Fear of Atheism

I simply insist that you live with and accept the consequences of [not having any theism]
What are the consequences of not having any theism? I don't have any theism and this is the first I'm learning of any such consequences. Please do tell.

morals are subjective,
Until the official morality is published and made the law of the land, each individual's morals are subjective. Who gets to claim that his morals are absolute truth?

there is no ultimate purpose or meaning in life,
You've never been any good at expressing yourself accurately or clearly in English. Atheists are the only ones who acknowledge not knowing what the ultimate purpose or meaning of life is, not that there isn't any.

all that exists is matter and energy,
Nobody has any rational basis for believing that anything other than time, energy and space exist. Many have religious reasons for believing in more, but no rational bases.

You have never been able to get this point correct. While matter is a form of energy, not all energy is matter. You nonetheless insist that all matter and energy is somehow "interchangeable" (you can't make this shit up), and you cite your misunderstanding of Einstein's special theory of Relativity for your error. One would have thought that you would have long-since stopped pretending to be able to contribute to this topic in any value-added way.

evil ultimately wins,
Where is Evil currently in the standings?

all our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions are simply just biochemical reactions
This is what all objective analyses show.

fine-tuned by millions of years of evolution,
Christians, not atheists, make the "fine-tuned" arguments. Nobody knows how long life has been evolving but I don't know of any atheists who claim millions of years. Billions of years is always the claim. Again, nobody knows; nobody has been around through all the time in question to serve as a witness.

and human free will does not exist.
You have never described free will as anything other than an impossibility stemming from an omnipotent, omniscient creator who created a particular timeline from which nothing can deviate.

There's a possibility atheism is even correct, I have never ruled that out.
Every post of yours contains a pearl of absurdity, and this post is no exception. How can a lack of theism somehow be correct?

If you find your discomfort level rising at the thought of accepting the price and consequences of atheism,
Perhaps if you were to articulate valid consequences of atheism, this might have a possibility of holding intellectual value.

maybe you need to reflect on what you actually believe about atheism.
Maybe you need to contemplate what you totally misunderstand about atheism.
He lies about being a Christian. Sad.
Frankly, I could care less about his personal religious beliefs. He made a declarative statement and when the flaws in that statement are logically pointed out, he pulls nonsense similar to what we're seeing in the current political administration and its allies. Essentially, he's all condescending defense mode and self-aggrandizing repetition. A pity, as we've had pleasant exchanges in the past whether we fully agree on a subject or not.