Family Values

Me? Are you upset with my use of the f word?

It's your fault for allowing conservatives to post here Damo.
No, I'll have to find the "insert smilie giving bird" quote to add to that post so people will know who I am talking to... I guess I forgot to checkmark the "quote message in reply" box before I hit "Post Quick Reply".
I don't cry to Damo asshole. There isn't much I can do about it in this format, as you know. I would kick your balls straight through the roof of your mouth, and at your height, it wouldn't take much of a kick...but alas...

who gives a shit whether or not I'm getting on the nerves of a gop wannabe poser!

certainly not I... I'm calling you a wannabe poser... what's the matter, cretin, don't you understand english?

Where in nam did you serve? surely IF you were actually there you would remember the names of the villages your base camps were near. So? what were they? OR are you deliberately not answering because you're afraid the answers you give me won't jive with what you've already said to the others here?

That happens a lot with posers... they forget what they said when they spin their tall tales...

who you callin an old fool? You are older than I am... or did you forget that already?


I think BB watched John Wayne in "The Green Berets" so many times, that he's now living in an alternate reality - a "reality" where BB fought in the jungles of vietnam alongside "The Duke".
Those guys in that movie stayed too clean to be in Nam ;)
Have you ever noticed that guys in the movies never seem to have a problem keeping clean-shaven in the middle of a war? It's as if their sheer toughness has depilated their skin during times of crisis....
Have you ever noticed that guys in the movies never seem to have a problem keeping clean-shaven in the middle of a war? It's as if their sheer toughness has depilated their skin during times of crisis....

Oh that's nothing compared to my favorite part of movies and television shows. And that's when a woman spends what is implied, or sometimes outright shown to be, a wild night of passionate sex with a man, and then wakes up in the morning with her lipstick still on!
I think I had my (slight at the time) beard scared plumb off my face a time or two....
But on the movies. How does their hair stay so neat ? Especially if it is a hunk or babe ....Babe goes thru major battle and has a smudge on one cheek, but hair is all in place :)
I think BB watched John Wayne in "The Green Berets" so many times, that he's now living in an alternate reality - a "reality" where BB fought in the jungles of vietnam alongside "The Duke".

You are going to be in so much trouble at around 2pm, after BB sobers up, crawls out of bed, has a shot of whiskey to "shake it off" and gets to his computer mister!
I always found it fascinating that movie tough-guys, like Wayne and Ronnie Reagan, did their damdest to avoid serving overseas in world war two.

Chickenhawk syndrome? ;)

And what did pappy bush do ? Get shot down and sucked back stateside quick ?

Kinda a Kerry military record it looks like to me.

dying in a war is for the have nots, not the haves.
And what did pappy bush do ? Get shot down and sucked back stateside quick ?

Kinda a Kerry military record it looks like to me.

dying in a war is for the have nots, not the haves.
Wow. You are really asking for it with this one. I salute you! :)

Your point's good, but I doubt that any of the "Swiftie" crowd will ever admit to it.

You are going to be in so much trouble at around 2pm, after BB sobers up, crawls out of bed, has a shot of whiskey to "shake it off" and gets to his computer mister!

I do that...amazing just amazing! Well Darla like Ronnie said..."There you go again"...making up stories...and by the way I really did not like the John Wayne 'Green Berets ' movie...albeit I did like Mel Gibsons "We were soldiers"...This was more accurate and I could relate as I did serve in the Cav!
Carry on though...ya are entertaining when you use nicer language!;)
Well the only problemo with this...

Wow. You are really asking for it with this one. I salute you! :)

Your point's good, but I doubt that any of the "Swiftie" crowd will ever admit to it.

Is Papa Bush was not really a 'biggee' in the Have department during WWII...and by the way Orno what did you do in the War...Daddy...what do you tell your kids...waits for canned response***sigh***

Umm wasn't pappy or grandaddy a senator ? Preston bush or somesuch and then from the Walkers as well.

C'mon USC get with the during WWII 1940's Senators were reps of the people...not 'Ritchie Rich' the cartoon character...are you going to now bash John Kennedy for his service record...he bailed outta his boat when hit...and then was sent home also...Play fair or stop with bashing for the sake of bashing...albeit the Kennedys gained their fame and fortune running liquor during the are they crooks or just a victim of circumstances...all is relevant no???
Oh then that was not that certain senator from texas that Eisenhower was talking about that wanted to end social security, unemployment and labor laws ? 11-8-1954

Oh then that was not that certain senator from texas that Eisenhower was talking about that wanted to end social security, unemployment and labor laws ? 11-8-1954

Please post a cite...and or... who ya are talking about...ya lost me on this one
I am not quite sure what you are referring to and why!