Family dog died

A lot of people don't like cats. Tiana has a war going on against them...I think. It might be kids. But that's besides the point. Not liking cats is not a rarity.

I just don't understand the co-mingling of this anecdote-based sypathy post with his anti-cat agenda, unless he's a propagandist of the first order! Bravo, beefy!:clap:
Cats are fine pets but dogs are best friends who live to engage you.

Dogs become parts of your personality in a way.

They reflect your kindness in a wonderful way.

My dog goes everywhere with me that world allows.

If I could Id take her to the grocery store but the world doesnt allow it.

She would behave too, shes an 11 year old Austrailian Shepard and is smarter than some people I know.
A lot of people don't like cats. Tiana has a war going on against them...I think. It might be kids. But that's besides the point. Not liking cats is not a rarity.

I'm waging a war on both fronts: Kids and Cats. I like the idea of turning cats into throw pillows though. This thread rocks.
Cats are fine pets but dogs are best friends who live to engage you.

Dogs become parts of your personality in a way.

They reflect your kindness in a wonderful way.

My dog goes everywhere with me that world allows.

If I could Id take her to the grocery store but the world doesnt allow it.

She would behave too, shes an 11 year old Austrailian Shepard and is smarter than some people I know.

Cats are just as loyal, and protetive, though they don't take to the leash. They're slightly more independant and their love is more subtle, but very real.
Cats are just as loyal, and protetive, though they don't take to the leash. They're slightly more independant and their love is more subtle, but very real.

What the hell is a cat going to protect you from? Have you ever heard of a story about a couple of burglars who said "ohhh, we better go to the next house, this one has a cat"?

You're weird.
Depending on the cat, the pillows could be quite fetching.

Agreed. Although, I'd imagine people would be allergic to them. Which is why I'm waging a war on cats to begin with. Maybe we make them into doggie pillows and throw toys.
What the hell is a cat going to protect you from? Have you ever heard of a story about a couple of burglars who said "ohhh, we better go to the next house, this one has a cat"?

You're weird.

LMAO..........I have the most hilarious visual ever.
What the hell is a cat going to protect you from? Have you ever heard of a story about a couple of burglars who said "ohhh, we better go to the next house, this one has a cat"?

You're weird.

Cats aren't as EFFECTIVE as protection, but they will try. Our cat attacked my dad once because he was tickling us kids and we were screaming. The cat thought dad was doing something bad, and launched it's two tiny fangs into his ankle. Pretty funny actually. A cat can do some serious scratching.
We're talking about animals as companions, not utilitarian henchmen, and though they're low calibre as a weapon, their hearts are in the right place.
Ive had both cats and dogs and I love both.

I just love the fact that dogs are great travel buddies.

My dog understands quite a bit of human words.

I can speak to her in full sentences and I was even able to explain the death of my other dog to her.

Try that with a cat?
Ive had both cats and dogs and I love both.

I just love the fact that dogs are great travel buddies.

My dog understands quite a bit of human words.

I can speak to her in full sentences and I was even able to explain the death of my other dog to her.

Try that with a cat?

That dog didn't understand shit about what you were saying. Sorry to break it to ya....

I saw a Penhouse Letter that ended with "Try that with a cat?" once.
Cats aren't as EFFECTIVE as protection, but they will try. Our cat attacked my dad once because he was tickling us kids and we were screaming. The cat thought dad was doing something bad, and launched it's two tiny fangs into his ankle. Pretty funny actually. A cat can do some serious scratching.We're talking about animals as companions, not utilitarian henchmen, and though they're low calibre as a weapon, their hearts are in the right place.

oooooohhhhhhh scratches.........

Sorry, but unless you have a tiger, lion or other big cat, they are completely non functional as pets.

For this they must all die.

Yes she did!

When he died she would come up to me after wards doing her rarww rarww talking like when she wants me to tell her what is going on.

I would look at her and say Hanky went night night , hanky no wake up, Hanky all gone!

she would sigh a deep sigh and go to a corner and lay down.

I would of course be in tears which helped her understand.

She KNEW dude!
Beefy... sorry about your dog man, that always sucks. I had a half corgy half shetland sheep dog for 17 years growing up. Crushed me when I got a call at college saying she died. My family always had at least two dogs growing up. Always about 4-5 years apart. I think the younger dogs keep the older ones active and that is why so many of ours lived so long. Definitely a good idea to get a new dog for the rents.... I think they keep us younger and more active as well.

As for cats.... kill em... stuff em... freak the PETA people out by swinging the stuffed cats around by the tail... perhaps add some sound effects to the cat to make them think it is alive. :burn:
oooooohhhhhhh scratches.........

Sorry, but unless you have a tiger, lion or other big cat, they are completely non functional as pets.

For this they must all die.

If all your relationships are strictly utilitarian, and the only value of a pet is as a source of violent aggression, then go ahead, be anti-cat. You're the one missing out.
Asscat... cats suck... they are the worst pet you could possibly have. Tiana is correct... the only good cat is a dead cat....

The war on cats must continue...
This is a bummer Beefy. It's tragic.

I've rarely cried as hard as I did, when my beloved spaniel died three years ago.
Asscat... cats suck... they are the worst pet you could possibly have. Tiana is correct... the only good cat is a dead cat....

The war on cats must continue...

I like both dogs and cats. I don't get the cat hatred. Did you have a bad experience with one as a child? ;)