Fifty fifty bet

I just don't know what to say anymore. She's living in bizarro world. I tried over and over to explain to her what you have to do to get permabanned here and it was like typing to a wall, lol. Her quotes about me getting banned for doxxing on GR are sprinkled all over this forum, like this: "you would have been banned because you linked to a thread with personal information....that's what I was trying to tell you..."

Lent is coming in a few days, I think I'll give up responding to her craziness, lol.
You already do enough service keeping Legion Troll's attention; there is no need to extend yourself to handling Toxic Top.
I wouldn't be proud of being a cannon fodder if I were you.
My "story telling" based on your posts? Priceless. Here is just one of your posts accusing me of having socks and trying to doxx you, you twisted effing liar.

"Well, gee...if she posts the link, and the forum is public, she's also linking to a thread that shows clearly that she and her best bud and their socks are doxxing...again...
So technically, that thread that Christi linked to has Fowl posting a link that is violation of JPP rules... Of course it's private now, but I'll be sure to check Often ;) I guess I should thank Christi for the thread reminder. I don't remember seeing it...

ETA: If you click on the link now, You can see the fake TOPICWAQ account that they created, with the picture they stole and used for the profile pic... of my HS swim team. Minors. Hmmm....that has been reported to Goodreads, of course."
And just like that, Toxic is toast.

I just don't know what to say anymore. She's living in bizarro world. I tried over and over to explain to her what you have to do to get permabanned here and it was like typing to a wall, lol. Her quotes about me getting banned for doxxing on GR are sprinkled all over this forum, like this: "you would have been banned because you linked to a thread with personal information....that's what I was trying to tell you..."

Lent is coming in a few days, I think I'll give up responding to her craziness, lol.

You please Jesus more than Toxic does. :laugh:
It's fixed....and that's all that matters... Your barfing helped this kitty...thanks again...
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Obviously she doesn't remember when I asked Damo in the open forum about being banned and he said no. And he also asked the other mods for me and they also said no. So I would like to know who was the person in authority who told her I would have been banned, since the buck stops at Damo.

Answer: There was no other person who said that. One of Toxic's most interesting ugly traits is her extreme paranoia. She projects that on to you by hinting or outright stating things like that that are not the least bit true. Lately she's been hinting that it would be sad on a resume esp. for care givers if our posts were seen by employers. Like her "teaching career," she's as phony and fraudulent as Trump.
Speaking for Jesus,* IMO just the fact that she offered gets her off the Giving ___ Up for Lent obligation. lol

* Like our "Christians" here often do, esp. the current troll.
In my book, Christiefan gets consideration for JPP sainthood for her work with attention whores like Legion. It's a community service that few want part of.