Family Values


Will work for Scooby snacks
Who's keeping score on the party of traditional marriage and family values? I'm losing track of the number of divorces, trophy wives, and affairs:

-Fred Thompson: Two wives, One divorce, married a much younger (24 years his junior) trophy wife in 2002.

-Rudy G.: Three wives, adultry, two divorces.

-John McCain: Two wives, adultry, one divorce

-Newt Gingrich: Three wives, two divorces adultry.

-Mitt: One wife (but he's mormon, he could be a secret polygamist)
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Is there a rule that says because you are a politician you cannot get a fine wife?

Cawacko, don’t play dumb. There is plenty of comedy involved in the Religious Right (who as of now don’t have anyone to vote for, and are looking for a “true conservative), having to pick between a Mormon, a guy who married his cousin, divorced her, married again, second wife had to get restraining order to keep mistress out of house, announced divorce on tv before wife knew, kids don’t talk to him, married for third time, another guy who served divorce papers on wife while she was getting cancer treatments in hospital because he wanted to marry his junior mistress, couple of other divorced guys, one of whom we now find out married someone a quarter of a century younger than himself, and we all know it’s because the sex was hotter than it was with the old bag he got rid of.

And, we’re going to laugh about it. A lot.

Because we’re the ones with no values, so this is all very funny to us.
an old fart with a young wife.... Would he live thru his presidency without croaking anyway ?
Might need to judge his running mate pretty closely....
Cawacko, don’t play dumb. There is plenty of comedy involved in the Religious Right (who as of now don’t have anyone to vote for, and are looking for a “true conservative), having to pick between a Mormon, a guy who married his cousin, divorced her, married again, second wife had to get restraining order to keep mistress out of house, announced divorce on tv before wife knew, kids don’t talk to him, married for third time, another guy who served divorce papers on wife while she was getting cancer treatments in hospital because he wanted to marry his junior mistress, couple of other divorced guys, one of whom we now find out married someone a quarter of a century younger than himself, and we all know it’s because the sex was hotter than it was with the old bag he got rid of.

And, we’re going to laugh about it. A lot.

Because we’re the ones with no values, so this is all very funny to us.

I'm not playing dumb. I'm speaking only to the point of Tax laughing at a guy for having a hot young wife. You can talk about the religious right all you want. I could care less. But when a guy is hating on someone else for having a young hot wife he's either envious or just plain "player hating". (another term that I hate yet I use it here anyway)
What kind of woman would want to marry a politician anyway ?

What would you say about a woman who marries a politician then wants to be one herself? I can think of two who fit this criteria (on a national level) including one who is running for President now.
And one who used to run the Red cross ? Or was that one of them ?

If you think I am a Hillary supporter you are wrong. although if she wins I would love to see Rush have a stroke over her being president.

Btw I will in all likelyhood vote for the Demoncratic candiate in 2008. this in not a pro Democratic vote, just an anti Republican one. We need a bit more balance.
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Cawacko, don’t play dumb. There is plenty of comedy involved in the Religious Right (who as of now don’t have anyone to vote for, and are looking for a “true conservative), having to pick between a Mormon, a guy who married his cousin, divorced her, married again, second wife had to get restraining order to keep mistress out of house, announced divorce on tv before wife knew, kids don’t talk to him, married for third time, another guy who served divorce papers on wife while she was getting cancer treatments in hospital because he wanted to marry his junior mistress, couple of other divorced guys, one of whom we now find out married someone a quarter of a century younger than himself, and we all know it’s because the sex was hotter than it was with the old bag he got rid of.

And, we’re going to laugh about it. A lot.

Because we’re the ones with no values, so this is all very funny to us.
They've got a true conservative; they've got Brownshirt. I mean Brownback, excuse me. Of course, he's got approximately zero chance of being elected, but they've got a true conservative.
And one who used to run the Red cross ? Or was that one of them ?

If you think I am a Hillary supporter you are wrong. although if she wins I would love to see Rush have a stroke over her being president.

Btw I will in all likelyhood vote for the Demoncratic candiate in 2008. this in not a pro Democratic vote, just an anti Republican one. We need a bit more balance.

The other one I was thinking of was Elizabeth Dole.

You don't have to justify to me why you would vote for whoever you choose. What do you mean by balance? We could easily have a Democrat President in '08 along with a Democrat Congress.