Family Values

"should any party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splintrer group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligable and they are Stupid."

Dwight Eisenhower , November 8, 1954

It would appear that the numbers grew but they are still stupid so the Neos fall again.

"should any party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splintrer group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligable and they are Stupid."

Dwight Eisenhower , November 8, 1954

It would appear that the numbers grew but they are still stupid so the Neos fall again.

But like I said...what has this to do with the Bushes..they were not even in Texas during this time period...but LBJ what is your point???
Okee Dokee...

figure on it and research a bit BB.

I did my research along time you are now bashing LBJ???...correct me if I am wrong ...but Sgt...ya really need to come up to speed...and quit throwing out Hypothesis as if they were facts..sorry but ya are one confusing dude today!
Ahh I did find out something about Bush family traditions though.
And they ragged on Kerry about medals :)

After graduation, Bush served as a field artillery captain with the American Expeditionary Forces (1917-1919) during World War I. He received intelligence training at Verdun, France, and was briefly assigned to a staff of French officers. Alternating between intelligence and artillery, Captain Bush came under fire in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Controversially, Bush wrote home about receiving medals for heroic exploits. His letters were later published in Columbus newspapers, but were retracted a few weeks later when it was revealed that he, in fact, had not received such medals.

Bush was born in Columbus, Ohio to Flora Sheldon and Samuel Prescott Bush. Samuel Bush was a railroad executive, then a steel company president, and during World War I, also a federal government official in charge of coordination and assistance to major weapons contractors.

Ahh I did find out something about Bush family traditions though.
And they ragged on Kerry about medals :)

After graduation, Bush served as a field artillery captain with the American Expeditionary Forces (1917-1919) during World War I. He received intelligence training at Verdun, France, and was briefly assigned to a staff of French officers. Alternating between intelligence and artillery, Captain Bush came under fire in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Controversially, Bush wrote home about receiving medals for heroic exploits. His letters were later published in Columbus newspapers, but were retracted a few weeks later when it was revealed that he, in fact, had not received such medals.

Bush was born in Columbus, Ohio to Flora Sheldon and Samuel Prescott Bush. Samuel Bush was a railroad executive, then a steel company president, and during World War I, also a federal government official in charge of coordination and assistance to major weapons contractors.

Well what can I say..but this is true for G/pa Bush...but what has this to do with Papa Bush and the Kennedys have a far worse family record...but hey I will not bash em' unless ya continue with this diatribe...enough and what about the LBJ family history as this actually applies to what you are referring to...think before ya speak or type!
Bash the Kennedys all you like, will not bother me.

I was just showing that Pers bush I had influence when he was in the war.
And here is George I's mothers side of the family.

George Herbert "Bert" Walker (June 11, 1875 - June 24, 1953) was a wealthy American banker and businessman. His daughter Dorothy married Prescott Bush, making him the grandfather (and namesake) of President George H. W. Bush and the great-grandfather of current President George W. Bush.

so bushI did have a lot of political pull to get him out of harms way it would seem.
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I see you failed reading comp 101...I answered you several times...but you were way to busy patting yourself on the back and begging for kudos from your 'libbies' to predictable ya are!

ps: Did you go to a Jewish University...ya like the word 'Smuck' telling! (Ill be waiting for you to twist this

no moron, you said you were with a specific unit, 7th Cav... where was that unit located? IF you were in Nam, which I very much doubt at this point, you'd KNOW the base's name where you were stationed... so far, you've ONLY given me ONE name and it was stateside...

Camp Roberts... surely if you can remember that base's name, you can also recall the names of the bases where you were stationed in Viet Nam... so?

what are they?
I see you failed reading comp 101...I answered you several times...but you were way to busy patting yourself on the back and begging for kudos from your 'libbies' to predictable ya are!

ps: Did you go to a Jewish University...ya like the word 'Smuck' telling! (Ill be waiting for you to twist this

Are you anti-semetic as well as a wannabe?
Oh my the girlie man to the rescue...kick boxer eh' how impressive...AF brat...sorry but I am not impressed...I actually used the martial arts skills I learned way back in sp op's...and hell know I would never hit a matter how stupid they were...darla you said you wanted to kick my ass not the other way attention...and yes I am 5'7"..145lbs of pure dynomite...proven...unlike y'alls 6'2 300lbs of dynomite with a two inch

now it's special ops? my my you sure do have a lot of stories... I wonder if ANY of them are true... I doubt it... I really do...

Oh Lord...a broken record again!...I'll tell ya what AF brat...I will submitt my DD214 and Fed Law Enf Certs to Damo(via fax or e-mail)...and you do the same...he can then tell the whole board who the Bs'er is...Are ya up for it Big Guy???

I don't want your personal information, moron, I just want the NAMES of the bases you SAY you were stationed at in Viet Nam... surely even someone as old as you can remember that? If you can't, maybe you need aricept...

:tongout: think of this smilie as a bird flipper... cuz I am... :tongout:
and you do the same 'biggy'...this is my last transmission about 'Ms.Code Pink'..please act fairly and we will ignore each other..and don't use proxies either or I will come back full force and and destroy the Bs'ers...put up or shut up like I told your new bud Strippie! Have a great summer rerun!

oooo... a real badass... I'm scared, shrimpy...


Once again, it was exaggeration for descriptive purposes, it lends "action" to a phrase that otherwise would have had to be too literal for the light sarcastic mode I was going for.

But yes, I love it when Ds (especially ones that pretend they are Independants) get all bent when somebody says Democrat Party. As if that "ic" makes it all better and changes the alliteration.

How old are you, damo? I'm 60. I don't listen to the same music you do nor do I speak the same ghetto slang... if you say that HATE is now a ghetto slang for being jealous, then I suppose I have to believe you...

Since you are so hip can you tell me why moronic teenage boys all wear their pants down around their knees? I remember when my parents' generation all got on our cases for wearing bell bottoms but at least we could walk... what IS the deal with those morons anyway?
I don't want your personal information, moron, I just want the NAMES of the bases you SAY you were stationed at in Viet Nam... surely even someone as old as you can remember that? If you can't, maybe you need aricept...

:tongout: think of this smilie as a bird flipper... cuz I am... :tongout:
Again, why don't you use the smilie rather than talking about it....

How old are you, damo? I'm 60. I don't listen to the same music you do nor do I speak the same ghetto slang... if you say that HATE is now a ghetto slang for being jealous, then I suppose I have to believe you...

Since you are so hip can you tell me why moronic teenage boys all wear their pants down around their knees? I remember when my parents' generation all got on our cases for wearing bell bottoms but at least we could walk... what IS the deal with those morons anyway?
That is an allusion to prison-life... it is unfortunate that many don't know where it comes from, they likely wouldn't do it.

The prison b!tches would be forced to signify that they were "owned" by pulling the drawers down a bit and showing a bit of underwear over the top.

They are loose because, another allusion this time "gangsta" life, you can hide many guns inside loose pants with an oversized shirt hanging over them. There used to be a video about it on here. I can't remember which thread it was.

And this is Modern Culture 101, dismissed for today!
I think BB watched John Wayne in "The Green Berets" so many times, that he's now living in an alternate reality - a "reality" where BB fought in the jungles of vietnam alongside "The Duke".

more than likely it was the recent movie... We Were Soldiers...

and obtw, the "Duke" didn't serve in the military, he had a football injury just like Bb SAYS he did....

ol' wannaBb sure tells a lot of tall tales doesn't he?
How old are you, damo? I'm 60. I don't listen to the same music you do nor do I speak the same ghetto slang... if you say that HATE is now a ghetto slang for being jealous, then I suppose I have to believe you...

Since you are so hip can you tell me why moronic teenage boys all wear their pants down around their knees? I remember when my parents' generation all got on our cases for wearing bell bottoms but at least we could walk... what IS the deal with those morons anyway?
What music do I listen to?
Have you ever noticed that guys in the movies never seem to have a problem keeping clean-shaven in the middle of a war? It's as if their sheer toughness has depilated their skin during times of crisis....

Uhhhh, we had razors in Nam, damo... and potable water too... and officers that expected us to be clean shaven...

it was hard though keeping your uniform clean because of all the sweat... so they cut us slack on that... good thing we had mamasans to do our laundry or we would never have had any free time...