
Originally Posted by εxoendo
there is no evidence of god. There is nothing to disprove.

So a universal concept that crosses all known man made barriers is just a coincidence?

What are you talking about? There is no universal concept of a monotheistic christian god. I think you're assuming the myriad and ubiquitous creation stories that all cultures have invented, somehow prove the existence of your christian God.

So, since all cultures share universal concepts of monsters, ghosts, and dragons, does that mean you find this to be proof of monsters?
What are you talking about? There is no universal concept of a monotheistic christian god. I think you're assuming the myriad and ubiquitous creation stories that all cultures have invented, somehow prove the existence of your christian God.

So, since all cultures share universal concepts of monsters, ghosts, and dragons, does that mean you find this to be proof of monsters?

I'm a deist, not a Christian. Nice try though.
εxoendo;570302 said:
yurt, with a straight face, asked us to prove a negative, and thought that somehow that was an intelligent question to ask.

it cracks me up that you can blithley claim god doesn't exist, expect people to believe you, yet offer no evidence to back up your claim....and then whine people are asking you to prove a negative....

prove you're not 45 can prove that, but yet you can't prove god doesn't exist....
it cracks me up that you can blithley claim god doesn't exist, expect people to believe you, yet offer no evidence to back up your claim....and then whine people are asking you to prove a negative....

prove you're not 45 can prove that, but yet you can't prove god doesn't exist....

That which is presented without evidence, may be dismissed without evidence.

And no, you cannot respond by dismississing the dismissal of that which is dismissed because it has no evidence "because it has no evidence", and doing so is completely and totally missing the point.
are you taking grind's stance that you can't prove a negative?

it is the height of stupidity to dismiss something just because there isn't evidence that YOU find sufficient....
no intelligent person finds it sufficient. there is zero evidence. there is nothing. The likelyhood of a giant unicorn that sings opera in the middle of our galaxy is the same likelihood of the christian god.
εxoendo;570562 said:
no intelligent person finds it sufficient. there is zero evidence. there is nothing. The likelyhood of a giant unicorn that sings opera in the middle of our galaxy is the same likelihood of the christian god.

not true....the above is simply your faith

you have no evidence that god does not exist

the old myth that you can't prove a negative fails want to believe in a big bang, a major coincidence of factors that created have no proof of that, only belief that something other than god created life
not true....the above is simply your faith

you have no evidence that god does not exist

the old myth that you can't prove a negative fails want to believe in a big bang, a major coincidence of factors that created have no proof of that, only belief that something other than god created life

The cosmic background radiation exactly matches that predicted by the big bang.
εxoendo;570562 said:
no intelligent person finds it sufficient. there is zero evidence. there is nothing. The likelyhood of a giant unicorn that sings opera in the middle of our galaxy is the same likelihood of the christian god.

The bold part is the failure of your argument, at least if it applies to me (supposition on my part).
Wouldn't a large, universal, life giving explosion sound similar to the whole "let there be light" part of Genesis?

Well if you start making things vague, like psychics do, anything can be anything.

The beginning of the universe wasn't an "explosion". And technically there was no light, because everything was stuck together so densely the universe was completely opaque. Although the universe was dense enough that it produced enough heat to create all kinds of electromagnetic radiation (of which visible light is but a very very tiny band), the radiation would have had nowhere to go.

What is suspicious to me is that an all-knowing God would describe electromagnetic radiation in the limited, extremely human "light". That everything in the bible looks exactly like what you'd expect of a man 2000 years ago writing fiction. The curious thing about religion is that it teaches you nothing someone writing 2000 years ago didn't already know.

And the more you know, the more obvious all of this becomes. Belief in religion is the direct product of ignorance.
Well if you start making things vague, like psychics do, anything can be anything.

The beginning of the universe wasn't an "explosion". And technically there was no light, because everything was stuck together so densely the universe was completely opaque. Although the universe was dense enough that it produced enough heat to create all kinds of electromagnetic radiation (of which visible light is but a very very tiny band), the radiation would have had nowhere to go.

What is suspicious to me is that an all-knowing God would describe electromagnetic radiation in the limited, extremely human "light". That everything in the bible looks exactly like what you'd expect of a man 2000 years ago writing fiction. The curious thing about religion is that it teaches you nothing someone writing 2000 years ago didn't already know.

And the more you know, the more obvious all of this becomes. Belief in religion is the direct product of ignorance.

What created the "everything" that was stuck together??