Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

  • Total voters
Disagreed, but I'm a big believer in Free Will and know that others can read both our comments, if they give a shit, and decide for themselves who is most or least coherent.

Your position is that liberals should mandate national public transportation, which you oppose on principle.

So that's incoherent.
Agreed on the historical trend of Midterms costing the party of the WH occupant.

However, these are odd times and the Republicans have proved to be excellent at shooting themselves in the foot with "Ready, Fire, Aim!" bullshit lying about COVID, the Insurrection, Trump's anti-Constitutional (if not criminal) actions and anti-science/anti-vax agenda.

It's almost nine months since the Insurrection. Only the plea deals of non-violent offenders are coming out. The violent offenders are still holding out, under investigation or awaiting trial....and with 14,000 hours of video (Thanks Trump! :thup: ) the evidence is very damning.

Those fuckers are all going to go away. Whether it's for 20 years or 10 with a plea deal to testify against who gave the orders all remains to be seen.

Certainly all the rational, educated American adults on this forum can see this is not going to be good for the Insurrectionists or the Republican party next year or in November 2024.


Actually, the latest is the prosecution is slow playing this because the video is damning to their cases. So far, they've mostly done the small fry with misdemeanors who chose to plea out to a fine or other slap on the wrist.
It would be impossible for the Democrats to ban all guns at once. They have to chip away at rights until there are no rights left to chip away at.

Example: The #1 gun used for over 23,000 Suicides (47,511 total suicides) and over 10,000 murders is NOT an AR-15. It's a handgun. Yet your political party has a massive hard-on to ban AR-15s What is the fucking logic in that except to stick the camel's nose in the tent?

Same for "high capacity magazines" too even though the average number of shots in a suicide is.....wait for it...one. A single shot pistol does the trick. How many annual suicides would be saved by banning AR-15s?

How many murders take more than a couple of rounds? One the back of the head or two in the chest. Game over. So why the massive fear-mongering by your political party to ban things that would have negligible effect on suicide and murder? Unless it was a first step to banning all guns. Sure, then it makes sense. LOL



We don’t want to ban them all

Lying about it is dishonest as hell

You are buying a corrupted NRA meme concocted by the Republican party

Please stop this dishonesty
FWIW, I think most will vote along party lines instead of for themselves or what is best for the nation in the long run.

Well, the only way anyone could come to that conclusion is if they are extremely fucking lazy and are averse to doing any actual work to determine what drives people's decisions in the voting booth.

Because we already know this...liberals are driven to the polls by policies they think will be beneficial to the nation, while Conservatives are driven to the polls by pure race baiting and nothing more.
But if they're undocumented, how can they vote?

So...wanna rethink this stupid post of yours?

The Democrats will see to that with bills like HR 1 the Fuck the Voters Act, or HR 4 the John Lewis Voter Fraud Act... You see, the Left is so delusional that they think just because these illegals are poor they'll vote Democrat. They couldn't be more wrong. They'll vote against Leftist government because they've lived under Leftist government.
They had enough of that shit where they used to live...

Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras aren't run by socialists, they're run by religious Conservatives.

In fact, the President of El Salvador, a devout religious Conservative, called himself a dictator on Twitter!
You see, the Left is so delusional that they think just because these illegals are poor they'll vote Democrat.

Excuse me, but you're the one who thinks they'll vote GOP purely because they're Catholic Conservatives (and who says they're Conservatives anyway?).

Why would they vote for a party that calls them "rapists" and wants to kick them out?
They'll vote against Leftist government because they've lived under Leftist government.

El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras aren't run by the left...they haven't been run by the left in 40 years.

The President of El Salvador is a right-winger who literally called himself a dictator on Twitter.
Your position is that liberals should mandate national public transportation, which you oppose on principle.

So that's incoherent.

No, it's not. My position is that there is a place for governmental powers at all levels and all changes should be at the lowest level possible. Whenever a group of Americans band together for a town or county, they can best tax and appropriate money for projects such as a new fairground or an additional well and pump house. Sometimes it benefits the towns or counties to make deals with adjoining or other towns/counties for mutual gain. Projects beyond their means or scope get bumped up for State decisions. Like counties and towns, State can banded together for mutual gain such as mass buying of textbooks, a point of political discourse.

Marketplace rules apply to almost everything including text books. The biggest buyer has the biggest sway on what they like in textbooks. Texas was the biggest buyer and liberals revolted.

States rights over Federal domination. Buy your own textbooks, raise your own taxes. Leave my state alone. TIA :thup:

How Texas Inflicts Bad Textbooks on Us
Gail Collins June 21, 2012 issue
Texas originally acquired its power over the nation’s textbook supply because it paid 100 percent of the cost of all public school textbooks, as long as the books in question came from a very short list of board-approved options. The selection process “was grueling and tension-filled,” said Julie McGee, who worked at high levels in several publishing houses before her retirement. “If you didn’t get listed by the state, you got nothing.” On the other side of the coin, David Anderson, who once sold textbooks in the state, said that if a book made the list, even a fairly mediocre salesperson could count on doing pretty well. The books on the Texas list were likely to be mass-produced by the publisher in anticipation of those sales, so other states liked to buy them and take advantage of the economies of scale.

“What happens in Texas doesn’t stay in Texas when it comes to textbooks,” said Dan Quinn, who worked as an editor of social studies textbooks before joining the Texas Freedom Network, which was founded by Governor Ann Richards’s daughter, Cecile, to counter the religious right.
Agreed on the historical trend of Midterms costing the party of the WH occupant.

However, these are odd times and the Republicans have proved to be excellent at shooting themselves in the foot with "Ready, Fire, Aim!" bullshit lying about COVID, the Insurrection, Trump's anti-Constitutional (if not criminal) actions and anti-science/anti-vax agenda.

It's almost nine months since the Insurrection. Only the plea deals of non-violent offenders are coming out. The violent offenders are still holding out, under investigation or awaiting trial....and with 14,000 hours of video (Thanks Trump! :thup: ) the evidence is very damning.

Those fuckers are all going to go away. Whether it's for 20 years or 10 with a plea deal to testify against who gave the orders all remains to be seen.

Certainly all the rational, educated American adults on this forum can see this is not going to be good for the Insurrectionists or the Republican party next year or in November 2024.


Because there was no insurrection.
That’s an evil take

How about the state can’t force people to gestate if they don’t choose to gestate

Think about it, why do woman choose to have an abortion? Most likely because they either cannot afford to raise a child or don't want one in the first place. So they leave the hospital after giving birth without the child.

If abortion were to be eliminated it stands a reason that most of these kids end up getting dumped into the laps of the state to raise and care for until they are 18, all at state expense of course.

Granted some newborns will be adopted however each year the numbers are growing of children who remain in the care of the state/foster homes. Now, multiply that number of newborns given to the state to care for by a factor of 10 and see how the numbers grow dramatically. In ten years the costs would be astronomical and the taxpayers get to foot the entire bill.

It may be an evil take, but it's a realistic one.
The Democrats will see to that with bills like HR 1 the Fuck the Voters Act, or HR 4 the John Lewis Voter Fraud Act... You see, the Left is so delusional that they think just because these illegals are poor they'll vote Democrat. They couldn't be more wrong. They'll vote against Leftist government because they've lived under Leftist government.

This is racist bullshit idiot

You are a racist sack of evil shit

Climb back into the sewer before the boot comes for you
No, it's not. My position is that there is a place for governmental powers at all levels and all changes should be at the lowest level possible. Whenever a group of Americans band together for a town or county, they can best tax and appropriate money for projects such as a new fairground or an additional well and pump house. Sometimes it benefits the towns or counties to make deals with adjoining or other towns/counties for mutual gain. Projects beyond their means or scope get bumped up for State decisions. Like counties and towns, State can banded together for mutual gain such as mass buying of textbooks, a point of political discourse.

Marketplace rules apply to almost everything including text books. The biggest buyer has the biggest sway on what they like in textbooks. Texas was the biggest buyer and liberals revolted.

States rights over Federal domination.

How Texas Inflicts Bad Textbooks on Us
Gail Collins June 21, 2012 issue

There is a substantial level of hypocrisy in your grand plan, Oom.

You want to preserve the unified republic.
You want the entire republic to adopt your states' rights philosophy.
Liberal states have no interest in that, but you would impose it on them while pretending to be an advocate for freedom.

Partition is the way to make the greater number of people happy.
If you truly valued freedom, you'd embrace the concept.
But you don't. You embrace your 9th grade civics class level of political sophistication.
We don’t want to ban them all
Banning ANY of them is unconstitutional. Banning ANY accessory for a weapon is unconstitutional. Yes, many Democrats want to ban them all.
Lying about it is dishonest as hell
Lying about it, as you are doing, is as dishonest as hell.
You are buying a corrupted NRA meme concocted by the Republican party
The NRA is not run by the Republican party.
Please stop this dishonesty
Please stop your dishonesty.
...who am I kidding? You can't.