
Well if you start making things vague, like psychics do, anything can be anything.

The beginning of the universe wasn't an "explosion". And technically there was no light, because everything was stuck together so densely the universe was completely opaque. Although the universe was dense enough that it produced enough heat to create all kinds of electromagnetic radiation (of which visible light is but a very very tiny band), the radiation would have had nowhere to go.

What is suspicious to me is that an all-knowing God would describe electromagnetic radiation in the limited, extremely human "light". That everything in the bible looks exactly like what you'd expect of a man 2000 years ago writing fiction. The curious thing about religion is that it teaches you nothing someone writing 2000 years ago didn't already know.

And the more you know, the more obvious all of this becomes. Belief in religion is the direct product of ignorance.

The Bible was written more than 200 years ago (I know I'm splitting hairs) and was written the same way everything else was written back then. It wasn't originally conceived to be a religious code but to chronicle the history of the Jews during the break up of their nation by the Assyrians. As for electromagnetic radiation being described inaccurately as light, bear in mind that it is already known and excepted that the Bible is words of man for the man of that day. My theory of god (which itself is long winded) would allow for such inaccuracies of language and terminology by a relatively primitive culture.
The bold part is the failure of your argument, at least if it applies to me (supposition on my part).

yes you can scream from the rooftops that you are in fact a deist. Nobody cares. my argument isn't less valid because i didn't address your beliefs specifically.
εxoendo;570627 said:
yes you can scream from the rooftops that you are in fact a deist. Nobody cares. my argument isn't less valid because i didn't address your beliefs specifically.

No, roof top screaming is reserved for something that actually means a damn.
not true....the above is simply your faith

you have no evidence that god does not exist

the old myth that you can't prove a negative fails want to believe in a big bang, a major coincidence of factors that created have no proof of that, only belief that something other than god created life

there is just as much evidence for god as their is for fairies, gnomes, pixies and unicorns. I.e. zero evidence.

there is nothing to disprove because there is zero evidence.

This is why I hate religion, because religious people think they are intelligent people when they are in actuality simpleton proles. It's very sad how much it is destroying humanity. It's completely limiting our potential.
A: I believe in this!

B: You have no evidence for that.

A: I take it on faith!

B: That's ridiculous. I'm not going to believe in something for some ridiculous contrived reason like "faith". Faith comes WITH EVIDENCE, not the other way around!

A: Your refusal to believe in what I believe in without evidence and take on faith is based completely on faith!

B: ?

A: I WIN!?1?!
εxoendo;570630 said:
there is just as much evidence for god as their is for fairies, gnomes, pixies and unicorns. I.e. zero evidence.

there is nothing to disprove because there is zero evidence.

This is why I hate religion, because religious people think they are intelligent people when they are in actuality simpleton proles. It's very sad how much it is destroying humanity. It's completely limiting our potential.

I guess you already found out that all you're getting for Christmas, is a lump of coal. :good4u:
The Bible was written more than 200 years ago (I know I'm splitting hairs) and was written the same way everything else was written back then. It wasn't originally conceived to be a religious code but to chronicle the history of the Jews during the break up of their nation by the Assyrians. As for electromagnetic radiation being described inaccurately as light, bear in mind that it is already known and excepted that the Bible is words of man for the man of that day. My theory of god (which itself is long winded) would allow for such inaccuracies of language and terminology by a relatively primitive culture.

Yes well that allows you to weedle your way out of everything. However, the arguments above aren't really good for you. You've already given up on pretty much anything that matters for anything in respect to God. You believe in a God that may as well not exist, because it's nothing. It's a fancy version of solipsism.
εxoendo;570630 said:
there is just as much evidence for god as their is for fairies, gnomes, pixies and unicorns. I.e. zero evidence.

there is nothing to disprove because there is zero evidence.

This is why I hate religion, because religious people think they are intelligent people when they are in actuality simpleton proles. It's very sad how much it is destroying humanity. It's completely limiting our potential.

not just don't believe the evidence for god, saying there is zero evidence is simply not true

hating religion is stupid, calling them stupid is moronic...its not limiting any potential, what are you a suckling baby that can't do anything on your own so you have to blame others/religion....good lord man, grow a pair
not just don't believe the evidence for god, saying there is zero evidence is simply not true

hating religion is stupid, calling them stupid is moronic...its not limiting any potential, what are you a suckling baby that can't do anything on your own so you have to blame others/religion....good lord man, grow a pair

LOL. WTF. Give me good evidence for God and I'll examine it. LOL, dumbass.
not just don't believe the evidence for god, saying there is zero evidence is simply not true

hating religion is stupid, calling them stupid is moronic...its not limiting any potential, what are you a suckling baby that can't do anything on your own so you have to blame others/religion....good lord man, grow a pair

There is no evidence for "god". Evidence has never been the tenet of the religious, faith has. "Evidence" has only been dusted off recently by the ID clowns. Evidence for god does not exist.
the bible


i never said the evidence was scientific, merely that there is evidence

Thats not evidence any more than the Harry Potter series is evidence of Wizardry.

The religious lose a shitload of ground by trying to make science out of their faith. They should be content with the faith and not try to spin their way into science. Thats where they get roundhouse kicked in the face time and time again.
Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics, said, "Why nature is mathematical is a mystery...The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle."

Richard Feynman, The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist (New York: BasicBooks, 1998), 43
Thats not evidence any more than the Harry Potter series is evidence of Wizardry.

The religious lose a shitload of ground by trying to make science out of their faith. They should be content with the faith and not try to spin their way into science. Thats where they get roundhouse kicked in the face time and time again.

not true, potter expressly states its fiction....the bible claims to be the truth, some of the authors witnessed god, spoke with god, god sent his son etc......thus, it is evidence, you however, choose to not believe the bible is truthful....

you're wrong that science disproves god or that it is harmful to look to science to bolster faith or see further evidence of god....afterall, science is the study of his creation
εxoendo;570296 said:
lol this thread is like shooting fish in a barrel. I don't know where to begin. so many softballs.

Yeah, and when you get something that resembles a real life, we won't ever see you.

Until then, do keep regurgitating. We get to see what you're made of!

Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics, said, "Why nature is mathematical is a mystery...The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle."

Richard Feynman, The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist (New York: BasicBooks, 1998), 43

Feynman is one of my heros. I've read dozens of his lectures as well as his biography "Genuis". He was a different kind of physicist. And as such, he uses the term "miracle" more than a few times in his lectures. He, like many physicists that really helped in understanding the universe, saw the true, unbelievable beauty and complexity of the universe, and since we understand HOW many things work, we don't always understand why they work. IE gravity.

And in terms of faith, many scientists have faith. This also is not evidence of god.

Nor is the bible. If I write a book, and claim its non-fiction, and the book describes leprechauns, that is not evidence of leprichauns.
Feynman is one of my heros. I've read dozens of his lectures as well as his biography "Genuis". He was a different kind of physicist. And as such, he uses the term "miracle" more than a few times in his lectures. He, like many physicists that really helped in understanding the universe, saw the true, unbelievable beauty and complexity of the universe, and since we understand HOW many things work, we don't always understand why they work. IE gravity.

And in terms of faith, many scientists have faith. This also is not evidence of god.

Nor is the bible. If I write a book, and claim its non-fiction, and the book describes leprechauns, that is not evidence of leprichauns.

i think you're confusing evidence and proof....

the bible, like a history book, is evidence of the things simply choose not to believe said evidence....if you wrote a book and claimed you saw leprichauns, it would be evidence, but if all we had was your word, then it is up to me whether i believe your evidence....

there are many historical accuracies in the bible, we know from non biblical sources jesus did exist....the gospels give eye witness any court of law that would qualify as evidence, you as the juror can choose to believe the evidence or not

feynman's comment is certainly can choose to believe that the "miracle" or wonder of the way things are ordered are due to a creator or some other cosmic force....
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i think you're confusing evidence and proof....

the bible, like a history book, is evidence of the things simply choose not to believe said evidence....if you wrote a book and claimed you saw leprichauns, it would be evidence, but if all we had was your word, then it is up to me whether i believe your evidence....

there are many historical accuracies in the bible, we know from non biblical sources jesus did exist....the gospels give eye witness any court of law that would qualify as evidence, you as the juror can choose to believe the evidence or not

feynman's comment is certainly can choose to believe that the "miracle" or wonder of the way things are ordered are due to a creator or some other cosmic force....

If a claim equals evidence, then the term evidence loses its meaning. Come on, you're an attorney right? If hobo Joe comes into the court and says he saw the chupacabra commit the murder, is that evidence?

Heresay is evidence?