
The chaos and pain of dark ages builds quality men....that is the silver lining.

This would make a great sig....Y'all feel free to use it......Maybe we can build The Resistance.
because its always the men who maintain civilization,

Look around you: who are the most social creatures you know? Men or women? Who works overtime to hold familes together? Who does the hard work of keeping the house and taking care of the kids?

Women are the glue that keeps society together. Men are too busy posing against each other and fighting over shit. We're like a bunch of gorillas here.
Not likely to happen. I did get subpoenaed for a federal case involving someone else and was deposed as a witness. I was later, reliably, told the prosecution team refused to use me because they considered me too independently minded and smart as a witness to risk testifying.

As for your scenario: Either I did it or I didn't. I'd weigh the time I was to potentially serve on a plea deal (no need for a liar there) versus going to trial and decide on that basis. Going to trial gives me full appeal rights whereas cutting a plea deal means I'm stuck and screwed to that deal with virtually no way out.

If you want to avoid jury duty, pick up a newspaper on the way it. They don't want intelligent, informed citizens on the jury.