Father of Newtown Victim Heckled

Just curious... but why do you think he used a photo of his child as an infant? rather than one that showed the six year old?

Because he was showing the bond between himself and his child? Because he needed a really big picture to show the crowd and this is all he had?

Please explain this conservative meme that using your child's picture = appeal to emotion and is therefore worthless in trying to drive home a point. That seems to be strictly a conservative tactic, the same thing was said in the past about events that included wounded soldiers, the 9/11 widows, people who can't afford healthcare, etc.

Do you really expect people to be cold and dispassionate about violent actions that have changed their lives forever?
You are correct. Those of you crying out to shut people up who disagree with his comments are walking on the graves of those that died. You are suggesting that he be allowed to advocate violating our rights because he suffered a tragedy. You are using emotion to rule rather than logic. All to further your agenda. You could care less for those that lost their kids. You just wish to harp about gun laws.

I saw this "walking on the graves" and similar BS on a right wing site shortly after the tragedy.. oh here it is, the morally repugnant limbaugh. Really SF, this is one road conservatives should not go down, no matter how attached to guns. It makes you guys look inhuman.

RUSH: But he's using these kids as human shields. Obama uses kids as human shields. The Democrats use kids as human shields. He brings these kids who supposedly wrote letters to the White House after Newtown, brings them up there to present a picture of support among the children for the president to do something about guns. It's gonna be very difficult, very difficult to oppose it. You got these little kids there. They don't want to die. (crying) How can you not listen to them? We've gotta do something. That's the picture. That's the image that the presence of the kids is designed to create.
Yes, I do. I also have pictures of them at all ages. He chose to use a photo of his kid as a baby... tell me that wasn't done to increase the emotional response.

He knew that it was an open forum he was going to. He knew there would be those opposed to more gun laws in attendance. To honestly sit back and say that he should be able to say his piece with no response is simply bullshit from you and those like you. Your 'u devolving' line of crap is simply your pathetic emotional attempt to shut those who disagree with you down.

You are walking on the graves of those kids to further your agenda. That is what is depraved.

Why do you think using a baby picture is worse than using the child's six-year old picture? The poor child still looks like that baby.


proof he was not heckled. go to 15:20 - 15:50....he clearly asks the audience and when he didn't get a response (because the audience can't respond) he uses their silence as an admission...so at that point...the audience merely responded to his question.

sorry anti gun folks, you were duped again by left winger sites...

proof he was not heckled. go to 15:20 - 15:50....he clearly asks the audience and when he didn't get a response (because the audience can't respond) he uses their silence as an admission...so at that point...the audience merely responded to his question.

sorry anti gun folks, you were duped again by left winger sites...

This is really sad.

If I was this man, I would be very upset the teachers didn't even have a right to have gun.

If just one teacher broke the law, and had a gun, pulled it out, and shot the murderer in the back of the head, who would not call him a hero?

Some of you would call this teacher a criminal.

Some of you would want the teacher to be put in prison.

proof he was not heckled. go to 15:20 - 15:50....he clearly asks the audience and when he didn't get a response (because the audience can't respond) he uses their silence as an admission...so at that point...the audience merely responded to his question.

sorry anti gun folks, you were duped again by left winger sites...
They heckled him, truly classless.

Good lord... he asked a friggin question and a they answered it. Yes, he was probably not expecting an answer to his question, but to call that heckling is a bit of an exaggeration. Again, it was a forum where the two sides of the argument were going to voice their opinions. Yes, there is nothing more tragic than losing a child. But he knew what that forum was for. He knew there would be opposing opinions on gun control laws there. This is simply a knee jerk reaction by liberals to once again try and paint the NRA and those opposing new gun laws as 'vile/classless/disgusting' etc...
Surely you jest. SF was just faulting the father for using a baby portrait instead of a recent photo, presumably to whip up emotions.

Ok, I could have worded it better. I think the father is being used as well. I think his pain is being used by the anti gun nuts to drive their agenda. All this 'heckling' crap from the left is indeed being used to whip up an emotional response. He was not heckled. He asked a question, they answered. That is not heckling.
Ok, I could have worded it better. I think the father is being used as well. I think his pain is being used by the anti gun nuts to drive their agenda. All this 'heckling' crap from the left is indeed being used to whip up an emotional response. He was not heckled. He asked a question, they answered. That is not heckling.

All of the speculation you have voiced about the father on this thread is 100% unfounded. You should really be embarassed. Why do you think he's "being used"? Is it not possible that he has strong feelings on the matter?

Just shut up. Your posts on this thread are low.
Ok, I could have worded it better. I think the father is being used as well. I think his pain is being used by the anti gun nuts to drive their agenda. All this 'heckling' crap from the left is indeed being used to whip up an emotional response. He was not heckled. He asked a question, they answered. That is not heckling.

At 15:40 the moderator says "please, no comments or we'll clear the room." So it's obvious to me, if to no one else, that Heslin's question was rhetorical and the audience was supposed to sit silently through all the speeches.

You couldn't have listened to the whole thing because Heslin is not an anti-gun nut. He himself was shooting since the age of 8, he says at 4:48 that he's NOT in favor of banning guns, at 9:30 he says a lot of it goes to mental issues, at 11:40 someone in the audience shouts "no" after he made a comment. All the man calls for is dialogue.

That people can scream out "2nd amendment", "rights being infringed" and all the slogans their agenda favors is appalling. Heslin's testimony is heartbreaking. Jesse was his only child. Heslin was a victim, too. Why should I be surprised that gun nuts are blaming the victim? It's all you guys have.
At 15:40 the moderator says "please, no comments or we'll clear the room." So it's obvious to me, if to no one else, that Heslin's question was rhetorical and the audience was supposed to sit silently through all the speeches.

You couldn't have listened to the whole thing because Heslin is not an anti-gun nut. He himself was shooting since the age of 8, he says at 4:48 that he's NOT in favor of banning guns, at 9:30 he says a lot of it goes to mental issues, at 11:40 someone in the audience shouts "no" after he made a comment. All the man calls for is dialogue.

That people can scream out "2nd amendment", "rights being infringed" and all the slogans their agenda favors is appalling. Heslin's testimony is heartbreaking. Jesse was his only child. Heslin was a victim, too. Why should I be surprised that gun nuts are blaming the victim? It's all you guys have.

did you watch the video before that? he asks the question TWICE...only after the second time and claiming that audience's silence was admission did he get a response.

i'm not surprised you won't admit this was not heckling

proof he was not heckled

care to recant?

Ok... so he asked 'anyone in the room, why they should have these weapons'...

Room remains silent
He then says... ' so no one can answer that simple question' ...

THEN a few people say 'the second amendment shall not be infringed'

All of the above happened after he spoke for 15 minutes with no interruptions, virtual silence in the room (save a fire alarm) the entire time he spoke. It was only when he stated 'no one can answer my question' that they answered. They were then immediately told they should remain silent during his time or they would be removed.

Yet the left pretend he was 'heckled'. The left once again are trying to blow this into something it was not in order to paint those who support the second amendment as nuts.
At 15:40 the moderator says "please, no comments or we'll clear the room." So it's obvious to me, if to no one else, that Heslin's question was rhetorical and the audience was supposed to sit silently through all the speeches.

Wow... what happened right before that Christy?

He asked 'anyone in the room' to answer 'why they should have such weapons'

The room remained silent.

He then said 'no one in the room can answer the simple question'... that is a direct challenge, not a rhetorical question.

You couldn't have listened to the whole thing because Heslin is not an anti-gun nut. He himself was shooting since the age of 8, he says at 4:48 that he's NOT in favor of banning guns, at 9:30 he says a lot of it goes to mental issues, at 11:40 someone in the audience shouts "no" after he made a comment. All the man calls for is dialogue.

Yes, I did listen to the entire piece. No, I do not think he is an anti gun nut. I think the people using this to paint the 2nd Amendment advocates as gun nuts are the anti gun nuts.

That people can scream out "2nd amendment", "rights being infringed" and all the slogans their agenda favors is appalling. Heslin's testimony is heartbreaking. Jesse was his only child. Heslin was a victim, too. Why should I be surprised that gun nuts are blaming the victim? It's all you guys have.

I am blaming you and those like you who are pretending that those who said '2nd amendment' are appalling are to blame. You ignore what actually happened and instead continue to pretend he was heckled. They remained silent throughout. Only when he stated that they 'couldn't answer', did they answer to show him that they did have one. They had remained silent at first out of respect. He took their silence as 'they don't have an answer'. You anti gun nuts then blew the whole thing out of proportion.
All of the speculation you have voiced about the father on this thread is 100% unfounded. You should really be embarassed. Why do you think he's "being used"? Is it not possible that he has strong feelings on the matter?

Just shut up. Your posts on this thread are low.

You should shut up now. You are a pathetic little shell of your former self. You obviously didn't listen to the piece. They didn't heckle him as you and the other anti gun nuts have screamed and shouted. There was no great affront to this man as you pretended. Everything you stated is false. So yes, I think he is being used by you and the anti gun nuts to further your agenda. You could care less what was said. All you want to focus on is the 10 seconds or less that the crowd answered his question... He challenged them to do so, they remained silent, he took their silence as an inability to come up with an answer rather than the fact that they were not supposed to answer as was clear when they were immediately told to be silent or the room would be cleared.

But you don't care about that. You just want to continue with your sad little comments and pretending that you are holier than thou.
I can guarantee you if any of those rude and callous NRA members had been in Heslin's shoes mourning his dead son they would be as eqyally incensed.

I wouldn't give a fuck about anyone's right to own an assault weapon if my kid was six feet under and deprived of his life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.