Famous Last Words of RP

wow the depth of political analysis is astounding no wonder this country's in the mess it is everyones a smiley faced clown
DD are you guys going to use the Blimp to enforce the new fugitive slave act? How will you be able to tell them from everyone else. I mean if I am going to have a homeless person for a slave I really want to clean him or her up first. So once that is done how do we tell the slave from the non slave?
Personally I don't buy it that someone else wrote the article. It was his newsletter under his name and sent out. Don't people usually make sure of things like this before it's sent out? Isn't that what any type of publication does?

1) RP knows who wrote those letters.
2) He agreed with them at the time
3) He's a racist anyway.
So you were there in his office when it happened and have the facts to back iup your statement? Oh and why would anyone vote against having an MLK jr day and call it "hate whitey" day? :rolleyes: Yeah naw that's not racist! (sarcasm)

He is just another human being. It does not make sense for a person to change tone so dramatically in a two year period and then immediately do another 360. He did not write those letters, it is clear. I seriously doubt he knew what was in them, if he did then he was a fool selling his good name for a pittance. He did probably know they were going to be punched up (as Virkkalla claimed) and he likely knew who was going to do the writing.

He should have been more careful, I still say that failing is a lot less than these other candidates that openly fire their rhetoric with killing and slaughter.

But apparently, to you, any connection to some ugly words is worse than advocating and acting to support the killing and jailing of innocents.
DD are you guys going to use the Blimp to enforce the new fugitive slave act? How will you be able to tell them from everyone else. I mean if I am going to have a homeless person for a slave I really want to clean him or her up first. So once that is done how do we tell the slave from the non slave?

Really big fences.... we'll just make really big fences around slave owners property, just like how we'll keep the Mexicans out!