Into the Night
Verified User
The "ANTIFA threat" was very real until Democrats "won". Then it kinda went away, what does that tell you?
It has NOT gone away. Antifa and BLM still trash the streets of Portland, OR and Seattle, WA every day.
The "ANTIFA threat" was very real until Democrats "won". Then it kinda went away, what does that tell you?
Excellent advice.![]()
Does this mean you'll stop whining like a little bitch about the end of the whatever?
That it was never a threat and that Conservatives were trying to scare people that it was because they can't win elections based on the merits of their policies and beliefs.
America is the land of the ignorant coward now....the really big question is how much of this result is by design of the Chinese, who are out to crush us.
Oligarchy isn't despotism. Socialism, including communism and fascism, is theft of wealth. It can only be implemented by dictatorships and oligarchies. It is what the DEMOCRATS are doing.Wrong, Sybil. That's socialism/communism. Oligarchy is despotism via money.
I am not doing the bidding of the DEMOCRATS, douchebag....and you are doing their bidding, douchebag.
You are describing yourself again.Every time you attack people freely speaking their minds about more freedom, you are working for the "Committee", Sybil.
Trump is not in power, nor is he a dictator. You are describing DEMOCRATS.Every time you support the powers that be, especially authoritarian assholes like Trump, then you are a puppet of the oligarchs.
You're the one making inversion fallacies. Stop being stupid.You're the one being suckered, moron. Stop being stupid.
Human beings have free will, dumbass. What happens in human society is of our own making. Quit being a little bitch, man up and own it, #10.
Human beings have free will, dumbass. What happens in human society is of our own making. Quit being a little bitch, man up and own it, #10.
While the cities burn because of violence and arson by Antifa.
YOU don't want free will. You, like the DEMOCRATS, want tyranny.
Your emotional outburst is noted.
If you even exist, I dont get any sense that I am taking to a real person.
yes it was democrats that wanted to keep slaves, democrats made up the confederate army
Such as?
As every person should.I report on what I see, and I will likely continue with that project till the very end. I feel that it is my duty to try even though saving America from this suicide that we are attempting is rapidly looking like a lost cause.
Not quite.
The Confederate States formed because the United States was ignoring it's own constitution, namely, the seizure of private property without compensation.
Yes, some of the private property happened to be slaves, but it was also land and other resources.
Lincoln had the right idea, but he went about it very badly, resulting in the War of Secession.
Democrats, of course, wanted to keep slavery. Not all of those fighting on the side of the Confederates cared about slavery. Most of them didn't. They didn't own slaves. Only the rich owned slaves.
So what were all those soldiers fighting for?
Their homes, and their families. They saw a threat to their way of life because of the property seizures and because the Union committed an act of war by continuing to occupy and resupply a fort in a foreign nation, and the Union saw no problem with just taking whatever they wanted.
The nice, clean, 'history' about the War of Secession isn't so clean. Lincoln, though he had the right idea, fucked up royal in implementing it.
The last thing Lincoln was, though, was racist. He saw that slavery is yet another form of socialism, the theft of a man's work.
Not quite.
The Confederate States formed because the United States was ignoring it's own constitution, namely, the seizure of private property without compensation.
Yes, some of the private property happened to be slaves, but it was also land and other resources.
Lincoln had the right idea, but he went about it very badly, resulting in the War of Secession.
Democrats, of course, wanted to keep slavery. Not all of those fighting on the side of the Confederates cared about slavery. Most of them didn't. They didn't own slaves. Only the rich owned slaves.
So what were all those soldiers fighting for?
Their homes, and their families. They saw a threat to their way of life because of the property seizures and because the Union committed an act of war by continuing to occupy and resupply a fort in a foreign nation, and the Union saw no problem with just taking whatever they wanted.
The nice, clean, 'history' about the War of Secession isn't so clean. Lincoln, though he had the right idea, fucked up royal in implementing it.
The last thing Lincoln was, though, was racist. He saw that slavery is yet another form of socialism, the theft of a man's work.
First, nobody is forcing a needle into you. Life offers options like hors d'oeuvres. It's your choice to pick and choose what you like.
Choose wisely. IMO, you are dying of thirst in the desert and little girl appears offering you a tablespoon of water. Instead of being thankful and mystified by your fortune, you choose to scream "FUCK OFF BITCH! THAT'S NOT A GLASS OF WATER!!!"
Get a grip, dude. We're all gonna die sooner than we like, so take a break and enjoy it a little bit. My projected expiration date is around 2036-2040. Based on most models, my expectation is to say "Adios, motherfuckers" around 2031-2035. Smart people plan ahead, doncha know? LOL
Have some fun. Enjoy life. Death will come soon enough so don't rush it.
As many as I need to. I have no problem defending my home or my neighbors (who will also be shooting back at these fucks if necessary).How many do you plan to shoot when it happens near you?
No. There are not enough of them to do anything outside the cities. They can barely control 6 blocks of downtown (remember the failure of CHAZ?).Will you travel to the killing zone or do you expect to be picking them off from your own rooftop?
Heh. Don't underestimate the damage a .223 can cause!Are you one of those pussies betting your life on a .223 instead of a .30 or larger?
No, you don't. You support The Oligarchy.Sybil, chill. I want freedom.
Most of your posts. Don't play innocent with me.Where have I ever posted banning anything? Forcing anything upon citizens minding their own business?
Kudos for noticing! I have to wonder sometimes about the reactions to my posts since, like everyone else, I'm trying to figure out who are the craziest motherfuckers on this forum and dearly hoping one of them isn't me. Thanks for the feedback!
What could I do to prove my reality, #10? What would be the minimum that would satisfy you?
yes it was democrats that wanted to keep slaves, democrats made up the confederate army