You sure about that? The only thing keeping Trump going right now is the dexamethasone, a corticosteroid known to cause mental problems.
Who is in "complete control"? The Commission. Who makes up the Commission? Three old, white Republicans.
Trump has all the same advantages Biden would have in a virtual debate.
Also, this wasn't a problem in 1960 when Kennedy and Nixon debated was in Los Angeles, the other was in New York, and the moderator was in Chicago.
Trump would have the same advantages Biden would have. The debate would be on equal footing. Trump seems upset because the moderator would have the power to mute his stream if he interrupted, which is Trump's entire strategy since he can't defend anything he's done as President (nor did he in the last debate).
Quote Originally Posted by LV426 View Post
“It happened all over PM, Earl. We set a time, then he PM'd me to say he wasn't going to show up. Since then, I've ignored him because he and I both know that he was the one who didn't follow through.”
If this is true, you are releasing PM information which is a violation of the TOS of JPP.
So, you are either a liar or in violation of the TOS of JPP., cobarde