I knew it! Trump won't do any more debates.

Having a debate is letting the Democrats cheat?
All of you Leftists immediately quip the exact same dishonesty thinking no one will notice.

Yes, accepting a virtual debate is allowing Democrats to cheat.

I have spent the last thirty years of my life searching this planet for an honest Leftist. There are simply none to be found.
the Centers for Disease Control says people “with mild to moderate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than 10 days after symptom onset. People with more severe symptoms can remain infectious for longer,
it says.

White House officials said Trump started exhibiting symptoms about a week ago.
Biden's team will pipe optimal responses into Biden's ear and off camera they will provide him visual aids and cues, i.e. it won't be Biden debating, it will be a consortium.
Instead of the moderator merely being unfair in the questioning, total control over the speakers' volumes will be in the hands of an external production team that will favor Biden, and will cut off Trump whenever they feel like it.

Of course Trump should refuse to allow the Democrats to cheat utterly in this manner.

We should stick with a regular debate format.
Putin probably told his lawlessly hacked in COVID-45 b!tch tRump to shut the flunk up at even making Russia out to be a fool.
the Centers for Disease Control says people “with mild to moderate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than 10 days after symptom onset. People with more severe symptoms can remain infectious for longer,
it says.

White House officials said Trump started exhibiting symptoms about a week ago.

trump needed oxygen, so that is beyond moderate symptoms. So available data shows that he would be contagious for 20 days. trump has hidden much of his timeline, but the first we have evidence of him having symptoms would be October 2nd, so he is in the clear on October 22nd, the day the last presidential debate was scheduled (well after the second scheduled debate).

But, we have to include his support staff. The disease is working its way through both the trump campaign and the trump administration. Both are spreading the disease among themselves with new cases being found every day. That almost certainly pushes the date that trump, and his team, will be safe to after the election. There is no certain end date on their spreading it. In theory, they may be able to spread it among themselves indefinitely, because it has been proven one can get Covid-19 twice.
Quote Originally Posted by LV426 View Post

“It happened all over PM, Earl. We set a time, then he PM'd me to say he wasn't going to show up. Since then, I've ignored him because he and I both know that he was the one who didn't follow through.”

If this is true, you are releasing PM information which is a violation of the TOS of JPP.

So, you are either a liar or in violation of the TOS of JPP., cobarde
Great quip! Impressive.

Let me know when you want to go toe-to-toe on the law.

His grammar is lacking, too.

Subject and predicate must match...no punctuation at the end of his abysmal attempt at writing a simple declarative sentence.

Originally Posted by katzgar View Post
Your law IQ and opioid addiction is making you delusional
Biden has this. In a month, he'll be president-elect.
You have this. In a month, you'll be pulling a snowflake.


Awesome dishonesty! You're good at this, I can tell.

I'll take that as an admission that you fully understand that Trump never agreed to any virtual debate and that you really thought I wouldn't notice your lexical chicanery. I think we can agree that Trump is absolutely right to refuse this obvious attempt to cheat by the Democrats.

Trump agreed to three debates with the Commission of Presidential Debates.

If he doesn't want to abide by the rules they put in place, he doesn't have to participate.
Trump agreed to three debates with the Commission of Presidential Debates.

If he doesn't want to abide by the rules they put in place, he doesn't have to participate.

Quote Originally Posted by LV426 View Post

“It happened all over PM, Earl. We set a time, then he PM'd me to say he wasn't going to show up. Since then, I've ignored him because he and I both know that he was the one who didn't follow through.”

If this is true, you are releasing PM information which is a violation of the TOS of JPP.

So, you are either a liar or in violation of the TOS of JPP., cobarde.
Awesome dishonesty! You're good at this, I can tell.

I'll take that as an admission that you fully understand that Trump never agreed to any virtual debate and that you really thought I wouldn't notice your lexical chicanery. I think we can agree that Trump is absolutely right to refuse this obvious attempt to cheat by the Democrats.

Trump neither needs nor wants those things.

Biden's advantages are Trump's total disadvantages in a virtual debate whereby others are in complete control of Trump's environment and Biden is alleviated of all his debilitations.

Trump is right to refuse.

Is there any reason to impose restrictions on someone who not only does not have COVID but who is now completely immune to it?

In just a few days, Trump will be COVID-19-immune. Biden should not be rewarded for cowering in his basement. In fact, Biden should just drop out of the race as being unfit for the Presidency.


You are relatively new to this forum, "IBDaMann," so you would not know about using too many polysyllabic words with LV.

Love that word, "lexical."

My old "creative writing" prof used it often.
The Commission of Presidential Debates has changed the rules in the middle of the debates to aid the hapless, feckless, ill prepared loser, Biden.

The president is correct to reject the Commission of Presidential Debates and their attempt to aid old Joe.
Trump neither needs nor wants those things

You sure about that? The only thing keeping Trump going right now is the dexamethasone, a corticosteroid known to cause mental problems.

Biden's advantages are Drumpf's total disadvantages in a virtual debate whereby others are in complete control of Drumpf's environment and Biden is alleviated of all his debilitations.

Who is in "complete control"? The Commission. Who makes up the Commission? Three old, white Republicans.

Trump has all the same advantages Biden would have in a virtual debate.

Also, this wasn't a problem in 1960 when Kennedy and Nixon debated virtually...one was in Los Angeles, the other was in New York, and the moderator was in Chicago.

Drumpf is right to refuse.

Trump would have the same advantages Biden would have. The debate would be on equal footing. Trump seems upset because the moderator would have the power to mute his stream if he interrupted, which is Trump's entire strategy since he can't defend anything he's done as President (nor did he in the last debate).