Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

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Every US President has been racist.
Except for maybe Carter.
Carter is racist.
Didn't the US government then apologize and give reparations to the victims? Why yes they did...now, which party and what ideology opposes reparations for slavery today? Oh right...the GOP and Conservatives...
Reparations were ALREADY GIVEN a long time ago. It does not need to be done again. Further, NO black people today are or were slaves. No reparations are due to them.
it's even funnier because YOU were the only one doing whataboutism

Here's what happened...

You said this:

that very same thing can be applied to the Democrat party being the same as the party of Kennedy

And I said this in response:

I think most Democrats see the party as the party of LBJ and FDR today, not necessarily JFK...

And then you said this:

the party of racism and authoritarianism??????

So that's the first whatabout.

So I then said this:

What are you fucking talking about?
You are so incoherent.

And then you whatabouted AGAIN:

LBJ was a racist.......or are you conveniently forgetting his famous quote of having all them N******rs voting democrat for a hundred years? Or that FDR capitalized on the fears of Americans and locked up American citizens of japanese descent, leaving them in horrid conditions with many of them dying............yeah, I think you forgot about that shit

And then I responded to every single part of your post here...I didn't whatabout...I answered your fucking post:

Every US President has been racist.

Except for maybe Carter.

Yes, we all know that quote, but didn't LBJ pass the CRA and VRA? How many Conservatives voted for those? ZERO.

Didn't the US government then apologize and give reparations to the victims? Why yes they did...now, which party and what ideology opposes reparations for slavery today? Oh right...the GOP and Conservatives...

So where in there did I "whatabout", when I was directly answering YOUR whatabout from one post before?
Here's the text of the bill, show us specifically what you are talking about.
Again, here's the text...show us what you mean.

Section 1013 (b)(2) A person must decline otherwise they're registered to vote automatically. (Part of the automatic voter registration when you get a driver's license)
Section 1004 All a person has to do is "attest" to being eligible to vote to get registered, and there is no requirement the DMV ask when registering a person.
Section 1007 Automatic absentee (mail-in) ballot sign up is made mandatory.
Section 1013 (f) includes provisions that non-citizen students in colleges and universities can register to vote.
Section 1015 holds anyone, including illegals and other non-citizens blameless for being registered to vote. It also makes disclosure of registration records difficult to do.
Section 1101 makes it possible using the electronic signature and e-registration via the Internet for anyone anywhere to register to vote, including the mentally incompetent as Section 1019 allows for third parties to handle voter registration transactions.

What is wrong with 16 and 17 year olds registering to vote?

Can 16 and 17 year-olds vote? No, they can't. So, why should they be allowed to register to vote?

So you want to throw kids in jail for registering to vote?

Complex question fallacy. I want a voter registration system that ensures only those eligible to vote are registered to vote. I want voter registration rolls kept accurate and up-to-date purging those that have moved, are ineligible for some reason, and that only those eligible to vote do so. HR 1 removes all of that inviting massive voter fraud in its wake.
Section 1013 (b)(2) A person must decline otherwise they're registered to vote automatically. (Part of the automatic voter registration when you get a driver's license)

OK, but did you happen to look at the immediate preceding sections that lays out who qualifies for automatic registration and who doesn't?
Section 1004 All a person has to do is "attest" to being eligible to vote to get registered, and there is no requirement the DMV ask when registering a person.

OK and?

Section 1007 Automatic absentee (mail-in) ballot sign up is made mandatory.

You're lying about reading this bill.

You're lying about what it says.

"Section 1007: Permitting voter registration application form to serve as application for absentee ballot."

It's not made mandatory at all. This section specifically is about applications for absentee ballots.

This is the only material change to the National Voter Registration Act, according to the text of the bill:

“(F) at the option of the applicant, shall serve as an application to vote by absentee ballot in the next election for Federal office held in the State and in each subsequent election for Federal office held in the State.”.
Section 1013 (f) includes provisions that non-citizen students in colleges and universities can register to vote.

Again, you're lying about reading this bill and you're lying about what it says:

SEC. 1013. Contributing agency assistance in registration.
1) INSTRUCTIONS ON AUTOMATIC REGISTRATION.—With each application for service or assistance, and with each related recertification, renewal, or change of address, or, in the case of an institution of higher education, with each registration of a student for enrollment in a course of study, each contributing agency that (in the normal course of its operations) requests individuals to affirm United States citizenship (either directly or as part of the overall application for service or assistance) shall inform each such individual who is a citizen of the United States of the following:

I know you didn't come up with any of these "examples" on your own...you stole this from someone.

So from whom did you steal this and are trying to represent as work you did?

BY THE WAY, Section 1013(F) is this: (F) If available, the individual’s signature in electronic form.

Why are you lying to me?
OK, but did you happen to look at the immediate preceding sections that lays out who qualifies for automatic registration and who doesn't?

Yes. Anyone eligible for a driver's license can get registered to vote unless they specifically tell the DMV they don't want to get registered or are ineligible. They are held blameless if they are improperly registered or even if they actually vote thinking they are eligible because they got a mail-in ballot (per section 1007). The whole bill is set up to maximize registration in a way that will allow mass voter fraud via registering the ineligible and then using mail-in ballots.
Again, you're lying about reading this bill and you're lying about what it says:

SEC. 1013. Contributing agency assistance in registration.
1) INSTRUCTIONS ON AUTOMATIC REGISTRATION.—With each application for service or assistance, and with each related recertification, renewal, or change of address, or, in the case of an institution of higher education, with each registration of a student for enrollment in a course of study, each contributing agency that (in the normal course of its operations) requests individuals to affirm United States citizenship (either directly or as part of the overall application for service or assistance) shall inform each such individual who is a citizen of the United States of the following:
I know you didn't come up with any of these "examples" on your own...you stole this from someone.
So from whom did you steal this?

There is no requirement you prove what you are saying. There is no penalty for lying about that either. So, if someone were here illegally, and the DMV agent asked "Are you a US citizen?" how do you think they're likely to answer being worried that if they say "No" they might be arrested by CBP or ICE?
Aside from that since section 1019 allows for third parties to register people to vote, it is entirely possible they won't bother to ask at all. Would say a Democrat party operative wanting to get as many people as possible registered, and possibly being paid by the registration, be particularly concerned about that when there is no penalty for registering the ineligible? It's already happened with ACORN and the use of such operatives, among other historical examples.

I read the bill months ago, in totality, and took notes. That makes it simple to pull out my three sheets of notes and demolish anyone who thinks HR 1 is a good idea.
Section 1015 holds anyone, including illegals and other non-citizens blameless for being registered to vote.

Since you didn't read the bill and didn't do your due diligence on this stuff you obviously stole from someone to pass off as work you did, allow me to post Section 1015 so we can see if what you are saying is true:

SEC. 1015. Voter protection and security in automatic registration.

OK, so right away, we know that you are bullshitting everyone because the Section isn't about what you claim it is. But since I love nothing more than fucking up Conservative arguments, let's go through Section 1015 line by line to see if what you are saying is true, or if it's a lie:

(a) Protections for errors in registration.—An individual shall not be prosecuted under any Federal or State law, adversely affected in any civil adjudication concerning immigration status or naturalization, or subject to an allegation in any legal proceeding that the individual is not a citizen of the United States on any of the following grounds:

(1) The individual notified an election office of the individual’s automatic registration to vote under this part.

(2) The individual is not eligible to vote in elections for Federal office but was automatically registered to vote under this part.

(3) The individual was automatically registered to vote under this part at an incorrect address.

(4) The individual declined the opportunity to register to vote or did not make an affirmation of citizenship, including through automatic registration, under this part.

So it doesn't hold everyone blameless for incorrectly registering to vote, it holds them blameless if that charge doesn't have to do with any civil adjudication concerning immigration status or naturalization. It further goes on to say:

(c) Protection of election integrity.—Nothing in subsections (a) or (b) may be construed to prohibit or restrict any action under color of law against an individual who

(1) knowingly and willfully makes a false statement to effectuate or perpetuate automatic voter registration by any individual; or

(2) casts a ballot knowingly and willfully in violation of State law or the laws of the United States.

So this is another example of you not doing the work, instead relying on others to do the work for you to pass off as your own.

You're a phony. A lazy, lazy phoney baloney.
Since you didn't read the bill and didn't do your due diligence on this stuff you obviously stole from someone to pass off as work you did, allow me to post Section 1015 so we can see if what you are saying is true:

OK, so right away, we know that you are bullshitting everyone because the Section isn't about what you claim it is. But since I love nothing more than fucking up Conservative arguments, let's go through Section 1015 line by line to see if what you are saying is true, or if it's a lie:

So it doesn't hold everyone blameless for incorrectly registering to vote, it holds them blameless if that charge doesn't have to do with any civil adjudication concerning immigration status or naturalization. It further goes on to say:

So this is another example of you not doing the work, instead relying on others to do the work for you to pass off as your own.

You're a phony. A lazy, lazy phoney baloney.

Look at section 6 Internet registration.

Anyone can register to vote via the internet without ever appearing in person. In fact, because an e-signature is used and there is no cross validation, literally anyone, real or imagined, could be registered to vote this way. Then they would receive a mail-in ballot, and their e-signature becomes the valid one that checks against the envelope signature.
Section 1101 makes it possible using the electronic signature and e-registration via the Internet for anyone anywhere to register to vote, including the mentally incompetent as Section 1019 allows for third parties to handle voter registration transactions.

Well let's see if this is true because I'm sure it's not since you stole this from someone else and didn't bother to verify or check the other Sections of the bill...leaving me to do the work YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE BEFORE

Why did you do that work before? Who fuckin' knows...I suspect it's because you are just looking for bias confirmation and nothing more.

SEC. 1101. Requirements for States to promote access to voter registration and voting for individuals with disabilities.
(a) Requirements.—Subtitle A of title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (52 U.S.C. 21081 et seq.), as amended by section 1031(a), is amended—

(1) by redesignating sections 305 and 306 as sections 306 and 307; and

(2) by inserting after section 304 the following new section:

“SEC. 305. Access to voter registration and voting for individuals with disabilities.

“(a) Treatment of applications and ballots.—Each State shall—

“(1) permit individuals with disabilities to use absentee registration procedures and to vote by absentee ballot in elections for Federal office;

“(2) accept and process, with respect to any election for Federal office, any otherwise valid voter registration application and absentee ballot application from an individual with a disability if the application is received by the appropriate State election official within the deadline for the election which is applicable under Federal law;

“(3) in addition to any other method of registering to vote or applying for an absentee ballot in the State, establish procedures—

“(A) for individuals with disabilities to request by mail and electronically voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications with respect to elections for Federal office in accordance with subsection (c);

“(B) for States to send by mail and electronically (in accordance with the preferred method of transmission designated by the individual under subparagraph (C)) voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications requested under subparagraph (A) in accordance with subsection (c)); and

“(C) by which such an individual can designate whether the individual prefers that such voter registration application or absentee ballot application be transmitted by mail or electronically;

So that part of Section 1101 doesn't jive with what you claimed...so maybe later in the section?
“(4) in addition to any other method of transmitting blank absentee ballots in the State, establish procedures for transmitting by mail and electronically blank absentee ballots to individuals with disabilities with respect to elections for Federal office in accordance with subsection (d);

“(5) transmit a validly requested absentee ballot to an individual with a disability—

“(A) except as provided in subsection (e), in the case in which the request is received at least 45 days before an election for Federal office, not later than 45 days before the election; and

“(B) in the case in which the request is received less than 45 days before an election for Federal office—

“(i) in accordance with State law; and

“(ii) if practicable and as determined appropriate by the State, in a manner that expedites the transmission of such absentee ballot; and

“(6) if the State declares or otherwise holds a runoff election for Federal office, establish a written plan that provides absentee ballots are made available to individuals with disabilities in a manner that gives them sufficient time to vote in the runoff election.

“(b) Designation of single State office To Provide Information on Registration and Absentee Ballot Procedures for All Disabled Voters in State.—Each State shall designate a single office which shall be responsible for providing information regarding voter registration procedures and absentee ballot procedures to be used by individuals with disabilities with respect to elections for Federal office to all individuals with disabilities who wish to register to vote or vote in any jurisdiction in the State.

“(c) Designation of Means of Electronic Communication for Individuals with Disabilities To Request and for States To Send Voter Registration Applications and Absentee Ballot Applications, and for Other Purposes Related to Voting Information.—

No, still not seeing what you're talking about...so...maybe later in the section?

“(1) IN GENERAL.—Each State shall, in addition to the designation of a single State office under subsection (b), designate not less than 1 means of electronic communication—

“(A) for use by individuals with disabilities who wish to register to vote or vote in any jurisdiction in the State to request voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications under subsection (a)(3);

“(B) for use by States to send voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications requested under such subsection; and

“(C) for the purpose of providing related voting, balloting, and election information to individuals with disabilities.

“(2) CLARIFICATION REGARDING PROVISION OF MULTIPLE MEANS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION.—A State may, in addition to the means of electronic communication so designated, provide multiple means of electronic communication to individuals with disabilities, including a means of electronic communication for the appropriate jurisdiction of the State.

“(3) INCLUSION OF DESIGNATED MEANS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION WITH INFORMATIONAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS THAT ACCOMPANY BALLOTING MATERIALS.—Each State shall include a means of electronic communication so designated with all informational and instructional materials that accompany balloting materials sent by the State to individuals with disabilities.

“(4) TRANSMISSION IF NO PREFERENCE INDICATED.—In the case where an individual with a disability does not designate a preference under subsection (a)(3)(C), the State shall transmit the voter registration application or absentee ballot application by any delivery method allowable in accordance with applicable State law, or if there is no applicable State law, by mail.

“(d) Transmission of blank absentee ballots by mail and electronically.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—Each State shall establish procedures—

“(A) to securely transmit blank absentee ballots by mail and electronically (in accordance with the preferred method of transmission designated by the individual with a disability under subparagraph (B)) to individuals with disabilities for an election for Federal office; and

“(B) by which the individual with a disability can designate whether the individual prefers that such blank absentee ballot be transmitted by mail or electronically.

“(2) TRANSMISSION IF NO PREFERENCE INDICATED.—In the case where an individual with a disability does not designate a preference under paragraph (1)(B), the State shall transmit the ballot by any delivery method allowable in accordance with applicable State law, or if there is no applicable State law, by mail.

“(3) APPLICATION OF METHODS TO TRACK DELIVERY TO AND RETURN OF BALLOT BY INDIVIDUAL REQUESTING BALLOT.—Under the procedures established under paragraph (1), the State shall apply such methods as the State considers appropriate, such as assigning a unique identifier to the ballot, to ensure that if an individual with a disability requests the State to transmit a blank absentee ballot to the individual in accordance with this subsection, the voted absentee ballot which is returned by the individual is the same blank absentee ballot which the State transmitted to the individual.

Nope. Still not seeing it....perhaps later?

“(e) Hardship Exemption.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—If the chief State election official determines that the State is unable to meet the requirement under subsection (a)(5)(A) with respect to an election for Federal office due to an undue hardship described in paragraph (2)(B), the chief State election official shall request that the Attorney General grant a waiver to the State of the application of such subsection. Such request shall include—

“(A) a recognition that the purpose of such subsection is to individuals with disabilities enough time to vote in an election for Federal office;

“(B) an explanation of the hardship that indicates why the State is unable to transmit such individuals an absentee ballot in accordance with such subsection;

“(C) the number of days prior to the election for Federal office that the State requires absentee ballots be transmitted to such individuals; and

“(D) a comprehensive plan to ensure that such individuals are able to receive absentee ballots which they have requested and submit marked absentee ballots to the appropriate State election official in time to have that ballot counted in the election for Federal office, which includes—

“(i) the steps the State will undertake to ensure that such individuals have time to receive, mark, and submit their ballots in time to have those ballots counted in the election;

“(ii) why the plan provides such individuals sufficient time to vote as a substitute for the requirements under such subsection; and

“(iii) the underlying factual information which explains how the plan provides such sufficient time to vote as a substitute for such requirements.

“(2) APPROVAL OF WAIVER REQUEST.—The Attorney General shall approve a waiver request under paragraph (1) if the Attorney General determines each of the following requirements are met:

“(A) The comprehensive plan under subparagraph (D) of such paragraph provides individuals with disabilities sufficient time to receive absentee ballots they have requested and submit marked absentee ballots to the appropriate State election official in time to have that ballot counted in the election for Federal office.

“(B) One or more of the following issues creates an undue hardship for the State:

“(i) The State's primary election date prohibits the State from complying with subsection (a)(5)(A).

“(ii) The State has suffered a delay in generating ballots due to a legal contest.

“(iii) The State Constitution prohibits the State from complying with such subsection.

So what you're saying isn't really in here at all.

So did you steal your post from Heritage or something?

Because we both know you didn't read the bill.
There is no requirement you prove what you are saying.


There is no penalty for lying about that either.

Of course there is, you just didn't read the bill because that's in all the sections I subsequently quoted that you didn't.

Aside from that since section 1019 allows for third parties to register people to vote, it is entirely possible they won't bother to ask at all.

First of all, I don't know where you are getting the idea that this bill lets people illegally register others to vote, because that's not anywhere in this and the bill makes mention several times of prosecutions and penalties for illegal acts.

The fact is you just made all this shit up because you're too fucking lazy to do the work here.

I have no respect, patience, or time for lazy people.
Look at section 6 Internet registration.

OK, so you meant this section:


Why are you lying to me about reading this bill?

“(A) IN GENERAL.—The appropriate State or local election official shall ensure that any registered voter on the computerized list may at any time update the voter’s registration information, including the voter’s address and electronic mail address, online through the official public website of the election official responsible for the maintenance of the list, so long as the voter attests to the contents of the update by providing a signature in electronic form in the same manner required under section 6A(c) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.

So you misread this as registering on the internet when the section is about updating your registration on the internet.

Every single thing you've said so far about this bill has been a lie.
Can 16 and 17 year-olds vote? No, they can't. So, why should they be allowed to register to vote?

So they don't have to when they turn 18.

You can just say you don't want young people voting...you don't have to bullshit me.

Complex question fallacy.

You're the one whose panties are in a twist because of people registering to vote before they are old enough to vote, and the only reason why your panties would be in a twist about that is because you know young people hate you and everything you stand for, so you don't want them to vote.
I want a voter registration system that ensures only those eligible to vote are registered to vote.

It already does.

I want voter registration rolls kept accurate and up-to-date purging those that have move

Well, if they can update their registration info on the internet, they wouldn't be purged.

Purging voters isn't democratic or freedom.

are ineligible for some reason

So I notice a lot of what you prescribe is very ambiguous and generalized, almost as if you haven't put any thought into this.

Why would someone be ineligible to vote when they were eligible when they got registered?

HR 1 removes all of that inviting massive voter fraud in its wake.

No it doesn't and you haven't proven it does, and when the bill is actually cut and pasted and presented to you, as I did on this thread, none of it confirms any of the things you claim about it.

You're a liar.