Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

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What kind of boat is it? I will need a pic you holding up a piece of paper with "Dutch Uncle" written on it while the boat is underway, ok?
Not too hard to manage if you go out in your boat..

What kind of boat is it?
Certainly not that kayak, then?

No, a kayak is not a boat.

Roll that thing down gatorfest creek here if ya wanna.

They'd like you to do that. :laugh:

"This thing came by all slow with edible appendages" (yes, the gators said "edible appendages") "and I just snapped and it was soo good!"

"A mouthful of meat, but there was a hint of plastic".

Even in Washington, only wusses have kayaks.
Gets a bit rough out on the Sound, ya know? Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish can get pretty damn rough as well.

A lot of times these wusses have to get rescued by a guy in a real boat.
Property right defined as slaves.
Slaves are property. Property rights defined as land, too. The federal government was seizing land.
You are so wrong. Socrates was the first to say it plainly. You are wrong again. They are about money every time.
Nope. War is not always about money. Socrates never said anything plainly.
The coming civil war, if it comes, will be a religious war...the worst kind.

And you will be on the wrong side of it.

Sometimes it is determined by capturing resources as we went to the Middle east for.
We didn't capture resources in the Middle East. We gave their country back to them after removing the tyrannical government from power.
It was about the North trying to rob the South of due money. Da fuq do you know about The Civil War? I've read a book 6 inches thick on it. My best friend kept in the crapper. True Story.

I took it and read it in a different room.

It actually wasn't a civil war. It is more precisely called the War of Secession. This nation has never had a civil war before.

Civil wars have no boundaries. There are no nations at war (as was the War of Secession). There are no conditions of victory. They are often religiously based. They are horribly devastating. We could very well see the first civil war in America within our lifetimes. Keep yer powder dry!
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uh, the problem isn't with the antifers controlling six blocks........its the elected officials who wouldn't.......

Bingo. The City Council has surrendered the streets to Antifa, BLM, homeless camps everywhere with their drugs and filth, and disillusioned the police so thoroughly that most have quit. Seattle is lawless now.
Portland is even worse. Burnside Ave is a haven for homeless, drug abusers, violent thugs, etc. Daily open lootings, attacks on people, arson, and pillaging have turned downtown Portland into a bomb site. The place looks like a war zone.

Both were once beautiful cities. No longer.
Even in Washington, only wusses have kayaks.
Gets a bit rough out on the Sound, ya know? Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish can get pretty damn rough as well.

A lot of times these wusses have to get rescued by a guy in a real boat.

I was in Washington in like a ..20 foot boat ..pretty deep ..with a motor. Only 2 seats. I pretty much got seasick that day. This was not fresh water.

The sides of the boat were around 4 feet or more. It was in a boathouse and they lowered it down by something like dual steel cables and off we went! To Pukola!
than a boat that size should have.
It was a damn sturdy boat. Pretty sure the motor was 2-stroke. Much smaller than a boat that size should have.
The boats they rent here do not have sides that high. Ever.
All I remember is going out, and the engine worked, and the pitch and the yaw and I felt green.

Some kind of bay, maybe? The waves were pretty choppy.

Oh, I can regale stories about beating around the bay here. Every wave is a slap on your back in the bay beater.
Or is that bayliner? Hmm...Going for miles with a slap on your back every other wave.
That boat had a serious motor. And you felt it when things were choppy.
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Despite the denials of the delusional, clearly the Republican Party, at best, is having severe problems. At worst, We, the People are seeing the fall of the Republican Party.

In Woodward's book, Bill Barr recognized the problems and attempted to persuade Trump to temper the excesses and rhetoric to avoid driving away moderate Republicans and Independents. Trump refused and lost the election while the Republican Party moved further into Conspiracy Theory territory.

Saying "78% of Republicans believe Biden didn't win the election" isn't as significant as it appears when people realize that Republicans only constitute 28% of the voters with less than 22% of voters believing in RWNJ conspiracy theories to "Stop the Steal".

As JPP's Trumpers continue to push lies and conspiracy theories, sane people are re-evaluating their political affiliation. Despite Trump handing the Democrats the White House, the Senate and the House in 2020, the Republican Party continues to push anything Trump wants.

These excesses are hamstringing the Republican Party at best and dooming it at worst. This, IMO, is bad for America since our nation is best when there is a sane conservative view in Congress. That sane conservative view is rare both in Congress and on JPP. This is not good for America, folks.

Trumpers drinking the Kool-Aid are pushing sane conservatives away under the delusion that those sane conservatives will never, ever vote Democrat. While that part is probably true, what the Trumpers are not seeing is those same sane conservatives simply refusing to vote at all. Elections are about voter turnout and the current Republican Party is pushing conservatives to stay home in November 2022.

Bill Barr was right about this
According to Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their tell-all book "Peril," Barr told Trump: "There are a lot of people out there, independents and Republicans in the suburbs of the critical states, that think you're an asshole" and "don't care about your fucking grievances." Barr went on and told the President that if he didn't soften his tone and turn his attention to concerns about Covid-19 and the economy, which these critical "swing" voters cared about most, he was going to lose the election.

Trump, however, refused to pivot -- just like arch-conservative California recall candidate Larry Elder, who was similarly chastised by establishment Republicans who felt a moderate more in the mold of their party's last governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Massachusetts' Charlie Baker and Vermont's Phil Scott, would have the necessary crossover appeal to have a shot in a Democratic state. And whether it was out of stubbornness or insensitivity or some other game plan, they paid a steep price for their insouciance.

Trump and Elder reaffirmed -- for both parties -- that turning competitive suburbs from "purple" to "blue" is very bad for Republicans' business. As demographic shifts add to the Democratic advantage in these once-reliably Republican counties, such as Fairfax in Virginia and Montgomery and Delaware in Pennsylvania, alienating "swing" suburban voters could continue to cost them in national, state and local elections.

These voters, especially in competitive states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina, remain the gatekeepers any presidential candidate must pass if they expect the keys to the White House. They also determine who bangs the gavel in the US House. Most of the 40 or so competitive districts are fought in the "Crabgrass Frontier" between city and country.

The destruction of the republican party has already happened as a result of seditious and treasonous repukes in Congress issuing threats to create a default that could put the entire global economy in havoc. These 50 repukes in the Senate who have issued treasonous and terrorist threats against the debt ceiling being raised that allows the government to pay its bills should all be run in as a result of a abundance of justifications to arrest them on the spot who are in violation of U.S. Constitutional law that requires debts be paid without question, and in violation of federal law when it comes to being a imminent and seditious terrorist threat. Yet this crisis is ultimately the fault of dumbass repuke voters who vote against their own interests at putting these repuke creeps in governance as a warmongering and moral rot insurgency to which repukes are covid killing off their own stupid voting supporters.
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If history serves as any measure, in 2022 the Democrats are looking at a 30 to 50 seat loss in the House and a 5 to 7 seat loss in the Senate. If Biden and the radical Left of the Democrat party keeps going they way they are right now, it could be worse. There's not a chance in hell of the Democrats retaining Congress at this point and it doesn't look like it'll get better for them by late next year.

You have to ask yourself, [/i]How many more things will Joke totally fuck up by then?[/i] That doesn't include continuing debacles in Congress as the Democrats can't even get support within their own party to pass shit let alone any help from the Republicans...
The destruction of the republican party has already happened as a result of seditious and treasonous repukes in Congress issuing threats to create a default that could put the entire global economy in havoc. These 50 repukes in the Senate who have issued treasonous and terrorist threats against the debit ceiling being raised that allows the government to pay its bills should all be run in as a result of a abundance of justifications to arrest them on the spot who are in violation of U.S. Constitutional law that requires debts be paid without question, and in violation of federal law when it comes to being a imminent and seditious terrorist threat. Yet this crisis is ultimately the fault of dumbass repuke voters who vote against their own interests at putting these repuke creeps in governance as a warmongering and moral rot insurgency to which repukes are covid killing off their own stupid voting supporters.

Verbal vomit! Amazing!
Verbal vomit! Amazing!

Well you read it and enjoy eating your own ass vomit. Actually the repuke party has crippled itself when it comes to its relationship with America and the common decency of humanity on Earth. The repuke insurgency needs to be replaced like a political knee replacement.
What past evils are you claiming I've defended. Specificity please. Not the usual shotgun blast of generalities all the nutjobs always use.

What lies about gun laws? Are you denying the Democrats want to ban guns, specifically by reenacting the Clinton Gun Control Bill or the 2013 Obama version?

Those gun laws saved lives

We now live in a shooting gallery nation

75% of Americans never want all guns banned

We want sane gun laws

Not a shooting gallery nation

Reagan was just as reprehensible as every other Republican

A racist who had no problem lying to the people and cheating in elections

The conservative economic ideas fail every time they are implemented

What is good about the Republican Party?

No. Wrong. As we learned, the "Commie" threat was just as phony as the "antifa" threat.

I posted that Atwater quote! Should I post it again? What do you think he was talking about? And who voted against the CRA in 1964? Conservatives. All of them. From both parties.

LV, I'll bet $10 that you never had to do a "Duck'n'Cover" drill for a nuclear attack. The threat from the USSR and, to a lesser extent, PRC, was very real. So real that the the US and USSR came within seconds of launching on each other during about 50 years of Cold War. It's why there are multiple phone lines between major nuclear powers as General Milley used to call China.

No one wants a Thermonuclear War, but only idiots and liars say it was a fake threat.

The nuclear mistakes that nearly caused World War Three
From invading animals to a faulty computer chip worth less than a dollar, the alarmingly long list of close calls shows just how easily nuclear war could happen by mistake.

How 'Duck-and-Cover' Drills Channeled America's Cold War Anxiety

uh, the problem isn't with the antifers controlling six blocks........its the elected officials who wouldn't.......

Ahh, so Satan and his demons are against State's Rights. Figures. Is that why you support overthrowing the US government and shredding the Constitution so you can nuke, gas or carpet bomb Portland?

There's not a chance in hell of the Democrats retaining Congress at this point and it doesn't look like it'll get better for them by late next year.

Who is going to vote for the GOP when all their voters kick the bucket from COVID?

And if Roe is overturned by SCOTUS, the GOP will be decimated everywhere.
Who is going to vote for the GOP when all their voters kick the bucket from COVID?

And if Roe is overturned by SCOTUS, the GOP will be decimated everywhere.

I suspect it's not just the loss of voters, dead or sick from COVID and, later, Flu, but the negative impact on Republican family members of the dead and Long-COVID victims who will either vote Third Party like me or not even vote at all.
Republicans should pay special close attention to the CA recall results, particularly in the red districts, because Newsom beat his 2018 margins nearly everywhere.

The GOP picked up a few seats in CA in the last election, but all those districts went for Newsom by wider margins than they did for him back in 2018.

I don't know why everyone thinks the disorganized, narrow, extremist GOP is going to retake control of Congress when ideologically, it got the shit kicked out of it in red districts and counties in CA.
If history serves as any measure, in 2022 the Democrats are looking at a 30 to 50 seat loss in the House and a 5 to 7 seat loss in the Senate. If Biden and the radical Left of the Democrat party keeps going they way they are right now, it could be worse. There's not a chance in hell of the Democrats retaining Congress at this point and it doesn't look like it'll get better for them by late next year.

You have to ask yourself, [/i]How many more things will Joke totally fuck up by then?[/i] That doesn't include continuing debacles in Congress as the Democrats can't even get support within their own party to pass shit let alone any help from the Republicans...

Agreed on the historical trend of Midterms costing the party of the WH occupant.

However, these are odd times and the Republicans have proved to be excellent at shooting themselves in the foot with "Ready, Fire, Aim!" bullshit lying about COVID, the Insurrection, Trump's anti-Constitutional (if not criminal) actions and anti-science/anti-vax agenda.

It's almost nine months since the Insurrection. Only the plea deals of non-violent offenders are coming out. The violent offenders are still holding out, under investigation or awaiting trial....and with 14,000 hours of video (Thanks Trump! :thup: ) the evidence is very damning.

Those fuckers are all going to go away. Whether it's for 20 years or 10 with a plea deal to testify against who gave the orders all remains to be seen.

Certainly all the rational, educated American adults on this forum can see this is not going to be good for the Insurrectionists or the Republican party next year or in November 2024.

Agreed on the historical trend of Midterms costing the party of the WH occupant.

However, these are odd times and the Republicans have proved to be excellent at shooting themselves in the foot with "Ready, Fire, Aim!" bullshit lying about COVID, the Insurrection, Trump's anti-Constitutional (if not criminal) actions and anti-science/anti-vax agenda.

It's almost nine months since the Insurrection. Only the plea deals of non-violent offenders are coming out. The violent offenders are still holding out, under investigation or awaiting trial....and with 14,000 hours of video (Thanks Trump! :thup: ) the evidence is very damning.

Those fuckers are all going to go away. Whether it's for 20 years or 10 with a plea deal to testify against who gave the orders all remains to be seen.

Certainly all the rational, educated American adults on this forum can see this is not going to be good for the Insurrectionists or the Republican party next year or in November 2024.


If Republicans run their 2022 campaigns as Elder ran his campaign in CA, they are probably going to lose seats, not gain them.
If history serves as any measure, in 2022 the Democrats are looking at a 30 to 50 seat loss in the House and a 5 to 7 seat loss in the Senate. If Biden and the radical Left of the Democrat party keeps going they way they are right now, it could be worse. There's not a chance in hell of the Democrats retaining Congress at this point and it doesn't look like it'll get better for them by late next year.

You have to ask yourself, [/i]How many more things will Joke totally fuck up by then?[/i] That doesn't include continuing debacles in Congress as the Democrats can't even get support within their own party to pass shit let alone any help from the Republicans...

Agreed on the historical trend of Midterms costing the party of the WH occupant.

However, these are odd times and the Republicans have proved to be excellent at shooting themselves in the foot with "Ready, Fire, Aim!" bullshit lying about COVID, the Insurrection, Trump's anti-Constitutional (if not criminal) actions and anti-science/anti-vax agenda.

It's almost nine months since the Insurrection. Only the plea deals of non-violent offenders are coming out. The violent offenders are still holding out, under investigation or awaiting trial....and with 14,000 hours of video (Thanks Trump! :thup: ) the evidence is very damning.

Those fuckers are all going to go away. Whether it's for 20 years or 10 with a plea deal to testify against who gave the orders all remains to be seen.

Certainly all the rational, educated American adults on this forum can see this is not going to be good for the Insurrectionists or the Republican party next year or in November 2024.