Famous Last Words of RP

As I said in the other thread...

There is no way for him to cleanse himself of this either in perception or reality. He fucked up and he deserves some blame. That's part of the reason why he talks of taking moral responsibility for it and does not bother throwing others under the bus.


This was going to brought out more fully whether he gave Black his money back or not and that whole incident would still have been used as added fuel.

He was embarassing Rudy and he had to be taken down a notch.
Lew Rockwell and a few others were writing them around that time. Lew Rockwell was doing a paleolibertarian class-warfare (racist) strategy about then... if it's not Lew, Lew knows who it was.
He probably does not know who wrote what exact article. But he knows of a handful of folks that were involved. Those assholes should come forward themselves, but I do not see any value in Paul outing them.
They think they'll be able to have a political life after this. They, desperately, want to believe that they didn't directly hurt the cause.

Regardless, Paul should have taken a more active stance against it long ago.
I really think it's time for racism to make a political comeback. Too long have we sat under the rocks and cowered before the poltically correct ignorant masses.

No longer!

I am a racist, and I am proud of it! I am for a white America!
Slavery ho!

Well, after all, that is what the Free Market policy is all about right. More proof Ron in a racist!

We want to hire homeless slaves, give them nothing but a shack and a few meals a day to work for us. Damn BAC snuffed us out and Darla laughs at us like that's bad policy!
Yep... the cause...snip

