Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

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Stop supporting The Oligarchy. Start recognizing the Constitution of the United States. Start recognizing the constitutions of every State. Stop believing the Fake News.
Stop trying to change history. Stop....who am I kidding? You won't stop. You will continue to support the Oligarchy, discard the Constitution, continue to quote Fake News, and continue to try to change history.

Thanks for all the evidence you don't know shit from Shinola, Sybil.
As many as I need to. I have no problem defending my home or my neighbors (who will also be shooting back at these fucks if necessary).

No. There are not enough of them to do anything outside the cities. They can barely control 6 blocks of downtown (remember the failure of CHAZ?).

Heh. Don't underestimate the damage a .223 can cause!
Wow. You're shitting your pants in a country of 330 million Americans in fear of an enemy that "can barely control 6 blocks of downtown"? WTF, Sybil? Try taking some boner pills or spine stiffener, douchebag. Quit being a fucking coward.

No shit on the .223, Sybil, but if you're going for a kill, bigger is better. It's not like you're humping 200 rounds through the jungles of Vietnam. If you're truly at home, go for the round that would stop a person with more effectiveness, not the pussy round being pushed on you by the Oligarchs.

Stop being a fucking puppet, Sybil.
I had a great time today! Now I'm drinking too much, but OK. I can handle it, not sure about parts of my body.

You don't want to start recognizing The Constitution? What's up with that?


PS: White locking guy in the red Adidas suit makes this skit. :laugh:
Your choice to leap into that rabbit hole with Sybil but I don't recommend it.
What kind of work did you do today, boy?

I had a great time. Nobody got hurt, no property was damaged, and everybody was happy.

What did you do today?

Light yard work, tested out a hibachi with some ribeye, watched you make a demented ass of yourself again. The usual.
Light yard work, tested out a hibachi with some ribeye, watched you make a demented ass of yourself again. The usual.

Where I know you're a serious dumbass is when you put Hibachi and ribeye in the same sentence. :palm:

What I'm trying to understand is: If you have a yard, why would you have a Hibachi? That's shit's for people with apartment balconies for yards.

Maybe the "light yard work" was not in your own yard? Hibachi is a fail of a grill. Total fail.

The 1st grill I ever bought cost me $8 and it was a green Weber.

No, not a 1/2 a bouy Weber, but big enough to hold like 30 burgers. It was big, but not as thick as a Big Green Egg.

I had that thing for years. Forget where it is now. I left it along the way somewhere.

Been 2 black Webers since then, and there's 1 in reserve the same size as my 1st green one. I just use the Braunsfeld smoker anymore. Grill hell, I wanna smoke!

It's a grill too, but..eh..
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Where I know you're a serious dumbass is when you put Hibachi and ribeye in the same sentence. :palm:

What I'm trying to understand is: If you have a yard, why would you have a Hibachi? That's shit's for people with apartment balconies for yards.

Maybe the "light yard work" was not in your own yard? Hibachi is a fail of a grill. Total fail.

The 1st grill I ever bought cost me $8 and it was a green Weber.

No, not a 1/2 a bouy Weber, but big enough to hold like 30 burgers. It was big, but not as thick as a Big Green Egg.

I had that thing for years. Forget where it is now. I left it along the way somewhere.

Been 2 black Webers since then, and there's 1 in reserve the same size as my 1st green one. I just use the Braunsfeld smoker anymore. Grill hell, I wanna smoke!

It's a grill too, but..eh..
You should consider drinking less and thinking more.

I bought the hibachi on sale ($5 for a cheapie $20 hibachi) for my kayak trailer. I have a larger portable grill (and better TBH) but I can't lock it up like the hibachi. Just testing it out. It'll do.

Notice the size of tool box mounted on the front of the trailer. Everything is secured in there.

You should consider drinking less and thinking more.

I bought the hibachi on sale ($5 for a cheapie $20 hibachi) for my kayak trailer. I have a larger portable grill (and better TBH) but I can't lock it up like the hibachi. Just testing it out. It'll do.

Notice the size of tool box mounted on the front of the trailer. Everything is secured in there.


Why do you have to lock everything up?
Ohhh! Your boat is a Kayak! Well, unless that requires a number, that don't count.

Kayaks and Canoes, go fuck yourself, that's NOT a boat.

Ready to pay the ol' Matt Dillon fee to JPP, bitch?

You do remember the sum, correct?

Must be a sad neighborhood you live in where you have to lock up grills.

Wtf, even?!

I left a bright orange Husqvarna 61 chainsaw in the middle of the street here while I went on a 4 day bender and it was still there when I came back.

Ofc I proceeded to start it up and then it burnt right into the street right there, but OK. That was kinda my fault. Don't start a chainsaw with the gas tank open.

It caught on fire and melted down right in front of me. Nothing I could do.
It needed work and I should have put the gas cap back on.

That saw might could still be alive today, but no..

Pouring gas into the carb with no gas cap and cranking it..yeah, it melted a pothole into the asphalt street. Gas dissolves asphalt, I found out.
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Why do you have to lock everything up?
Ohhh! Your boat is a Kayak! Well, unless that requires a number, that don't count.

Kayaks and Canoes, go fuck yourself, that's NOT a boat.

Ready to pay the ol' Matt Dillon fee to JPP, bitch?

You do remember the sum, correct?

You look like an idiot when you assume.

Why would I pay a welcher like you a fucking dime?

Besides, you kept changing the bet. Fucking moron.
Kudos for noticing! I have to wonder sometimes about the reactions to my posts since, like everyone else, I'm trying to figure out who are the craziest motherfuckers on this forum and dearly hoping one of them isn't me. Thanks for the feedback! :thup:

What could I do to prove my reality, #10? What would be the minimum that would satisfy you?

You can't prove any reality.
You look like an idiot when you assume.

Why would I pay a welcher like you a fucking dime?

Besides, you kept changing the bet. Fucking moron.

A kayak is not a registered boat, dude.
You said you had a boat. That ain't no boat.
Do you, or do you not have a boat?

I notice you never said what kind of boat you have.

Why is that?
You look like an idiot when you assume.

Why would I pay a welcher like you a fucking dime?

Besides, you kept changing the bet. Fucking moron.

A kayak is not a registered boat, dude.
You said you had a boat. That ain't no boat.

If that's your "boat", you fail.

I dare you to take that to this one place here.
Where the gators are 14'+ and just lined up on either side of the banks. Big ol' bull gators, too.

I never seen so many gators in my life. :eek:

If your "boat" ain't got a real engine to it? You don't have a boat.

Kickers do not count.
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As every person should.

One of my favorite books is Ernest K. Gann's "Fate is the Hunter". I've read it several times and have bet new First Officers to buy it and read it. If they don't like it, I'd buy it from them for their cost. No one ever asked me for money.

Gann flew for American Airlines before WWII. As an airline pilot, and a little older, he and several other pilots weren't drafted but put on government contract flying for Lend Lease to Britain. They flew what was called the GIUK Gap; Greenland, Iceland, United Kingdom. Conditions were primitive by today's standards and, just to get their altimeter settings, one aircraft would fly low over the North Atlantic set his altimeter to sea level then climb back up while passing the setting to other aircraft in the flight...if there were some. Often they flew alone. Air Sea Rescue was nil. If they had a problem, they were dead.

So what did they do against such daunting obstacles and risks of leaving this mortal coil? They manned up and pushed on instead acting like pussified cooks from Seattle.

Which pussified cooks are you complaining about? Did you get some bad food in Seattle?
One thing I have increasingly noticed over the last 20 years is that historians can not generally be trusted to even attempt to tell the truth anymore, they are driving agenda just as the rest of the Failed Intelligentsia are, and in the service of that lies are obviously fine, because they do it constantly.

One such lie is that the Civil War was all about slavery.

Historians have looked at the diaries of these soldiers and in other documents and found that it does not fit the narrative taught in your typical grade school class. It's the schools, not historians. It's the same schools that teach a tomato is a vegetable (it's not). It's the same schools that teach Global Warming (whatever THAT actually is) is 'science'. It's the same schools that are teaching kids how to put a condom on a banana.

It's the schools.