Family Values

Uhhhh, we had razors in Nam, damo... and potable water too... and officers that expected us to be clean shaven...

it was hard though keeping your uniform clean because of all the sweat... so they cut us slack on that... good thing we had mamasans to do our laundry or we would never have had any free time...
Yah, but the guys in the movies will be woken up out of a deep slumber, clean-shaven ready to go. I am sure you had to shave, but they are just magically clean-shaved... Either that or they are so hairy as to have been seriously in trouble, unless they were a S.E.A.L. For some reason those dudes were able to get away with a ton while out at sea.

Oh, I forgot, sometimes they show their manly manliness by shaving with their knives... got to give them props for that one.
I do that...amazing just amazing! Well Darla like Ronnie said..."There you go again"...making up stories...and by the way I really did not like the John Wayne 'Green Berets ' movie...albeit I did like Mel Gibsons "We were soldiers"...This was more accurate and I could relate as I did serve in the Cav!
Carry on though...ya are entertaining when you use nicer language!;)

certainly the 7th cav had bases they operated out of or are you saying you were constantly on the move... so what are the names of the bases you were stationed at? can't you remember them?
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That is an allusion to prison-life... it is unfortunate that many don't know where it comes from, they likely wouldn't do it.

The prison b!tches would be forced to signify that they were "owned" by pulling the drawers down a bit and showing a bit of underwear over the top.

They are loose because, another allusion this time "gangsta" life, you can hide many guns inside loose pants with an oversized shirt hanging over them. There used to be a video about it on here. I can't remember which thread it was.

And this is Modern Culture 101, dismissed for today!

Damo is the hip one here now?

That's how I would describe him, Damo, the hip stud. lol
Well what can I say..but this is true for G/pa Bush...but what has this to do with Papa Bush and the Kennedys have a far worse family record...but hey I will not bash em' unless ya continue with this diatribe...enough and what about the LBJ family history as this actually applies to what you are referring to...think before ya speak or type!

did the elder Kennedy's help support Hitler like prescott bush did...
And here is George I's mothers side of the family.

George Herbert "Bert" Walker (June 11, 1875 - June 24, 1953) was a wealthy American banker and businessman. His daughter Dorothy married Prescott Bush, making him the grandfather (and namesake) of President George H. W. Bush and the great-grandfather of current President George W. Bush.

so bushI did have a lot of political pull to get him out of harms way it would seem.

Actually, I think that prescott pushed his son into the service so he could help clear the family name after that Hitler mess...
That is an allusion to prison-life... it is unfortunate that many don't know where it comes from, they likely wouldn't do it.

The prison b!tches would be forced to signify that they were "owned" by pulling the drawers down a bit and showing a bit of underwear over the top.

They are loose because, another allusion this time "gangsta" life, you can hide many guns inside loose pants with an oversized shirt hanging over them. There used to be a video about it on here. I can't remember which thread it was.

And this is Modern Culture 101, dismissed for today!

Thanks... I don't hang in ghettos nor have I ever been to prison so I just haven't been exposed to that information.

Seems pretty stupid for punk assed teenagers to emulate convicts...
Actually prescotts wifes family did business with Germany too. It was a family thing I suppose.
There was a ton of people who did. People forget that the largest single socio-ethnic group in the nation is German. Currently 27% of the nation is comprised of descendants of that culture. And that number is actually low as many, during the height of WWII, changed their names and muffed their family history a bit so they could avoid some of the pitfalls that happened to some of them.

Many do not know that it was not only Americans of Japanese descent in those nice little camps. You can visit one that held Germans here in CO in Georgetown. There is a picture of my Great Aunt there. She was not a guard.

Anyhow, it is one of the reasons we entered the war so late, it took a mighty push to get the US to look past some of the common ancestry. It did go a long way toward creating a true national identity though.
What music do I listen to?

I dunno, that's why I asked you how old you are. You made a reference to a song... I probably haven't heard it... you know about the pants, I didn't... you know about what Hate means and assume because you do that I should too, but I didn't...

I'm an old fart and proud of it...

now, how old are you?
Yah, but the guys in the movies will be woken up out of a deep slumber, clean-shaven ready to go. I am sure you had to shave, but they are just magically clean-shaved... Either that or they are so hairy as to have been seriously in trouble, unless they were a S.E.A.L. For some reason those dudes were able to get away with a ton while out at sea.

Oh, I forgot, sometimes they show their manly manliness by shaving with their knives... got to give them props for that one.

ahh, I see... ok, gotcha... the guys in the movies... sorry... I thought we were still talkin' about being in nam...

never been to sea... nor have I ever known a S.E.A.L., but I imagine that they can have facial hair so they can blend in with the locals when deployed on a clandestine mission...

and yes... shaving with a knife would make one eligible for major props...
There was a ton of people who did. People forget that the largest single socio-ethnic group in the nation is German. Currently 27% of the nation is comprised of descendants of that culture. And that number is actually low as many, during the height of WWII, changed their names and muffed their family history a bit so they could avoid some of the pitfalls that happened to some of them.

Many do not know that it was not only Americans of Japanese descent in those nice little camps. You can visit one that held Germans here in CO in Georgetown. There is a picture of my Great Aunt there. She was not a guard.

Anyhow, it is one of the reasons we entered the war so late, it took a mighty push to get the US to look past some of the common ancestry. It did go a long way toward creating a true national identity though.

I'm pretty sure that prescott continued to support Hitler even after we had entered the war.