Yup that's it. It's the fear of non-existence. Atheism is a hard pill to swallow and I can understand why people would prefer the fantasy.
But even on here you have posters who fear atheist voices so much that any time an atheist speaks up they consider it "proselytizing". As if we don't have a President currently hawking bibles and a religious movement whose sole goal is to impose their "morality" on everyone.
I wanted to make sure this is long enough to make it clear there's no parroting here. lol (homeslice)
Everything you say here is the kind of delusional drivel that only a garden-variety, intellectually bankrupt atheist could concoct. It's like watching a pathetic parody of what a textbook narcissist would look like if they thought their own IQ was somehow inversely proportional to their actual capacity for rational thought. LOL does that resonate?
Let's get real: the vast majority of people who believe in the divine aren't trembling in their boots at the thought of some basement-dwelling, fedora-tipping atheist. No, the level of pity one feels for an atheist is directly tied to their age.
Young atheists? Simply too naive and dumb to know any better, spouting off about how "enlightened" they are while reading Dawkins for the first time.
Middle-aged atheists? They're the worst - nearly insufferable. If they could just shut up about their non-religion and stop making those snide, passive-aggressive comments about "believers," they might be tolerable. But no, they can't help but parade their pseudo-intellectual arrogance like it's some badge of honor.
Elderly atheists? Oh, they're the crown jewel of bitterness. Fully insufferable, marinated in decades of hate and resentment, convinced that their self-righteous disdain for anything spiritual somehow makes them superior.
In short, congratulations on embodying every cliché of the annoying, self-aggrandizing atheist. Keep up the good work, you're doing wonders for the stereotype.
As for whining about Trump pushin religious programs and or agendas, you'll have to learn to live with it, it's that pesky little thing call a majority that put him there, and so far the majority is loving every minute. If you can point to some policy or behavior that violate the separation of church and state, please do, otherwise you might consider not whining like little atheist bitches. LOL.