I knew it! Trump won't do any more debates.

Because he's not sick.

Sure he is! He sounded sick as shit when he called into Fox News. He only left the hospital 5 days ago. Hasn't been seen in public since. He also looks like he had a stroke, because the right side of his face is all puffy and weird. His eye looks like it's swollen shut. He's also on steroids, which are known to give a feeling of invulnerability.

Remember, it took Herman Cain over a month to die from COVID after catching it from Trump's rally.
Because he's not sick. Trump has said that he wants to debate and that he is ready to debate, he just isn't going to waste his time on a virtual debate. Did you see that word in boldface: "virtual"? Exactly, the one you keep omitting. Once you start including that word when you should, your confusion will subside.

A debate is a debate...Trump is mad because a virtual debate means he can't interrupt Biden, which is his only strategy since he can't run on any policy successes.
What is the political affiliation of the author of that article?

The NEJM has no political affiliation. They've never endorsed a candidate before. They've never made a statement like this before.

Trump is a public health risk.
Biden won't have had to go on steroids when he gets COVID-19. He's not the President so Biden is not required to follow any sort of proscribed protocol. In fact, if he's not really affected noticeably, as is the case with Trump, Biden can just carry out his day as he would otherwise.


Biden hasn't caught it yet, and if he doesn't share a stage with Trump, probably won't.

Trump got COVID, after claiming it was a hoax, then spent three days in the hospital getting steroids. White House is Ground Zero for the DC Outbreak. Trump is the direct cause.
He's backing out of the virtual one next week...

I seem to recall making the prediction that he'd do terribly in Debate #1 and come up with some bullshit excuse not to do the other two.

The bullshit excuse this time is that he just doesn't want to do it.

What a little bitch.

Give the guy a break, he’s sick with Covid and probably isn’t feeling up to it. ;)

Actually he’s smart not to debate. Now that he has COVID Biden will relentlessly bring every topic back to the COVID issue where the fact that Trump actually contracted it will only high light his administrations ineptitude on the COVID response.

He’d be better served by saying “I’m sick. I can’t come out and play”, cause he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
He's backing out of the virtual one next week...

I seem to recall making the prediction that he'd do terribly in Debate #1 and come up with some bullshit excuse not to do the other two.

The bullshit excuse this time is that he just doesn't want to do it.

What a little bitch.



Well, it's weird because Into the Night links directly to something you created on JPP in its signature.
Yep. I created a site as a repository for "information at the ready." There is a lot of excellent information there, you should check it out. In fact, if there is any set of information you'd like to compile and house there I'd be happy to give you a board and you can create your own signature reference(s) to make responses easier.

That site is not intended for activity. The intention is for the activity to occur here on JPP. My board is simply an online place to house reference material and other info so you only have to type/create it once and just post a quick link on boards like this one. The purpose is to alleviate a lot of work responding well to a post.

One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list. He and gfm7175 reference it often. It is a listing of common logical fallacies and rhetorical fallacies that recur particularly often. I should refence it more than I do.

I maintain the complete text of the Communist Manifesto and of Das Kapital because those topics, along with Marxism, come up all the time.

gfm7175's big issue is the COVID-19 hype and he's got a board there. This is the latest he has added to it.

The "Debunking Signature" is simply a quick an easy way to rebut someone who has reiterated one of the claims that has been rebutted by simply responding with "Debunked in my sig." When they check the signature they see the link "Debunked Here." They take a look and read the debunk and can then comment accordingly ... but it moves the discussion forward as opposed to having to rewrite the same debunk every time the misconception arises.

Now, if you find that you are not politically aligned with the debunks in the Debunking Signature, you can create your own and use it as you see fit.

Of course, if you host information on my board, people might accuse you of being my sock ... or more likely accuse me of being your sock ... in fact, you might be one of those claiming I'm your sock. In any event, you are welcome to have a board and host your own reference information there (as long as it's not illegal).

All information on the board is usable by everyone. Again, it's purpose is to make posting easier.
I only have 1 ID.
You lie about everything else. You are obsessed with your delusion of other people being socks, to the extent of ignoring obvious signs they are not.

I don't feel compelled to invent imaginary friends to agree with me.
Sure, if your slavemasters are the ones so compelling you. I can see why your compulsion wouldn't be of your own volition.
Yep. I created a site as a repository for "information at the ready." There is a lot of excellent information there, you should check it out. In fact, if there is any set of information you'd like to compile and house there I'd be happy to give you a board and you can create your own signature reference(s) to make responses easier.

That site is not intended for activity. The intention is for the activity to occur here on JPP. My board is simply an online place to house reference material and other info so you only have to type/create it once and just post a quick link on boards like this one. The purpose is to alleviate a lot of work responding well to a post.

One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list. He and gfm7175 reference it often. It is a listing of common logical fallacies and rhetorical fallacies that recur particularly often. I should refence it more than I do.

I maintain the complete text of the Communist Manifesto and of Das Kapital because those topics, along with Marxism, come up all the time.

gfm7175's big issue is the COVID-19 hype and he's got a board there. This is the latest he has added to it.

The "Debunking Signature" is simply a quick an easy way to rebut someone who has reiterated one of the claims that has been rebutted by simply responding with "Debunked in my sig." When they check the signature they see the link "Debunked Here." They take a look and read the debunk and can then comment accordingly ... but it moves the discussion forward as opposed to having to rewrite the same debunk every time the misconception arises.

Now, if you find that you are not politically aligned with the debunks in the Debunking Signature, you can create your own and use it as you see fit.

Of course, if you host information on my board, people might accuse you of being my sock ... or more likely accuse me of being your sock ... in fact, you might be one of those claiming I'm your sock. In any event, you are welcome to have a board and host your own reference information there (as long as it's not illegal).

All information on the board is usable by everyone. Again, it's purpose is to make posting easier.

You created it, then self-promoted it through your sock.

Is there anything about you that is actually genuine?
You lie about everything else. You are obsessed with your delusion of other people being socks, to the extent of ignoring obvious signs they are not..

I haven't lied about anything.

You, however, moved the bar on Trump's "immunity" and you did it in the most hilarious way.
You claimed Trump was immune to COVID, despite currently being treated for it.
We need to readress your lack of education and lack of common sense.

Let me ask you, can someone be treated for something unnecessarily? Can people be treated in some way under the rationale "just to be sure"?

Think about that for a while and then we can reengage.
We need to readress your lack of education and lack of common sense.

No, what happened was you got all excited because you think Trump was cured (he hasn't been cured of anything), and you then said he was immune. But then when I asked how he could be immune to a disease he's currently getting treatment for, you moved the bar to say he will eventually be off the meds and immune. And you base that wish on nothing more than your personal hopes and dreams. Because the reality is that there is no cure for COVID, Trump is on steroids, and once he is off the steroids, his condition will worsen...LIKE IT DID FOR HERMAN CAIN.
Trump lost every debate with Hillary and Biden spanked him this year. Heis ego makes that difficult for him to accept. He just makes noises and calls names. That is not unlike either rightys on this board. He sees being rude and crude as manly.
Trump needs the debates. He is losing badly. Yet he cannot handle them. That is quite a conundrum for our thief in chief.
Let me ask you, can someone be treated for something unnecessarily? Can people be treated in some way under the rationale "just to be sure"?

You said this first:

Is there any reason to impose restrictions on someone who not only does not have COVID but who is now completely immune to it?

Then you walked that back here:

Very soon he will cease to be on any medication and will be immune to COVID-19.

So really, all you're doing is pinning your hopes and dreams on the fiction that a guy who contracted COVID can be through it and immune in less than two weeks.

That's not the case for COVID. The steroids Trump is on are masking his true condition. That's why he hasn't been seen in public for 5 days, and has only released a green screen video that could have been filmed at any point over the last week (or even prior to it).

We don't even know when his last negative test was.

He sounded to me like he was running out of breath when he called into Hannity.
Nope. That's just your hearing problem.

He hasn't been seen in public since returning from Walter Reed.
Following procedure. For Trump, it's still business as usual.

He won't even say when his last negative test was.
Why are you trying to stick your snout into his privacy? First you want to rummage through his taxes, then his medical records. The answer is "no."