Family Values

I'll say this one more time and then I'm done. You can have the last word as many times as you would like.

First of all, who is "y'all"? I'm one person, singular. I only speak for me.

Since you obviously need an English lingo lesson "hate" in the way I used it does NOT mean hate like "I hate you". It's like rappers who used the word "dope" in the late '80's to describe themselves and all the white people got upset because they thought the rappers were talking about drugs. Then of course all the white kids started catching on and using the term "dope" as well.

The way I used the term Sir was as a joke to a friend on this board. I've known Tax or Cypress sorry for several years and he is good people so we can joke. Should I borrow your technique and say "y'all liberals can't take a joke"?

If joking among friends is not allowed on this board Sir then I apologize for the violation. I was unaware.


I don't give a shit how you rationalize using the word hate, you right winger fanatics use it all the time. Therefore it has to be one of your family values.

Joke away... I love humor... just don't use hate... it's not a friendly word and you won't get a friendly response from me when/if you do.
I always enjoy watching people get all excited about "ic"...

cawacko, just spell it DemocRATiCK!

excited? adding a bold "ic" to the word is hardly what I call getting excited... unless of course, you're a shut in... I'm not one... are you?

you do get out in the world, don't you, Damo?
The current slang usage of "hatin'", "don't be hatin'" or "don't hate" is not the word "hate" that you keep insisting he used. Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the board. Well, unless this IS how you enjoy...


Here's the quote:

cawacko: Don't hate because she's fine. If I may borrow the old tired cliche hate the game not the player.

he didn't say hatin', he said hate. Hate is often used by the right wingers claiming that liberals hate bush... is that slang too?

and yes, damo, I'm having fun... yep... sure am... ok with you if I invite a few of my pals?
I'm not blaming the old fart, if he wants a young trophy wife.

It seems to be in character with the "family values" of the other GOP leading contenders.

Democratic presidential candidates could NEVER get away with this sorry record of divorces, affairs, and trophy wives. Rightwing talk radio would never stand for it ;)

True, very very true... but how many of those right wing pundits are as pure as the driven snow? any?
Of course I was joking, that's why I only picked out the trophy wife portion of it. Tax underlined the trophy wife thing to emphasize it like its a bad thing. As a man I don't believe Tax should put down Thompson for that. Hence my comments. But yes, it was all done it fun.

who's Tax?
Here's the quote:

cawacko: Don't hate because she's fine. If I may borrow the old tired cliche hate the game not the player.

he didn't say hatin', he said hate. Hate is often used by the right wingers claiming that liberals hate bush... is that slang too?

and yes, damo, I'm having fun... yep... sure am... ok with you if I invite a few of my pals?

Damo has no say in's ok with me, especially if they're liberals. :)

First I was complaining because we had no cons here, then some showed up and I remembered why I can't stand them.
As a man?

there is a total testosterone buildup on this board. With Tiana probably busy catching up at work, it's just too much.

Damo, I want more women here.

I can invite some... :clink: tho, for the most part, they'd be lefties... but since I'm on a plethora of boards, I can also invite some right winged women, if you want balance.
Oh my....

buzz off... I'm an independent too... but that doesn't stop you cretins from calling me a liberal... apparently anyone left of you right winged fanatics is liberal...

insert bird flipping smilie here.

Now the AF brat has digressed to callin' us all "cretins" and flips us the proverbial bird...I really am starting to wonder about y'all s military credentials at this point...I really don't know any real combat vets that are liberals...albeit USC got a pass because he is just a part lib...he likes the ladies and likes to play...what is your excuse...strippy':rolleyes:
The feeling is mutual...

Damo has no say in's ok with me, especially if they're liberals. :)

First I was complaining because we had no cons here, then some showed up and I remembered why I can't stand them.

Baby cakes...opp's I mean Ms.'Code Pink'
Originally Posted by Darla
Damo has no say in's ok with me, especially if they're liberals.

First I was complaining because we had no cons here, then some showed up and I remembered why I can't stand them.

Baby cakes...opp's I mean Ms.'Code Pink'

In case anyone was wondering why.
Originally Posted by Darla
Damo has no say in's ok with me, especially if they're liberals.

First I was complaining because we had no cons here, then some showed up and I remembered why I can't stand them.

In case anyone was wondering why.

Loud and clear, Darla, loud and clear! :p
listen up schmuck holiday... I don't give a rat's ass what you think and yes, I think you're a fu**ing cretin... and obtw, it's not everyone I'm giving the bird to, it's for you... the wannabe...

where did you serve in Nam? don't you remember what you told everyone else? what's the matter schmucko, can't keep your war stories straight?

typical poser...

Originally Posted by Darla
Damo has no say in's ok with me, especially if they're liberals.

First I was complaining because we had no cons here, then some showed up and I remembered why I can't stand them.

In case anyone was wondering why.

did I call that one right or what...I just knew Darla...would use the sex are so very predictable...:rolleyes:

listen up schmuck holiday... I don't give a rat's ass what you think and yes, I think you're a fu**ing cretin... and obtw, it's not everyone I'm giving the bird to, it's for you... the wannabe...

where did you serve in Nam? don't you remember what you told everyone else? what's the matter schmucko, can't keep your war stories straight?

typical poser...

I see you failed reading comp 101...I answered you several times...but you were way to busy patting yourself on the back and begging for kudos from your 'libbies' to predictable ya are!

ps: Did you go to a Jewish University...ya like the word 'Smuck' telling! (Ill be waiting for you to twist this
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did I call that one right or what...I just knew Darla...would use the sex are so very predictable...:rolleyes:

WTF are you talking about asshole?

Shut up, because you are starting to get on my nerves big time, I've held back on account of I'm the kind of person who feels sorry for old fools like you, but that is wearing thin.
So and what are you....

WTF are you talking about asshole?

Shut up, because you are starting to get on my nerves big time, I've held back on account of I'm the kind of person who feels sorry for old fools like you, but that is wearing thin.

going to do about it...cry to Damo?Like I really give a horses ass what you think of me...I think less of you trouble makers...called 'Code Pink':gives: