

i bet myself 1 dollar this was going to be about christianity or religion in general....

yurt hands himself one dollar

you're so predictable :palm:
Why is it so important for some "non-believers" to attack the faith of others? This is something I have never understood. I don't believe, yet I do not fault those who do. I don't attack their beliefs. I do not think them weak of mind. I have many friends who are people of faith, many hold different beliefs from the others. None try to "save" me, we respect each others beliefs andget along great.

I tell ya, I just don't get it.
Why is it so important for some "non-believers" to attack the faith of others? This is something I have never understood. I don't believe, yet I do not fault those who do. I don't attack their beliefs. I do not think them weak of mind. I have many friends who are people of faith, many hold different beliefs from the others. None try to "save" me, we respect each others beliefs andget along great.

I tell ya, I just don't get it.

I have never understood why religious people think it's so important that their silly beliefs be completely and totally respected and never criticized? Silly beliefs are unworthy of respect.

Everyone knows in their heart that there's no god.
I have never understood why religious people think it's so important that their silly beliefs be completely and totally respected and never criticized? Silly beliefs are unworthy of respect.

Everyone knows in their heart that there's no god.

Not even two posts without a contradiction. So questioning ones personal belief in god is ok, but when it comes to a theory that YOU agree with (global warming), questioning it is wrong and stupid.

Well, at least you can say you work hard at being so contradictory. Lord (or void if you prefer) knows you won't work at anything else.
I have never understood why religious people think it's so important that their silly beliefs be completely and totally respected and never criticized? Silly beliefs are unworthy of respect.

Everyone knows in their heart that there's no god.

Perhaps, but who are you or I to criticize or attack their beliefs? What others believe in regards to religion is harmless to me. It does not offend me and has no effect on me. If believing in a God brings comfort to someone, a sense of what's what in the world, so what? I say more power to them. I have chosen another way and would expect that my beliefs be respected. So far, forty-five years into this life, this has worked well for me.

As far as I'm concerned, there are much bigger things to worry about in this world than what deities other folks do or do not worship.
I have never understood why religious people think it's so important that their silly beliefs be completely and totally respected and never criticized? Silly beliefs are unworthy of respect.

Everyone knows in their heart that there's no god.

do you even want to be taken serious anymore?
Perhaps, but who are you or I to criticize or attack their beliefs?

Ridiculous. People who say stupid things are attacked all the time, as they should be. You shouldn't be able to spout stupidity and get away with it.

What others believe in regards to religion is harmless to me.
It is not harmless. These people run are government have a direct influence over my life, and base their decisions off of superstitious nonsense. Also, they teach it to their children, and in my opinion telling a kid that if he somehow doesn't do something right he's going to burn in hell for eternity is child abuse.

And have you ever heard of 9/11?

It does not offend me and has no effect on me. If believing in a God brings comfort to someone, a sense of what's what in the world, so what? I say more power to them. I have chosen another way and would expect that my beliefs be respected. So far, forty-five years into this life, this has worked well for me.
Beliefs with evidence deserve respect. Beliefs held without evidence deserve no respect.

As far as I'm concerned, there are much bigger things to worry about in this world than what deities other folks do or do not worship.
Like Islamic terrorism? Maybe religious civil wars? Maybe the atrocities down in Africa committed by the LRA attempting to establish a Christian theocracy? What about the religious genocide in Rwanda? Sarah Palin attempting to take away our daughters rights to have abortions based on her belief in some invisible spirit that inhabits zygotes? Harmless. Bigger things to worry about.
TE=Watermark;570165]Ridiculous. People who say stupid things are attacked all the time, as they should be. You shouldn't be able to spout stupidity and get away with it.

great, then shut yourself down.....

It is not harmless. These people run are government have a direct influence over my life, and base their decisions off of superstitious nonsense.

as if non religious people base it on anything more....are you really this stupid? obama believes in jesus christ......yet you voted for him

Also, they teach it to their children, and in my opinion telling a kid that if he somehow doesn't do something right he's going to burn in hell for eternity is child abuse.

right.....all religious people do that.....:pke:

Beliefs with evidence deserve respect. Beliefs held without evidence deserve no respect.

yet you have no evidence god does not exist....

you will whine about proving a negative....but seriously....beliefs held without evidence.....where is your evidence god does not eixst.....prove it or admit you deserve no respect.......

Like Islamic terrorism? Maybe religious civil wars? Maybe the atrocities down in Africa committed by the LRA attempting to establish a Christian theocracy? What about the religious genocide in Rwanda? Sarah Palin attempting to take away our daughters rights to have abortions based on her belief in some invisible spirit that inhabits zygotes? Harmless. Bigger things to worry about.

watermark....just let me know if you're trolling....i'm tired of responding your bullshit
Why is it so important for some "non-believers" to attack the faith of others? This is something I have never understood. I don't believe, yet I do not fault those who do. I don't attack their beliefs. I do not think them weak of mind. I have many friends who are people of faith, many hold different beliefs from the others. None try to "save" me, we respect each others beliefs andget along great.

I tell ya, I just don't get it.

???....why's the essence of's simply what they do.....