What fucking pigs. What would they do if their child were gunned down by the crazy son of a NRA gun nut?
Pigs? and now the kid that did the shooting was an NRA gun nut......Howey, the Scumbag's lies are getting to numerous even for me correct in a timely manner....
Typical of pinheads and lying MSNBC.....
The fact is, there was no heckling or disrespect shown to the father of the child victim....none....
The fact is, the father, in his statement,
ASKED if anyone in the room could tell him why people thought it was ok for them to own 'assault type weapons' and large capacity magazines.....(that is the gist of the his question and not a direct quote)
A few moments after he finished this question, a few people in the room spoke up in an attempt to answer his DIRECT QUESTION TO THEM....no shouting, no disrespect, no yelling, no long winded bullshit from the audience ...
Thats the part you didn't hear ON ANY of the networks EXCEPT FOX....the question.....the pertinent part of the entire exchange....
They conveniently cut the question the father asked from all the coverage....so you didn't realized the voices in the audience were in direct response to the fathers
As for the mentally disturbed killer....he certainly had no connection to the NRA in any way at all.......none, nada, zilch, zero....nor did his mother.
PS...ok Thingy1...you can attack
me now....ignore the post, and have at it......AND Dude, don't forget the groan........lmao