Awesome dishonesty! You're good at this, I can tell.
I'll take that as an admission that you fully understand that Trump never agreed to any virtual debate and that you really thought I wouldn't notice your lexical chicanery. I think we can agree that Trump is absolutely right to refuse this obvious attempt to cheat by the Democrats.
Trump neither needs nor wants those things.
Biden's advantages are Trump's total disadvantages in a virtual debate whereby others are in complete control of Trump's environment and Biden is alleviated of all his debilitations.
Trump is right to refuse.
Is there any reason to impose restrictions on someone who not only does not have COVID but who is now completely immune to it?
In just a few days, Trump will be COVID-19-immune. Biden should not be rewarded for cowering in his basement. In fact, Biden should just drop out of the race as being unfit for the Presidency.