Can I answer that...or is only for wanderingbear?
Sure you can answer. The more the merrier.
Can I answer that...or is only for wanderingbear?
Sure you can answer. The more the merrier.
That is absolutely what the Right has turned into. I will agree with that. A Corporatocracy.
I just can't figure out if the Right is using Government power as an "I told you so" after corruption or if "given the powers there will be corruption" And the large population of Libertarians don't even know what Liberty is or care to learn more about it.
Before I talk, I will say I haven't read through this entire thread. The answer to your questions is "yes." And yes, it is subsistence living, I agree. But there are some who are satisfied with that and will scam the program if they can get away with it. We have had 3 people in the last 2 years turned in for it. I would never attack the disabled, wanderingbear, but will always point out the scammers. Now I have a question. Do you think a healthy person should be required to work for a living?
Of course I think people who can work, should work.....
However, if someone is working....they should be able to raise a family on one income...not live high on the Hog, mind you...but be able to raise a family in a frugal, yet comfortable manner. If both parents CHOOSE to work....they ought to be able to thrive in this country.
For those that can work and can't find work....I am a strong supporter of the notion of restarting the CCC and WPA...or a modern equivalent of those programs.
When FDR started Federal Aid to the poor, it wasn't a freebie. We have roads that damage cars and cause accidents, we have bridges that are crumbling....we have dams and levees that could break at any time...we have an electrical grid that is still using 1940's technology and is losing 60% of the power generated.
See, we are in agreement here. A lot of folks will argue with me but those programs (CCC and WPA) gave a tremendous leg up to some folks, in their 80's and 90's now, who are very dear to me. I still teach at a school with 4 WPA buildings on campus and malarial ditches around town constructed under the same program. There is a CC Camp about 6 miles up the road from my house. People around here benefited greatly from both government funded programs. And work was required under both from able bodied people. Not a "something for nothing" deal.