Family dog died

Cy... nope... just find them extemely annoying and good for nothing (as pets)

Perhaps letting them live in barns and chase mice would serve a good purpose, but otherwise... death to cats! :D
Cats and Dogs living together oh my God!

I have always wanted to get a kitten and a puppy at the same time.
"I like both dogs and cats."

Somehow I just KNEW you went both ways.

I've never gone out of my way to own cats. Never gone to the pound to get one, never went to a pet store to get one, etc.

Every cat I've ever had, was one that I found as a starving, stray little kitten. I guess I'm just a softie that way... ;)
Sorry about you loss Beefy. Like losing a family member.

My 2 dogs dies over tha last few years. I now have 3 cats that I took in as poor starving kittens, apparently their momma died.
Cats are not a cool as dogs, but much easier to leave alone all day.
I'm really sorry, Beefy. I know all too well just how that feels.

I'd suggest one thing -- let your folks have just a little time to grieve for their loss before you get a new dog for them. I'ts a bit different when it's been expected like this, but still they'll feel they want to honor her for a while first. Then they won't be as likely (even subconsciously) to be trying to see their former companion in the new one. A dog really is a member of the family.
I'm really sorry, Beefy. I know all too well just how that feels.

I'd suggest one thing -- let your folks have just a little time to grieve for their loss before you get a new dog for them. I'ts a bit different when it's been expected like this, but still they'll feel they want to honor her for a while first. Then they won't be as likely (even subconsciously) to be trying to see their former companion in the new one. A dog really is a member of the family.

ok, maybe I was wrong and they need to wait on the new dog?
ok, maybe I was wrong and they need to wait on the new dog?

Not for a long time; I think it depends on the people. Sometimes people feel that it's disrespectful to the dog who died (it isn't; quite the opposite!) but they need to know that the new dog is himself/herself, s/he isn't a replacement. We occasionally call our dogs now by their predecessors' names, usually if one does something that reminds us of the one who is gone. But definitely if you're a "dog person" you can't be without at least one in your life for very long.
I think T killed it.

she claims he was not in the nieghborhood, but it migh have been another WOC member. Plenty of those around.
Btw my cats all come when called, know their names, and know a few commands, like down, out, etc... and follow me around like puppies. But dogs are still cooler.
I've never gone out of my way to own cats. Never gone to the pound to get one, never went to a pet store to get one, etc.

Every cat I've ever had, was one that I found as a starving, stray little kitten. I guess I'm just a softie that way... ;)

Why are you such a commie? How are cats going to learn to pull themselves up from their bootstraps if you keep giving them handouts?
she claims he was not in the nieghborhood, but it migh have been another WOC member. Plenty of those around.
Btw my cats all come when called, know their names, and know a few commands, like down, out, etc... and follow me around like puppies. But dogs are still cooler.

No. It was me!!! :burn:
OH NO! You combined with my soft heartness caused me to get stuck with cats!

You will pay for this!

#1) I should have gotten the kittens too. My bad

#2) You can't have a soft spot for cats in the war on cats. If you're going to carry on like this I may have to demote you general.
Demote me then Generalissima :)
Sorry I made a commitment to the fuzzy little thing and will honor it.
Heck I have $500 or so in one of them. Got mangled somewhat by a dog or coyote it looked like. He is almost healed up now.

yeah I know I am a softee.