Family Values

Is that what's going on today Damo? I thought it was my work computer. Is it because there are more posters?
It will sometimes do it even with a few of them. I am on a shared server so some of the bandwidth is sometimes taken over by other sites that share the server. I plan on moving to a new, partially-dedicated, server when I have the time and patience, in order to give everybody a better experience.
I always enjoy watching people get all excited about "ic"...

cawacko, just spell it DemocRATiCK!

I just makes somebody sound stupid, when they intentionally mix up nouns and adjectives. It's grammatically incorrect to say "Democrat Party". It sounds idiotic.

Democrat is a noun.

Democratic is an adjective.

Does anyone ever mix up the noun/adjective pair: Canada and Canadian? No, they don't. No one ever says the "Canada Government". They always, correctly say, the "Canadian Government.
I just makes somebody sound stupid, when they intentionally mix up nouns and adjectives. It's grammatically incorrect to say "Democrat Party". It sounds idiotic.

Democrat is a noun.

Democratic is an adjective.

Does anyone ever mix up the noun/adjective pair: Canada and Canadian? No, they don't. No one ever says the "Canada Government". They always, correctly say, the "Canadian Government.
Hence the reason I might say the Democrats' Party... :D

However you have to admit people get far more upset about it sometimes than is reasonably accountable for the whole "grammar" excuse.
Hence the reason I might say the Democrats' Party... :D

However you have to admit people get far more upset about it sometimes than is reasonably accountable for the whole "grammar" excuse.

Damo, the only reason it tweaks me, is that people aren't honest about why they say "Democrat Party". I've heard every excuse in the book, except for the real reason. Some people claim they are just "abbreviating" the party name. Some people claim it's just a slip of the tongue.

The reality is, back in the 1980s, internal repbublican strategy instructed party members to use the word "Democrat Party", and emphasize the word "rat" in DemocRAT. It was intended to be deragatory. That's the real reason.
Damo, the only reason it tweaks me, is that people aren't honest about why they say "Democrat Party". I've heard every excuse in the book, except for the real reason. Some people claim they are just "abbreviating" the party name. Some people claim it's just a slip of the tongue.

The reality is, back in the 1980s, internal repbublican strategy instructed party members to use the word "Democrat Party", and emphasize the word "rat" in DemocRAT. It was intended to be deragatory. That's the real reason.
And hence the reason people get tweaked. And why I find it hilarious.
I just makes somebody sound stupid, when they intentionally mix up nouns and adjectives. It's grammatically incorrect to say "Democrat Party". It sounds idiotic.

Democrat is a noun.

Democratic is an adjective.

Does anyone ever mix up the noun/adjective pair: Canada and Canadian? No, they don't. No one ever says the "Canada Government". They always, correctly say, the "Canadian Government.

Wouldn't be the first time someone called me stupid. I didn't even think for half a second when I wrote Democrat Party I just wrote it. If I want to put down a political party I think there are many better ways than saying Democrat Party or the Repiglicans or something like that.

So no I did not attempt to say it in any deragatory manner. To those so offended I apologize.