Feeble trump hold press conference to whine about crowd size

Trump said he was almost in a helicopter accident with Willie Brown and Brown said many bad things about Kamala. Willie said he was never on a chopper with Trump and he has never been in a scary time in one.
A reporter found that Trump was in a chopper once with Newsome and Jerry Brown. Gavin said that there was no scare of a crash. They talked about a lot of things but Kamala was not one of them.
Trump's mental problems are getting worse and worse.

Donny Dumb as fuck, is exhausting. I am so tired of Trump and MAGA and from the lips to the ear of God, please let this guy lose and simply go away..​

Trump said he was almost in a helicopter accident with Willie Brown and Brown said many bad things about Kamala. Willie said he was never on a chopper with Trump and he has never been in a scary time in one.
A reporter found that Trump was in a chopper once with Newsome and Jerry Brown. Gavin said that there was no scare of a crash. They talked about a lot of things but Kamala was not one of them.
Trump's mental problems are getting worse and worse.
He's too old to run for POTUS
Trump's brain is squirming like a toad.

He is not taking the advise from his best Campaign strategists, and called for this press conference to show them that he is the one in charge.

So he took his own rope and hung himself with it.

He's mad because his whole campaign was designed to lie about Biden, and take advantage of the fact that the Democrats were already not comfortable with all of the insults about his age coming from their opposition.

So the Democrats changed course and selected a candidate that is BULLET-PROOF to those insults, as he thought, in accordance to the polls, that he already had a win in the bag. Well that hope sailed the minute Kamala became his opposition.

And so he is now desperate, and knows he is going to have to Lie about his own accomplishments even more, and Lie about Kamala- But The People are not buying it- BECAUSE what he is saying says more about what kind of a horrible disturbed person he is and says a lot more about him than Kamala and her VP pick.

He is just a reminder to the Independents, and Never-Trumpers on both sides of the aisle- THAT WE ARE NEVER GOING BACKI
:hand: :hand: :hand:

Today Trump gave one of his me me me all about me press conferences at his crib and went into yet another tyraid of who's crowd sizes are the biggest....only this time, the fool, the clown, the joke, used the size of Dr. King, Dr. Martin Luther King, the dead guy....Trump compared his I Have A Dream event 50 years ago, to that of his on Jan 6...folks, Trump is insane, unhinged and so unworthy of not just the White house, BUT FUCKIN OXYGEN...THAT MAN IS CRAZY AS FUCK!!​

He needs to be tranquilized and placed in an asylum for the insane
He's too old to run for POTUS
He is too corrupt to run. He is lazy and does not want to do the work of running. He held one rally last month. He desperately needs to win to stay out of jail. Yet he still carts around a golf course instead of doing the work. Trump really believes he will win, or he can take power.
In politics, you are easily fooled. You go to every rally and everyone loves you and applauds. They listen to your speeches and scream in unison. It becomes your reality. Seasoned politicians learn there are people on the other side and you have to work to win. Trump started with an ego problem. Politics does not lower that.
That is why Trump constantly talks about crowds. That is all the proof he needs. I have bigger crowds therefore I will win.
Now Kamala is outdrawing him so he has to self-delude. He can do that easily.
He is too corrupt to run. He is lazy and does not want to do the work of running. He held one rally last month. He desperately needs to win to stay out of jail. Yet he still carts around a golf course instead of doing the work. Trump really believes he will win, or he can take power.
In politics, you are easily fooled. You go to every rally and everyone loves you and applauds. They listen to your speeches and scream in unison. It becomes your reality. Seasoned politicians learn there are people on the other side and you have to work to win. Trump started with an ego problem. Politics does not lower that.
That is why Trump constantly talks about crowds. That is all the proof he needs. I have bigger crowds therefore I will win.
Now Kamala is outdrawing him so he has to self-delude. He can do that easily.
Everything you say is valid. trump doesn't even WANT to do the job of POTUS. In fact, back in '16 when asked, Jr. said 'Pence will be doing the job of day to day issues while my father travels the nation making America great again'.

The latter was true w/respect to traveling. He never stopped campaigning because he NEEDS positive affirmation the way a drunk needs a drink.

When I state that trump is too old to be POTUS, I'm merely making MAGA heads explode as I turn their one campaign issue back on them.

From the moment this man became president, all the fuck he's done is whine whine about our military, our federal institutions, the media, crowd sizes, etc and now, that's all he's able to do. The GOP has become a party of lying whiners...the most pathetic group of people in the history of this nation.​


Woman dies for her King. Said King forgets her existence.​

and she's the only one.
He is too corrupt to run. He is lazy and does not want to do the work of running. He held one rally last month. He desperately needs to win to stay out of jail. Yet he still carts around a golf course instead of doing the work. Trump really believes he will win, or he can take power.
In politics, you are easily fooled. You go to every rally and everyone loves you and applauds. They listen to your speeches and scream in unison. It becomes your reality. Seasoned politicians learn there are people on the other side and you have to work to win. Trump started with an ego problem. Politics does not lower that.
That is why Trump constantly talks about crowds. That is all the proof he needs. I have bigger crowds therefore I will win.
Now Kamala is outdrawing him so he has to self-delude. He can do that easily.

Now the parinoid clown is running to safe RED states to feel the crowd sizes....the man is a lunatic and so are his voters. The American are ready for change and the only people that truly want to see Trump around is the MSM...trump is ratings gold for social and mainstream media outlets...they love this guy, who wants to shove their ass's into Nazi ovens if elected!!​
