Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

  • Total voters
If Republicans run their 2022 campaigns as Elder ran his campaign in CA, they are probably going to lose seats, not gain them.

That's my guess. TA is correct about midterms going against the party in power. Why? 40% of American voters are independents. They, like me, often vote against the party in power by voting for the opposite party or a third party (as I do).

However, 2022, IMO will be break the trend. Once the Party of Trump and all the fucking White Supremacists are wiped off the political scene, then it should go back to normal.
Those gun laws saved lives

We now live in a shooting gallery nation...

Banning cars would save almost 40,000 lives a year. Many of them children or the parents of children. Why do you support keeping cars legal? For the children!

How many bullets have you dodged in your life, evince?
When I give a shit about your demon clan, you'll be the first to know.

For now, I'm content on calling out all of Satan's cunts like you. Enjoy the burning. :)

Imagine his shock when he wakes up into the flames of hell and God looks into the demonic peep hole and tells him
its because of his behavior at JPP!
Banning cars would save almost 40,000 lives a year. Many of them children or the parents of children. Why do you support keeping cars legal? For the children!

Well hold on a second, because while 40,000 people do die on the roads, that number used to be double what it was...then the federal government and states started passing safety laws, seatbelt laws, airbag laws, etc., and the number of deaths on the roads dropped from 80,000 in 1980 to 40,000 by 2020. So that proves government safety regulations can and do save lives. As of now, every automobile has to conform to no less than 90 different federal regulations in order to be sold.

And comparing guns to cars is always a false comparison because in order to operate a vehicle, you need to be licensed, insured, and the car needs to be registered and inspected each year. So if you said that every gun owner had to be licensed, insured, and the gun needs to be registered and inspected each year, I think that's a reasonable first step to take.
Imagine his shock when he wakes up into the flames of hell and God looks into the demonic peep hole and tells him
its because of his behavior at JPP!

or yours when you wake up somewhere you spent your entire life claiming didn't exist, facing someone you believe isn't real......
Imagine his shock when he wakes up into the flames of hell and God looks into the demonic peep hole and tells him
its because of his behavior at JPP!

...and the massive cock he has to suck. Ouch!

Better, IMO, to repent and walk the path of Jesus rather than continuing to follow Satan as PmP always does.

Well hold on a second, because while 40,000 people do die on the roads, that number used to be double what it was...then the federal government and states started passing safety laws, seatbelt laws, airbag laws, etc., and the number of deaths on the roads dropped from 80,000 in 1980 to 40,000 by 2020. So that proves government safety regulations can and do save lives. As of now, every automobile has to conform to no less than 90 different federal regulations in order to be sold.

And comparing guns to cars is always a false comparison because in order to operate a vehicle, you need to be licensed, insured, and the car needs to be registered and inspected each year. So if you said that every gun owner had to be licensed, insured, and the gun needs to be registered and inspected each year, I think that's a reasonable first step to take.

So why don't you give a fuck about banning all cars to save even more lives? For the children, LV.

Mandate public transportation. Leave driving to the professionals!
So why don't you give a fuck about banning all cars to save even more lives?

I just told you why in the response you quoted.

Mandate public transportation. Leave driving to the professionals!

I would love that, but you oppose heavy government investment in public transportation, don't you?

So you're like..."heh heh, I'll troll you by calling for a mandate for public transportation."

And I'm like..."jokes on you, I'm into that shit."

So now you look like the asshole because you oppose spending money on public transportation, after hyperbolically going to an extreme position in order to sink the debate because you have no way to defend gun ownership from a practical standpoint.
I would love that, but you oppose heavy government investment in public transportation, don't you?

I support the Feds staying in their lane, doing things the States cannot such as TransContinental Railroad, NASA and the Interstate Highway System. I support Feds wisely investing in the nation's infrastructure. In that regard, I do support Federal investment in interstate/transcontinental public transportation systems. What happens inside States and cities is up to them. I also support Texas investing in itself with better public transportation.

Unfortunately, a lot of us live in the boonies, so it's more of a major city thing unless it happens to pass through a town like I-35 or I-30 often do.


That said, why do you think an accusation is more effective than simply asking a question? Is it to derail away from uncomfortable questions like your hypocrisy on what should be banned and the limitations of Federal government to only ban the stuff you don't like and never the stuff you do like?

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
President Ford, Address to a Joint Session of Congress
August 12, 1974
I support the Feds staying in their lane, doing things the States cannot such as TransContinental Railroad, NASA and the Interstate Highway System.

That means nothing.

I support Feds wisely investing in the nation's infrastructure.

That also means nothing.

In that regard, I do support Federal investment in interstate/transcontinental public transportation systems.

This also means nothing.

You're just saying things to sound good, but there's little substance.

What happens inside States and cities is up to them.

But you JUST SAID that Feds should do things States cannot, and wouldn't national infrastructure happen INSIDE of states and cities?

Did he say all guns should be banned?

It would be impossible for the Democrats to ban all guns at once. They have to chip away at rights until there are no rights left to chip away at.

Example: The #1 gun used for over 23,000 Suicides (47,511 total suicides) and over 10,000 murders is NOT an AR-15. It's a handgun. Yet your political party has a massive hard-on to ban AR-15s What is the fucking logic in that except to stick the camel's nose in the tent?

Same for "high capacity magazines" too even though the average number of shots in a suicide is.....wait for it...one. A single shot pistol does the trick. How many annual suicides would be saved by banning AR-15s?

How many murders take more than a couple of rounds? One the back of the head or two in the chest. Game over. So why the massive fear-mongering by your political party to ban things that would have negligible effect on suicide and murder? Unless it was a first step to banning all guns. Sure, then it makes sense. LOL


Well you read it and enjoy eating your own ass vomit. Actually the repuke party has crippled itself when it comes to its relationship with America and the common decency of humanity on Earth. The repuke insurgency needs to be replaced like a political knee replacement.

See kids! This is what happens when you get a crappy public school education... You end up illiterate and stupid.

Disagreed, but I'm a big believer in Free Will and know that others can read both our comments, if they give a shit, and decide for themselves who is most or least coherent. :)

FWIW, I think most will vote along party lines instead of for themselves or what is best for the nation in the long run. Hopefully I'm wrong about that.

Who is going to vote for the GOP when all their voters kick the bucket from COVID?

And if Roe is overturned by SCOTUS, the GOP will be decimated everywhere.

Probably all those very conservative, Catholic Hispanics that Biden's letting in. They sure as hell aren't voting for the Left. They had enough of that shit where they used to live...