I knew it! Trump won't do any more debates.

Trump is fine. He has been fine. I'm not sure what you aren't fully grasping.

He hasn't been seen in public since he left Walter Reed.

The only way we've known he's alive is that he called into Fox News, and sounded raspy and lost his breath in the middle of one of his rants.

The only video we've seen of him since he left Walter Reed has been a weird green screen video that could very well have been shot last week, or prior to him going to the hospital.

If Trump dies from this, I expect you to insist he's still alive.

He also looks like he had a stroke, because the right side of his face is all puffy and weird.


Nope. Trump is over it. Now he is fine *and* immune to COVID-19.

A debate is a debate
Nope. There are HUGE differences between different types of debates.

... which is his only strategy since he can't run on any policy successes.
That would be Biden who has accomplished nothing in 50 years.

Trump, on the other hand, has a list of accomplishments a mile long, including building the wall, major trade deals, peace in the Middle East, ... the list is ginormous.
Nope. That's just your hearing problem.

OR, you're in a cult.

Following procedure. For Drumpf, it's still business as usual.

What procedure? He took his mask off the moment he got to the door. Still hasn't been seen in public.

Why are you trying to stick your snout into his privacy?

Because we need to know how many people he exposed to the virus that he caught so we can contact trace and prevent another outbreak.

If the President is walking around like the monkey from Outbreak, everyone needs to know.
Nope. There are HUGE differences between different types of debates.

No there isn't.

That would be Biden who has accomplished nothing in 50 years.

Except for being Vice President during Obama, passing the Violence Against Women Act, etc.

All Trump has accomplished is killing 215,000+ Americans and losing 25 million jobs.
building the wall

What wall? The parts that fell down during a Hurricane.

ajor trade deals

What Trade Deals? His trade policy resulted in a $30B bailout for farmer trash whose businesses he killed thanks to his Trade War that he lost.

peace in the Middle East

What peace in the middle east? None of the countries who "normalized" relations with Israel were at war with Israel.

The NEJM has no political affiliation.
You have EVADED my question to avoid revealing your dishonesty.

The editorial was written by people. What are their political affiliations?

They've never made a statement like this before. Trump is a public health risk.
In what paragraph of the editorial is this statement made?

Are you flat-out lying about what the article reads? [hint: it sure looks that way]
You have EVADED my question to avoid revealing your dishonesty.
The editorial was written by people. What are their political affiliations?

The editorial was written by the New England Journal of Medicine and they call Trump dangerously incompetent and a public health risk.

You're not helping your case by pretending Trump has been miraculously cured, when he's actually on steroids that cause mood disorders.
n what paragraph of the editorial is this statement made?

The first paragraph:

"Covid-19 has created a crisis throughout the world. This crisis has produced a test of leadership. With no good options to combat a novel pathogen, countries were forced to make hard choices about how to respond. Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy."

And here:

"The response of our nation’s leaders has been consistently inadequate. The federal government has largely abandoned disease control to the states. Governors have varied in their responses, not so much by party as by competence. But whatever their competence, governors do not have the tools that Washington controls. Instead of using those tools, the federal government has undermined them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which was the world’s leading disease response organization, has been eviscerated and has suffered dramatic testing and policy failures. The National Institutes of Health have played a key role in vaccine development but have been excluded from much crucial government decision making. And the Food and Drug Administration has been shamefully politicized,3 appearing to respond to pressure from the administration rather than scientific evidence. Our current leaders have undercut trust in science and in government,4 causing damage that will certainly outlast them. Instead of relying on expertise, the administration has turned to uninformed “opinion leaders” and charlatans who obscure the truth and facilitate the promulgation of outright lies."


Are you flat-out lying about what the article reads? [hint: it sure looks that way]

No, you just didn't read the article, but you lied and said you did.
Let's see, either you are a moron who doesn't understand a hypothetical context or you are desperately trying to DODGE my point.

You have to speak hypothetically because unlike Trump, Biden follows the COVID guidelines, which is why he hasn't caught it.

Trump flouted the guidelines, and that's why he has it now.

Except for being Vice President during Obama,
For which his only accomplishment was illegally strongarming Ukraine to protect the financial interestes of family members (his son) for which he should be in prison.

... passing the Violence Against Women Act, etc.
The Legislative branch does that, not the Executive branch. Yes, the Executive branch signs the bill into law, but that was Obama, not Biden. Biden hasn't accomplished a single (legal) thing.
So is that why you created multiple ID's?
I have no other IDs. Only paranoid Leftist morons invariably fall to this topic to signal having tipped their king.

I'm not sure what you plan to accomplish with this but I understand that your political slavemasters require you to follow the moron's playbook to the letter.

For which his only accomplishment was illegally strongarming Ukraine to protect the financial interestes of family members (his son) for which he should be in prison.

He didn't do that...you bought into another lie here. Just like you bought into the lie that Trump is immune or cured of COVID. Cult members like you will believe any load of horseshit that doesn't challenge your thinking.

The Legislative branch does that, not the Executive branch. Yes, the Executive branch signs the bill into law, but that was Obama, not Biden. Biden hasn't accomplished a single (legal) thing.

Before he was VP, Biden was a Senator. That's when he passed VAWA, among other bills.
I have no other IDs.

Ahhh, that's not true is it? You fucked up with your other sock because you linked your signature to your own "work". You literally created a profile to self-promote back to this weird thing that no one fucking looks at because...why would they, and who fucking cares?