Fake Disability in America

Who is at fault for fake disability?

  • The party who supports helping the disabled?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The person who wants a free pass and attempts to get disability?

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • The doctors and lawyers that profit on disability cases?

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
Actually they did. Unless you are saying the doctor called them and said "hey want disability"

BTW and I know this is hard for you gobblement lovers to understand, but not ALL disability is through SSI. I know that is the world you bathe yourself in. But it isn't reality.

It's the Free Market at work. This Doctor is known to write off disabilities easy from what my cousin said. The Doctor is thick in profit when the patient needs to come back, not when the patient is denied. Basics.
Wow. You're some kind of genius, aren't you, Twinkie lover?


I hear through the grapevine that your boyfriend outed you on another forum. How long y'all been together?

This is why I am "Anti-Party".

The Left has attacked me hard on this argument that there is "Government Fraud" when EVERYONE IN AMERICA knows it's happening BIG TIME.

I do understand the Lefts Unemployment when the Corporate Right is Outsoucing, but Government Fraud is just out of control and ignorant to ignore...
It should be perfectly evident to any sane folk that the abuse of social programs is the direct fault of fucking socialism. There would be NO abuse of socialist government programs if there were NO fucking socialist government programs.

I'll confront you one more time on this one and I'll use a case that isn't mine;

A blind man. No family. Proved to be an American Citizen since birth.

No water, no shelter, no food or yes water, yes shelter, yes food?

Survival of the fittest with humans? *you won't answer that*
That is a pretty rude way to educate the people, but you are correct. Let's go over the real questions;

Do you want to help the blind indirectly with taxation so they live a more normal life?

No! Government just waste money and socialist programs get abused by fucking crooks and taxes are a government gun in my back. I’d rather help the blind in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other blind folks voluntarily through private charities because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

Do you want to help the retarded?

Of Course!

But I’d rather help the retarded in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other retarded folks voluntarily through private charities, not taxes and because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

Do you want to help the deaf?

Of Course!

But I’d rather help the deaf in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other deaf folks voluntarily through private charities, not taxes and because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

Do you want to help the disabled that have had an injury that forced them to quit working?

Of Course!

But I’d rather help the disabled in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other disabled folks voluntarily through private charities, not taxes and because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

My answer is yes. "WE THE PEOPLE" have the power to help the needy and "WE THE PEOPLE" are taught in our Bible our Country is based on that we should help those less fortunate. Further, my Bible teaches me to give all of my money to the needy.

America is not operated or instituted by biblical mandates. As a matter of fact the 1st Amendment prohibits the government from establishing religion. Furthermore there’s nary a verse or hint in my Bible whereby the creator of the universe requires GOVERNMENT to force government charity on any people. Biblical charity to my understanding is to be voluntary and from the heart and not arranged as some fucking socialist scheme to bribe the vote of the poooo.

So the options are "Ignore the needy and focus on yourself, because sometimes people take advantage of that" or "help the needy and fix the problems of the system"

There will be no argument to this because THERE ISN'T ONE.

On the contrary Goober, consider the argument made!!! You refuse to offer all the options. Aside from government force and ignoring the needy, there’s VOLUNTARY PRIVATE CHARITY FROM THE HEART
I'll confront you one more time on this one and I'll use a case that isn't mine;

A blind man. No family. Proved to be an American Citizen since birth.

No water, no shelter, no food or yes water, yes shelter, yes food?

Survival of the fittest with humans? *you won't answer that*

I have answered all of your childish ramblings Goober!!! Get back in your sand box with your twin the Dude and pound some more sand up each other’s asses.
No! Government just waste money and socialist programs get abused by fucking crooks and taxes are a government gun in my back. I’d rather help the blind in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other blind folks voluntarily through private charities because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

What if you don't have family to help you out? and private charities rarely distribute money evenly. That's why we have govt do it - so all are helped, not just those a charity chooses to help.
They did it over the phone before the CP diagnosis. And to ignore America's rape of the system is simply uninformed or bias.

a) please don't use "rape" in this context. That is a horrible act of violence. People pretending to be disabled who aren't are not being violent; they're just taking some money they shouldn't

b) yes, there are people who fake it; but dollar-wise, they worry me much less than the corporations who are overpricing govt contracts or defrauding the govt by overspending

c) maybe when first getting on to disability people can fake it; but there are reviews - at least for the people I know, even if not your daughter. The people I know got reviewed, went to doctors chosen by social security NOT by them; they got physical and mental exams; and then paper-shufflers denied just about all of them continuance of the benefits. They had to go another couple rounds, putting in a lot of paperwork, before they got authorized again; even people who were definitely unable to work.

Even getting on it in the first place can take several years. I don't know what people without families do; they can't work, but they can't get disability. How do they survive? and filling out the paperwork is TOUGH... for sick people, they often see it and just give up.

Maybe it's different in other places; but in California, it's tough to get on disability. Do people still get on who shouldn't? sure. But I don't see it as a huge problem.

Please do report that doctor; if he's faking diagnosis, he should be reported.
What if you don't have family to help you out? and private charities rarely distribute money evenly. That's why we have govt do it - so all are helped, not just those a charity chooses to help.

That’s because government isn’t actually helping anybody except the socialist bastards in the government. Forced government socialist programs are designed to keep the poooo. Poooo through reliance on government. That’s why government doesn’t give a flying fuck about fraud in it’s socialist programs, they’re designed to bribe the vote of the ignorant pooooo and keep them pooooo and keep the socialist bastards in political offices.

Private charities on the other hand have a strong incentive to sort out the frauds because if voluntary contributors find out there’s fraud in the charity, they can simply avoid donating to it. Private charities have no government gun to put in their donor’s backs and stick them up and fucking rob them. Private charities seek out the truly needy, BIG socialist government seeks to make everybody needy and reliant on tyrannical government.
That's why SSI should(if they don't already) utilize independent medical examiners. I know that worker's Comp companies do....if they feel you and your doctor are screwing the company, they send you to an IME, who has no skin in the game.

I know a girl that I worked with that has been denied SSI twice now...her back is so fucked up she can barely walk....can't hardly sit at all, and spends much of her time in a supine position.

I don't think it's quite as easy to get as the OP is letting on.

I have a friend who has seizures and was denied. It is very hard to get SSI.
The professional that had the education and money paid to screen the freeloaders took the money.

It's not about "easier" or "harder'. It's about money.....

Not to get off point....but this is exactly what they do with our elected officials....they set up a system where you need to raise tons of money to run a campaign....then complain when those candidates accept money from...labor unions, big business, the banking sector...etc.... but when anyone suggests that Citizen's United only exacerbated the problem....they go into denial mode. So.let's recap.....they set up the rules(or lack thereof) and then get to say "See! Politicians are corrupt! Government is corrupt! Destroy Government!"

It draws a similar parallel to the doctor/disabled issue that you brought up.

Ok....rant over....back on topic.
He doesn't care about them.

But we all should know why Howey cares about them. Howey supports the leftist Democrat scam of caring enough about them to bribe their vote with socialist programs financed by other people’s money and get them into the voting booth selecting more Democrat slave owners.
What if you don't have family to help you out? and private charities rarely distribute money evenly. That's why we have govt do it - so all are helped, not just those a charity chooses to help.

But so, so many don’t deserve any help. When government offers other people’s money in the form of socialist vote bribing programs, what you end up with is more and more takers, just what the Democrat leftist bastards want. More takers more Democrat votes and thereby more lazy bastards who won’t get off of their lazy fucking asses and support themselves. Government forced socialism is a pure incentive for laziness and a disincentive for self-respect, self-motivation and self-reliance.
Yes. I do care about them. That makes me a better man than you.

You’re no “man,” you’re just a fucking vote bribing leftist crook.

I weep for your children having to live with a heartless soul such as yours. No money in the world can cure that.

My children are self-supporting proud and confident citizens of the United States. Your children are Wussies milking the government tit well taught the socialist ropes by their bleedin-heart daddy.
No! Government just waste money and socialist programs get abused by fucking crooks and taxes are a government gun in my back. I’d rather help the blind in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other blind folks voluntarily through private charities because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

Of Course!

But I’d rather help the retarded in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other retarded folks voluntarily through private charities, not taxes and because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

Of Course!

But I’d rather help the deaf in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other deaf folks voluntarily through private charities, not taxes and because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

Of Course!

But I’d rather help the disabled in my family “directly” because I see my family as my responsibility. I ‘d choose to help other disabled folks voluntarily through private charities, not taxes and because private charities usually do a better job of weeding out the frauds and if they don’t, I can simply refuse to support them without the government gun in my back forcing my support.

America is not operated or instituted by biblical mandates. As a matter of fact the 1st Amendment prohibits the government from establishing religion. Furthermore there’s nary a verse or hint in my Bible whereby the creator of the universe requires GOVERNMENT to force government charity on any people. Biblical charity to my understanding is to be voluntary and from the heart and not arranged as some fucking socialist scheme to bribe the vote of the poooo.

On the contrary Goober, consider the argument made!!! You refuse to offer all the options. Aside from government force and ignoring the needy, there’s VOLUNTARY PRIVATE CHARITY FROM THE HEART

Basic response but you added "in my family".

You seem to have a ton of America's most needy in your family. You are a unique case. Or a liar...*ladder* If I'm correct you are like every other hard Right Winger and have never been compromised with the need of help from other Americans. But just like the rest of them, you will turn when that need hits YOU. Because UNITED we stand. DIVIDED we fall. Or maybe it wasn't when the Right Congressmen decided to stop hating gays because it happened in his family. Or maybe it wasn't when the Hurricane Sandy hit. Or maybe it wasn't when the oncoming Depression forced Romney and Ryan to ask for "bail-outs". Basic Libertarian frame of mind is "me" not the rest of the Country. The rest of us are trying to balance that out with GOOD DECISIONS.

I want to shoot myself, I have the Liberty to......"Do it or Stop it" You fail on this argument and you know it.
a) please don't use "rape" in this context. That is a horrible act of violence. People pretending to be disabled who aren't are not being violent; they're just taking some money they shouldn't

b) yes, there are people who fake it; but dollar-wise, they worry me much less than the corporations who are overpricing govt contracts or defrauding the govt by overspending

c) maybe when first getting on to disability people can fake it; but there are reviews - at least for the people I know, even if not your daughter. The people I know got reviewed, went to doctors chosen by social security NOT by them; they got physical and mental exams; and then paper-shufflers denied just about all of them continuance of the benefits. They had to go another couple rounds, putting in a lot of paperwork, before they got authorized again; even people who were definitely unable to work.

Even getting on it in the first place can take several years. I don't know what people without families do; they can't work, but they can't get disability. How do they survive? and filling out the paperwork is TOUGH... for sick people, they often see it and just give up.

Maybe it's different in other places; but in California, it's tough to get on disability. Do people still get on who shouldn't? sure. But I don't see it as a huge problem.

Please do report that doctor; if he's faking diagnosis, he should be reported.

Sorry if I used "rape" as a term for what Gov. Frauds do. You call it a "physical act" which is ironic because I'm a "physical worker" and it causes me more "physical pain" when I have to work for taxation I don't deserve. And don't get me wrong, BOTH parties fight for more money by the second, until the dictator Norquist. Bad or good.....I don't think anyone knows. I would call it "needed".

As I stated before, if you fake it hard core you don't have to go through those doors. But that depends on what you call "faking it" I know people who get fat so they don't have to work. They are bed stricken. Abuse of the system is out of control and the Right wants to end it and the Left wants to ignore the problems. I say fix the problems and keep it. Because I'm not stupid.
I have a friend who has seizures and was denied. It is very hard to get SSI.

Because when applying, he/she was truthful. The system is good for the honest. The dishonest can manipulate the system better than us because they don't have a job and have lots of time to spend to research how.
Not to get off point....but this is exactly what they do with our elected officials....they set up a system where you need to raise tons of money to run a campaign....then complain when those candidates accept money from...labor unions, big business, the banking sector...etc.... but when anyone suggests that Citizen's United only exacerbated the problem....they go into denial mode. So.let's recap.....they set up the rules(or lack thereof) and then get to say "See! Politicians are corrupt! Government is corrupt! Destroy Government!"

It draws a similar parallel to the doctor/disabled issue that you brought up.

Ok....rant over....back on topic.

It's why I brought up;

Fix it, or dump it.

The Left wants more help everywhere while the Right wants to stop all help to everyone because it is outside the guidelines of the Constitution and they are slaved to pay cost when making those decisions.

Let's split this up in party terms. And trust me, this is an IMPORTANT POST for both parties..

I was blown away and happy that there were Gov. programs that helped the needy like my daughter. My Right Wing family never offered to help. My Right Wing Church never offered to help (until public bad episodes). The Gov provided speech, occupational and physical therapy that made my daughter one of the normal kids.

But then they started asking me if I wanted things like an "Ipad" and "Signing Time Albums" which cost around $800 each at that point in time.

The basics of this discussion is that I LOVE that the Left helped me to make my daughter fit in. But I hate it when they try to help too much with too much tax payer money. I don't need an Ipad to teach my daughter OT. I can use a ZIPPER and other basic objects.

Basically the party extremes are so dumb they can't use common sense anymore. "United we stand" is dust in the wind because of Fox News. Ever Right Winger I know is a brainwashed cult moron because they refuse to intake information from the Left.................................up until they need it.
But we all should know why Howey cares about them. Howey supports the leftist Democrat scam of caring enough about them to bribe their vote with socialist programs financed by other people’s money and get them into the voting booth selecting more Democrat slave owners.

If I explained my life situation and you still called it a "scam" .........you are an idiot that doesn't deserve to be in America.