for activity. The intention is for the activity to occur here on JPP. My board is simply an online place to house reference material and other info so you only have to type/create it once and just post a quick link on boards like this one. The purpose is to alleviate a lot of work responding well to a post.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is
Into the Night's mantra list. He and gfm7175 reference it often. It is a listing of common logical fallacies and rhetorical fallacies that recur particularly often. I should refence it more than I do.
I maintain the complete text of the
Communist Manifesto and of
Das Kapital because those topics, along with Marxism, come up all the time.
gfm7175's big issue is the
COVID-19 hype and he's got a board there. This is
the latest he has added to it.
The "
Debunking Signature" is simply a quick an easy way to rebut someone who has reiterated one of the claims that has been rebutted by simply responding with "Debunked in my sig." When they check the signature they see the link "Debunked Here." They take a look and read the debunk and can then comment accordingly ... but it moves the discussion forward as opposed to having to rewrite the same debunk every time the misconception arises.
Now, if you find that you are not politically aligned with the debunks in the Debunking Signature, you can create your own and use it as you see fit.
Of course, if you host information on my board, people might accuse you of being my sock ... or more likely accuse me of being your sock ... in fact, you might be one of those claiming I'm your sock. In any event, you are welcome to have a board and host your own reference information there (as long as it's not illegal).
All information on the board is usable by everyone. Again, it's purpose is to make posting easier.