
i think you're confusing evidence and proof....

the bible, like a history book, is evidence of the things simply choose not to believe said evidence....if you wrote a book and claimed you saw leprichauns, it would be evidence, but if all we had was your word, then it is up to me whether i believe your evidence....

there are many historical accuracies in the bible, we know from non biblical sources jesus did exist....the gospels give eye witness any court of law that would qualify as evidence, you as the juror can choose to believe the evidence or not

feynman's comment is certainly can choose to believe that the "miracle" or wonder of the way things are ordered are due to a creator or some other cosmic force....

Is this evidence that god exists??
It was the add at the top of the page. :cof1:
If a claim equals evidence, then the term evidence loses its meaning. Come on, you're an attorney right? If hobo Joe comes into the court and says he saw the chupacabra commit the murder, is that evidence?

Heresay is evidence?

it is testimonial evidence....

hearsay is an exception to evidence rules and the hearsay itself can very well be it is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted

why do you think witnesses are called to testify? because their testimony is used as evidence to prove or disprove something....

further, there are other historical documents that support some of what is contained in the bible...
it is testimonial evidence....

hearsay is an exception to evidence rules and the hearsay itself can very well be it is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted

why do you think witnesses are called to testify? because their testimony is used as evidence to prove or disprove something....

further, there are other historical documents that support some of what is contained in the bible...

Now there is a tautology, a lawyer who is a cunt. You must be very happy for the credit crunch as bankers have overtaken you in the most hated professions league table.
If a claim equals evidence, then the term evidence loses its meaning. Come on, you're an attorney right? If hobo Joe comes into the court and says he saw the chupacabra commit the murder, is that evidence?

Heresay is evidence?
???....if he is testifying that he SAW it happen it isn't hearsay.....hearsay would be if he came to court and testified that his buddy Harry told him that Harry saw it.......
εxoendo;570630 said:
This is why I hate religion, because religious people think they are intelligent people when they are in actuality simpleton proles. It's very sad how much it is destroying humanity. It's completely limiting our potential.

and exactly how does that differ from seculars who think they are intelligent when they aren't?.........:pke:
Well if you start making things vague, like psychics do, anything can be anything.

The beginning of the universe wasn't an "explosion". And technically there was no light, because everything was stuck together so densely the universe was completely opaque. Although the universe was dense enough that it produced enough heat to create all kinds of electromagnetic radiation (of which visible light is but a very very tiny band), the radiation would have had nowhere to go.

What is suspicious to me is that an all-knowing God would describe electromagnetic radiation in the limited, extremely human "light". That everything in the bible looks exactly like what you'd expect of a man 2000 years ago writing fiction. The curious thing about religion is that it teaches you nothing someone writing 2000 years ago didn't already know.

And the more you know, the more obvious all of this becomes. Belief in religion is the direct product of ignorance.

but you see, all of that is due to your failure to actually READ the've learned nothing from the Bible, so it shouldn't surprise you that it didn't teach you anything not known 2000 years ago......everyone else in the world recognizes that the teachings of scripture were radical then and radical now.....
it is testimonial evidence....

hearsay is an exception to evidence rules and the hearsay itself can very well be it is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted

why do you think witnesses are called to testify? because their testimony is used as evidence to prove or disprove something....

further, there are other historical documents that support some of what is contained in the bible...

btw, it was late when i posted that....i meant that there are hearsay exceptions to evidence rules....and if used in court, the bible would be an exception under the ancient document exception
Now there is a tautology, a lawyer who is a cunt. You must be very happy for the credit crunch as bankers have overtaken you in the most hated professions league table.

amazing, you just had to enter this thread and make this must so proud you can finally spell cunt and so proud of your obsession with me....

amazing, you just had to enter this thread and make this must so proud you can finally spell cunt and so proud of your obsession with me....


What difference does the thread make? I now see that you were being serious when you thought I couldn't spell cunt, that is just too fucking priceless for words. You are probably the most anal septic I've come across in recent times.
amazing, you just had to enter this thread and make this must so proud you can finally spell cunt and so proud of your obsession with me....


It's because Tom wants a cunt so bad he's literally twitching.

What difference does the thread make? I now see that you were being serious when you thought I couldn't spell cunt, that is just too fucking priceless for words. You are probably the most anal septic I've come across in recent times.

stop following me around you pervert who can't spell.... your case it may not be about religion but you attack people for what they believe on a daily basis.......

Focus like a laserbeam sunshine.

We were discussing Religion. You can try and change the subject in an attempt to make your point, but your original point is still false, all Liberals do NOT attack Christians over their religion.
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Focus like a laserbeam sunshine.

We were discussing Religion. You can try and change the subject in an attempt to make your point, but your original point is still false, all Liberals do NOT attack Christians over their religion.

you obviously missed grind's thread and most of watermark's posts...

A perfect example on why religion is dangerous, stupid, and should not be tolerated