Family Values

Who's keeping score on the party of traditional marriage and family values? I'm losing track of the number of divorces, trophy wives, and affairs:

-Fred Thompson: Two wives, One divorce, married a much younger (24 years his junior) trophy wife in 2002.

-Rudy G.: Three wives, adultry, two divorces.

-John McCain: Two wives, adultry, one divorce

-Newt Gingrich: Three wives, two divorces adultry.

-Mitt: One wife (but he's mormon, he could be a secret polygamist)

Obviously the leaders of the Party of Family Values has a much lower standard for themselves than the ones they hold over their constituents. It's the old...

Do As I Say Not As I Do syndrome.

But this is tame stuff compared with some of the other crimes committed by republicans...

and yes I have links... lots and lots of links... those republicans sure talk a lot about family values... too bad it's just lip service.
And one who used to run the Red cross ? Or was that one of them ?

If you think I am a Hillary supporter you are wrong. although if she wins I would love to see Rush have a stroke over her being president.

Btw I will in all likelyhood vote for the Demoncratic candiate in 2008. this in not a pro Democratic vote, just an anti Republican one. We need a bit more balance.
God, can't you just imagine the teeth-grinding rage if Hillary should actually become president? The entire right wing punditocracy would go into siezures. A couple of heads might even explode.

She's too conservative for me but, if the Dems do nominate her, I'll almost certainly work for her and vote for her. First, I think it's high time and well past time that we have a woman president and, second, I think it would be great fun to watch the loonies chew the furniture for a while.
I'm not playing dumb. I'm speaking only to the point of Tax laughing at a guy for having a hot young wife. You can talk about the religious right all you want. I could care less. But when a guy is hating on someone else for having a young hot wife he's either envious or just plain "player hating". (another term that I hate yet I use it here anyway)

He's not hating on him. He's laughing for the same reason I am though. :)
Don't hate because she's fine. If I may borrow the old tired cliche hate the game not the player.

who said anything about hating her? you must be a righty... cuz hate is one of their right wing family values... they're always accusing others of it when it's right there in their own hearts...

just more of that GOP DAISNAID...
I'm not playing dumb. I'm speaking only to the point of Tax laughing at a guy for having a hot young wife. You can talk about the religious right all you want. I could care less. But when a guy is hating on someone else for having a young hot wife he's either envious or just plain "player hating". (another term that I hate yet I use it here anyway)

again I say... the only posters on this thread talking about hate is you and me... you keep saying it and I'll keep pointing out that YOU are the only one actually using it.

Is hate really a GOP family value?
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who said anything about hating her? you must be a righty... cuz hate is one of their right wing family values... they're always accusing others of it when it's right there in their own hearts...

just more of that GOP DAISNAID...

well you must be a female and not to familiar with pop culture slang to give the reply you just did.
The other one I was thinking of was Elizabeth Dole.

You don't have to justify to me why you would vote for whoever you choose. What do you mean by balance? We could easily have a Democrat President in '08 along with a Democrat Congress.

A Democratic president and democratic congress would balance out the first 6 years of this administration... have you already forgotten that it was bush and his rubber stamp no oversight congress that got us into the messes we are currently in?
keep guessin... maybe you should go read my intro...

run along now, sonny...

Sonny? I'm talking about one guy being jealous of another guy for having a trophy wife. You are running your mouth about hate and only the GOP hates and whatever else you were saying. I apologize for the personal attack but check yourself old man.
Sonny? I'm talking about one guy being jealous of another guy for having a trophy wife. You are running your mouth about hate and only the GOP hates and whatever else you were saying. I apologize for the personal attack but check yourself old man.

Still using my check yourself line Cawacko? And with no attribution?

Another penality point! I am writing a complaint letter to Damo about this.

And he takes my complaint letters very seriously.

(not really, he throws them in the garbage)
No he doesn't....

Still using my check yourself line Cawacko? And with no attribution?

Another penality point! I am writing a complaint letter to Damo about this.

And he takes my complaint letters very seriously.

(not really, he throws them in the garbage)

He recycles them for tp!
Still using my check yourself line Cawacko? And with no attribution?

Another penality point! I am writing a complaint letter to Damo about this.

And he takes my complaint letters very seriously.

(not really, he throws them in the garbage)

Yeah, I haven't used that in a long time (probably since I last told Prak to do it) :) I'm not sure why that came out. I don't like the term either.
now... about those links to the rePERVlickins I mentioned earlier... here's one from 2005...

I'm going to start with Neal Horsely... a republican anti-abortionist from down in Georgia... perhaps our southern members will be able to confirm or deny the allegations Neal makes during this interview on Fox Radio...

Bizarre Sex Habits of The Extreme Right-Wing

Last night, anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley was a guest on The Alan Colmes Show, a FOX News radio program. The topic was an interesting one - whether or not an internet service provider should allow Horsley to post the names of abortion doctors on his website. Horsley does that as a way of targeting them and one doctor has been killed. In the course of the interview, however, Colmes asked Horsley about his background, including a statement that he had admitted to engaging in homosexual and bestiality sex.

At first, Horsley laughed and said, "Just because it's printed in the media, people jump to believe it."

"Is it true?" Colmes asked.

"Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I..."

AC: "You had sex with animals?"

NH: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule."

AC: "I'm not so sure that that is so."

NH: "You didn't grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?"

AC: "Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?"

NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality... Welcome to domestic life on the farm..."

Colmes said he thought there were a lot of people in the audience who grew up on farms, are living on farms now, raising kids on farms and "and I don't think they are dating Elsie right now. You know what I'm saying?"

Horsley said, "You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You're naive. You know better than that... If it's warm and it's damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it."

Sonny? I'm talking about one guy being jealous of another guy for having a trophy wife. You are running your mouth about hate and only the GOP hates and whatever else you were saying. I apologize for the personal attack but check yourself old man.

yes sonny... a smartass punk kid... YOU sonny, are the only one here using hate... as hate IS one of your party's family values... if it isn't, why do y'all keep using it all the time?

is there a bird flipping smilie here? if not, I'm sure you know what "it" looks like...
here's another rePERVlican scumbag... much much worse than the last one...

Giordano Receives 37-Year Prison Sentence
Giordano Could Have Faced Life In Prison

June 13, 2003

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. -- Philip Giordano, the former Waterbury mayor convicted of violating the civil rights of two girls he sexually abused, has been sentenced Friday morning.


"This case is the worst I have ever seen," said U.S. District Judge Alan Nevas in passing sentence. "Your conduct is the worst I have ever seen. I've seen drug dealers, murderers. What you did is indescribable."


"Most defendants have something to say, if nothing more than to turn and look at your mother and your sister and say, 'I'm sorry.'"

Nevas said Giordano had been "preying on two small, innocent children."

"They knew nothing. You, sir, are a sexual predator."

Giordano also was convicted in March of conspiring with a prostitute, who is the mother of one of the girls and an aunt of the other. Jurors convicted him on 14 of 15 counts of using an interstate device -- a cell phone -- to arrange the meetings with the girls.

Prosecutors said that Giordano used his cellular phone -- an interstate device -- to set up liaisons with the children and a convicted prostitute, Guitana Jones. Jones pleaded guilty to federal charges and testified at Giordano's federal trial.


What is your problemo anyhoo...all you do is post Liberal links as 'canned responses' ya go off on anyone who is of the conservative ilk...well son...alot in here are 'Independents'...mostly of the conservative or liberal quit with all the hype on party affiliation...okay?