Family Values

We need some more girls here usc. It's way too lopsided. It's like a sweaty gym in here sometimes.

I do understand that, but don't have any lady friends that are interested. I have 2 ladies that will show enough interest to read over my shoulder, that is about it.
You will have to work on upping the female membership I guess.
lets get some more pinkettes on here.

Hey ever ran across any dixie or RSR types of gals on the boards ? just curious...

If you have a thing for young trophy wives, check out Dennis Kucinich's wife. I think she's like 29 years old. And she's like six feet tall, and looks like a runway model.
I do understand that, but don't have any lady friends that are interested. I have 2 ladies that will show enough interest to read over my shoulder, that is about it.
You will have to work on upping the female membership I guess.
lets get some more pinkettes on here.

Hey ever ran across any dixie or RSR types of gals on the boards ? just curious...

I'll see if I can get one of my codepink friends to check this out.

Yes, I have, and they are even more vicious. They are like the Indian sqaws, you know? You'd rather deal with the men, their women are literally bugfuck nuts.

If you have a thing for young trophy wives, check out Dennis Kucinich's wife. I think she's like 29 years old. And she's like six feet tall, and looks like a runway model.

Seriously??? I'll have to look for that. Any idea where I can see a picture of her?
I'll see if I can get one of my codepink friends to check this out.

Yes, I have, and they are even more vicious. They are like the Indian sqaws, you know? You'd rather deal with the men, their women are literally bugfuck nuts.

Wow, Thanks for the info. I had not ran across any.

I wonder if they will finally turn on Bush ? if so he had better just start running.
Scorned women are something to run from. really fast....
Wait a minute Darla I do know one Bushie woman. She was so bush and telling me I would be sorry for voting for Kerry. Now she won't even speak to me, just glares at me.....I feel so sorry for her husband. but what the heck he married her :)
Wait a minute Darla I do know one Bushie woman. She was so bush and telling me I would be sorry for voting for Kerry. Now she won't even speak to me, just glares at me.....I feel so sorry for her husband. but what the heck he married her :)

Yeah, I thank God that I don't live next to any of them. I'd hate to have to look at those glaring, hatchet faces every day.
Ahh now he looks like such a cheerful free spirited type :rolleyes:
Old Ready Freddy.

I wonder if Bob gets him free Viagra ?
Didn't you guys read the article about beautiful women picking ugly men ?
for example that C&W singer who was married to the babe.
What is your problemo anyhoo...all you do is post Liberal links as 'canned responses' ya go off on anyone who is of the conservative ilk...well son...alot in here are 'Independents'...mostly of the conservative or liberal quit with all the hype on party affiliation...okay?

buzz off... I'm an independent too... but that doesn't stop you cretins from calling me a liberal... apparently anyone left of you right winged fanatics is liberal...

insert bird flipping smilie here.