I knew it! Trump won't do any more debates.

The wing nuts on the left forgot something on the way to the ballot box.

explaining Bidens plan for America :laugh:

I've seen this show before (2016) and it's not going to end well for liberals

Here's Biden's plan:

He won't inject you with bleach.

That's good enough for me.
He bragged about, on video, before a large audience. Yes, it did happen.

Yeah, because he had the backing of the international community who were all participating in the same strategy.

But that clip doesn't have anything to do with Hunter Biden.
You're so insecure that you had to create an imaginary friend to make it look like anyone respects you.
You're projecting.

I get bonus points every time I get put on an "Ignore List" and I certainly don't try to win anyone's respect, although that becomes an inevitable result of being honest. Similarly, the reason no one respects you is tied directly to your inability to be honest.

Anyway, when Trump wins in one month, you know everyone will be laughing at you ... and then we'll see how (dis)honest you are. We shall see.
It means you created a security blanket sock that you use to self-promote because no one gives a shit about you, what you write, or what you claim to believe.
What is this "self-promoting" thing about which you suddenly began raving?

I'm guessing that you are now tipping your king a second time? Usually you are only supposed to do that once.

Let's review where we stand:

Trump is fine and is conducting business as usual.
Trump called into the Sean Hannity show and it's obvious that Trump is over COVID-19 and is now immune.
Biden is physically and emotionally unfit for the Presidency.
Biden should be in jail for the crime of strongarming Ukraine to further family financial interests (against Federal statutes prohibiting such).
The NEJM editorial you mentioned never mentions Trump or the word "threat."
Trump never agreed to any virtual debate. Trump has no reason to relieve Biden of his debilitations.
You surrendered and resorted to calling me a sock.
You hung in there and then surrendered a second time, resorting to claiming that I am "self-promoting."

Did I miss anything?
COVID-19 is a particularly mild flu virus. It otherwsie does not differ in how it works.
No it's not. This is a lie. You're trying to downplay the seriousness of COVID so you don't have to eat shit for your failure at stopping it.
Nope. We should never have gone into lockdown. There was no reason for anyone to try to "stop" it. There was otherwise nothing extraordinary about this past flu season except that it was a bit milder than average. There was no reason to give this flu a name.
So he's been on a steroid for the last week "just to be sure"? Why not put him on a different steroid that doesn't have mania as a side effect?
Could you link me to his medical records so I can verify the veracity of your claims? You are asking me to believe some very specific things. You are also asking me to believe that Trump is on death's doorstep despite him appearing to in great health.
Nope. We should never have gone into lockdown. There was no reason for anyone to try to "stop" it. There was otherwise nothing extraordinary about this past flu season except that it was a bit milder than average. There was no reason to give this flu a name.

215,000+ dead, 25 million unemployed, 8 million infected.

People aren't going to spend in the economy if they don't feel safe. Your repeated insistence that COVID is no worse than the flu is contradicted by even Trump, who is on recorded audio saying it's worse than the flu.
Could you link me to his medical records so I can verify the veracity of your claims?

His doctor literally held a press conference where he listed the drugs Trump is on.

Significantly, Conley said the president had been given dexamethasone, a steroid. Doctors prescribe that drug for COVID-19 patients to combat lung damage caused by inflammation, which is one of the major ways the disease can kill patients. Experts had said previously that a decision to put Drumpf on the drug would be a major development.

I can't help it if you aren't informed.
You are also asking me to believe that Trump is on death's doorstep despite him appearing to in great health.

Appearing where? The only glimpse of Trump we've seen since he got back from Walter Reed has been that weird greenscreen video that could have been shot before he even went to the hospital.

The only other indication we have of Trump's health is the raspy, tired phone calls to Fox News.

Don't be surprised if it turns out he's not going to travel or hold rallies this weekend.
Who do you think the "current leadership" refers to?
As the article states, "Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy"

The article correctly but somewhat unclearly points out that the responsibility lies with the governors and that they all failed based on their degree of incompetence.

The response of our nation’s leaders has been consistently inadequate. The federal government has largely abandoned disease control to the states. Governors have varied in their responses, not so much by party as by competence.

But I want to thank you for raising the misconception of the NEMJ being apolitical. I'm going to write a debunk on that point. The publishers of the NEMJ are serious Leftist hacks who are devoted worshipers of the Global Warming religion. They want to end fracking and essentially usher in a Marxist state, not likely with Trump as President.

Now that I have learned more about the NEMJ, I no longer accept them as authoritative references on anything. NEMJ references are hereby summarily dismissed.
215,000+ dead, 25 million unemployed, 8 million infected.
20,000,000 Americans died on Obama's watch.

People aren't going to spend in the economy if they don't feel safe.
Trump was elected because he makes Americans feel safe. Hence, the economy boomed and we reached record low unemployment.

Then the Democrats intentionally hyped the COVID fear specifically to damage the economy, put people out of business, put people out of work and to ruin lives in the hopes that tools like you would blame Trump for everything they did. It's not working. The United States will reelect Donald Trump and this Democrat shit is going to end.
Could you link me to his medical records so I can verify the veracity of your claims? You are asking me to believe some very specific things. You are also asking me to believe that Trump is on death's doorstep despite him appearing to in great health.
His doctor literally held a press conference where he listed the drugs Trump is on.
Are we talking about today, i.e. the present tense? Just link me to Trump's medical records so we can see if the doctor misspoke and verify that you are correct. I mean, if he's going to keel over any moment as you suggest, despite all outward appearances to the contrary, surely it will be made clear by his records.

Just a link to Trump's medical records. I'll review them.