
Ridiculous. People who say stupid things are attacked all the time, as they should be. You shouldn't be able to spout stupidity and get away with it.

I see you've finally figured out why you get pwnd so many times. :palm:
Now just stop saying stupid things. :good4u:
Why is it so important for some "non-believers" to attack the faith of others? This is something I have never understood. I don't believe, yet I do not fault those who do. I don't attack their beliefs. I do not think them weak of mind. I have many friends who are people of faith, many hold different beliefs from the others. None try to "save" me, we respect each others beliefs andget along great.

I tell ya, I just don't get it.
I think that Jefferson said it best:

t does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
-- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-82

My only problem is that I believe it should flow both ways. Religious people should leave athiests alone and quit trying to get the government to save my soul.
Why is it so important for some "non-believers" to attack the faith of others? This is something I have never understood. I don't believe, yet I do not fault those who do. I don't attack their beliefs. I do not think them weak of mind. I have many friends who are people of faith, many hold different beliefs from the others. None try to "save" me, we respect each others beliefs andget along great.

I tell ya, I just don't get it.

yet you have no evidence god does not exist....

you will whine about proving a negative....but seriously....beliefs held without evidence.....where is your evidence god does not eixst.....prove it or admit you deserve no respect.......

lol this thread is like shooting fish in a barrel. I don't know where to begin. so many softballs.
Why is it so important for some "non-believers" to attack the faith of others? This is something I have never understood. I don't believe, yet I do not fault those who do. I don't attack their beliefs. I do not think them weak of mind. I have many friends who are people of faith, many hold different beliefs from the others. None try to "save" me, we respect each others beliefs andget along great.

I tell ya, I just don't get it.

atheists are the number one distrusted minority in america. Religious sentiment permeates through our culture and influences public policy. Why do you think gays aren't currently marrying? It is so common you don't even realize it. And what is sad is that all these beliefs are based on supersition, the belief in an invisible man. At least people back 2000 years ago didn't have the science we do today. They had no alternatives to explain the wonders of their world. We should know better, we should be better.

They don't get respect because they reject science, evidence, and common sense. They are stupid stupid people and they dont' deserve to be taken seriously.
εxoendo;570302 said:
yurt, with a straight face, asked us to prove a negative, and thought that somehow that was an intelligent question to ask.

I'm sorry, I had assumed you had something to disprove the idea of god. My mistake.
So a universal concept that crosses all known man made barriers is just a coincidence?

hardly a coincidence.

Ancients see the sun move through the sky. A big ball of fire that moves throughout the day. Everyone assumes something is pulling it/pushing it.

Night comes, the sun is gone. Something must have eaten the sun.


man no matter where they are will of course make up similar stories to explain the world around them. This is hardly evidence of god. Rather it is just more simpleton thinking
I would be curious to see how many atheists believe in ghosts.

A lot of nonreligious believe in ghosts. But it would be pretty silly to label yourself "atheist" and believe in ghosts. That's one reason I also usually like to qualify myself with the label "naturalist"; I don't believe in anything supernatural, and only think we have the natural world.
???....why's the essence of's simply what they do.....


I'm Liberal and I've never done that.

Furthermore, I'm just as certain there is an afterlife and a God, as Watermark is certain that neither exists.

Please don't stereotype us all into one group.

I'm Liberal and I've never done that.

Furthermore, I'm just as certain there is an afterlife and a God, as Watermark is certain that neither exists.

Please don't stereotype us all into one group.

You're as certain there is an afterlife and a God as a schizophrenic is that by blowing up the federal building he'll save future generations from a federal-reserve lead dictatorship. IE, you're insane. Hopefully, one day, no one believes in God, and people only believe in reality. Religion is evil.

No real liberal believes in God. Godless is our church. Godless is the American tradition, it was set up by our founders, and if you disagree with that, go join the Lord's Resistance Army and see your values put into place.
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You're as certain there is an afterlife and a God as a schizophrenic is that by blowing up the federal building he'll save future generations from a federal-reserve lead dictatorship. IE, you're insane. Hopefully, one day, no one believes in God, and people only believe in reality. Religion is evil.

You call it insane.

I prefer to call it "thinking outside the box".

How boring it must be to live a totally rational life with no bouts of imagination or flights of fancy whatsoever.

I will say a prayer for you.
εxoendo;570296 said:
lol this thread is like shooting fish in a barrel. I don't know where to begin. so many softballs.

So if you are really that grounded in reality, what's with the four-eyed,two-mouthed fantasy babe you got for an avatar.

Your allowed your fantasy, but you won't let me have mine?