Favorite alcoholic drinks

I think it's aged 12. I finally did my next Costco run and have a giant bottle of Kirkland Scotch, now. As soon as the Glenlivet runs out.
First of all, I'm not 50 you little bastard! I will let you know when I reach that milestone. It's not long, but don't rush me!

My grandmother actually passed. I was messing with Top. She did love it when I made her a Pina Colada though. And I always use dark rum.


Very nicely done.

Have a Lagavulin (neat) on me:

I think it's aged 12. I finally did my next Costco run and have a giant bottle of Kirkland Scotch, now. As soon as the Glenlivet runs out.

I was just at Costco this afternoon and saw that great big bottle of Kirkand Glenlivet.... gigantic!

And... in their high priced booze area (behind locked glass doors) they have a bottle of 42 year old Glenlivet for a mere $15,000 pesos! I don't imagine I'll ever be quite that thirsty!
again... I can't imagine ever wanting to waste that kind of money on a bottle of scotch, when Johnny Walker Blue is still under $200 here.
Anytime you've got a blue label, you are drinking fine stuff. No matter how good the quality, no food or drink is ever worth $1100.
That depends on your income bracket. If I was a top 0.1 percenter I'd think nothing of it.

Having said that being an upper middle class DINK....I can think of no bottle of any adult beverage worth $1100.
again... I can't imagine ever wanting to waste that kind of money on a bottle of scotch, when Johnny Walker Blue is still under $200 here.

Blue is overrated and over priced. The best Walker is Gold label. Or, if you are able to find a bottle, White label.
Blue is overrated and over priced. The best Walker is Gold label. Or, if you are able to find a bottle, White label.
I bought four bottles of black label as a gift for my brothers in law...sells for over $40/750 mil bottle around here, got it as a package deal at $25/bottle. If I was to compare Glinlevit speyside single malt 12 yo to JW Black Label I'd definately give the edge to the Glinlevit but only marginally so.
I predicted this thread would turn into scotch snobbery. :rofl2:
Well if your talking about the difference between. There's a noticable difference between Glenlivet 12 and 18. Having said that most of it preference and price. If I was to chose between JW Black Label and Glenlivet 12 at +$40 a bottle I'd go with the Glenlivet just on preference. If the JW Black Label was $25 though I'd go with it in a heart beat. So for me it's price point vs quality, not into the snobbery thing. I'm no Scotch expert...only ever drank 2 bottles of the stuff and a half a dozen drinks at the local bar.