
"When Maxwell Davis, 26, entered D.C. gay bar Cobalt for the first time in 2005, he found his genitals almost immediately up for grabs.

Davis, who is straight, had hit the bar with a few of his colleagues, and was waiting for one of his female co-workers outside the club’s restrooms when the groper approached. “Guy walks right up to me and grabs my crotch,” he says. “Just reached out and grabbed my junk.”

The grope caught Davis off guard. “I was too stunned to punch him, so I just sort of turned my back, like ‘Holy shit.’” Davis says. Then, “I sort of turn around again, like, wait a second—-shouldn’t I be doing something?” When Davis turned, the groper confronted him first: “I have a hotel room,” he whispered into Davis’ ear. “Want to come play with me? I’ll pay you.”

When Davis finally mustered a reply—-“flattered, but straight”—-the groper informed him that he had no business being in a gay bar in the first place. To the man groping the crotches of strangers, Davis was the one who had broken the rules."

Maybe he didn't know it was a gay bar when he entered with his female co-workers? Ever think of that?
Another man touching my privates would find it an extremely unpleasant endeavor.
Maybe he didn't know it was a gay bar when he entered with his female co-workers? Ever think of that?
Another man touching my privates would find it an extremely unpleasant endeavor.
Maybe. Or maybe he didn't expect to be assaulted by a stranger in a bar, gay or not.