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Good and let tRump go have a COVID-45 debate on his puppet master Putin's endowment. Flunk this fake so-called president tRump ass a curse of a deplorable nature.
It's not cheating if that is what is understood. It is Biden's team plan, they are pushing for it and their official position is that Trump will have all the same advantages. Trump is not interested because it relieves Biden of his debilitations (weaknesses). Hence an impasse between the two camps. Trump is simply going to refuse the virtual format.So do you have anything at all that you consider to be evidence? Why do you think he's planning to cheat?
Barring the fact that Trump has never lied and he is not corrupt, it is not the job of the moderator to be totally unfair, justifying said unfair position on claims that "everybody knows the Republican is totally corrupt."Isn't that Trump's fault for being so corrupt?
There hasn't been an honest/fair one to Republicans in the last twenty years.Do you have any evidence that the moderator of the now-cancelled second debate would have been biased?
I am pleased to see GOP blowback for the fiasco trump thinks is leadership-exploiting & creating chaos & mismanaging a pandemic.........Trump pressured all the governors to open up quickly. The rebubs followed orders. Their states are a mess. The ones who resisted him have had much better results. Trump figured he could force the country to open and not take heat for the results. But The blue states are in far better shape.
BINGO!!!Nope. You can't "back out" of something to which you never agreed.
I knew it! The Democrats are trying to cheat AGAIN, like mo-fos. Cheat, Cheat, cheat ... it's all they know how to do ... aside from lying, like you are doing. Democrats want a "virtual" debate in which they can electronically pipe responses into Biden's ears, have visual aids for Biden off camera, control the volume of the candidates and shut off Trump whenever they want.
The Democrats are aiming to get out of the debates and make it look like Trump is the one backing out. How totally dishonest.