Polar opposition within intellectual speculation life isn't genetically self evident time adapting personally alive in series parallel situation of equally adapting in the moment here each brain has to navigate occupying space one of a kind 24/7 since birth only works on minds obeying power of suggestion.
Genetic outcomes are limited to adapting while displaced changing form from their original fertilized cell to decomposing corpse after death which is still evolving in inverted proportions of cellular regeneration since a fertilized cell. there are somewhere between 8.12 billion and 8.2 billion human ancestors inhabiting space now anywhere between generation gaps of 16 prior, 8 prior, 4 prior, 2 parenting each great great grandchild conceived today born in September or October of 2025 where that day gets recorded as living as typecast cradle to grave in any society left alive then every day forward regardless which of the 7 used 52 times a year.