Fight Night: Barack Obama versus Australian Prime Minister....

So you agree we should keep reminding everyone how stupid freedom fries was ?
So we don;t forget and do it again ? If so sorry, I misunderstood.
I didn't say I disagreed with that. In fact, I said that I agreed that it was irresponsible to rename them to "Freedom Fries" in such a petulant act.

My point has been that such things are irresponsible no matter who has done them. It has never been stated by me throughout the entire thread that I support any of the sort from "cons".
It does however lend even more support toward the "if a righty did it then the lefties would be all over them" side of the argument. We've heard how irresponsible "Freedom Fries" was for how long now?
Damo I have to understand that statement as belittling those who still speak badly about the freedom fires episode.
It does however lend even more support toward the "if a righty did it then the lefties would be all over them" side of the argument. We've heard how irresponsible "Freedom Fries" was for how long now?
Damo I have to understand that statement as belittling those who still speak badly about the freedom fires episode.
Earlier in the thread people were all over me for stating that if a righty had done the same they would be on his behind. So far examples have been provided by their allies in that side of the argument. I don't mind. I believe that had a righty candidate done much of the same thing they'd be saying much of what I have been saying in this thread.

Me, I'm just an equal opportunity guy. I'd be all over a righty who did this as well.

I thought Freedom Fries were stupid and said so. I thought boycotting French wine was stupid, I said so...

I think playing politics with allies in the media is irresponsible regardless of who "started it". I think it is irresponsible all the time.

I don't think the same way about those who are clearly our enemies, the lines of communication are not there to promote the kind of dialogue we do, and should, have with our allies. Friends disagree, but two wrongs do not make it right.
Earlier in the thread people were all over me for stating that if a righty had done the same they would be on his behind. So far examples have been provided by their allies in that side of the argument. I don't mind. I believe that had a righty candidate done much of the same thing they'd be saying much of what I have been saying in this thread.

Me, I'm just an equal opportunity guy. I'd be all over a righty who did this as well.

I thought Freedom Fries were stupid and said so. I thought boycotting French wine was stupid, I said so...

I think playing politics with allies in the media is irresponsible regardless of who "started it". I think it is irresponsible all the time.

I don't think the same way about those who are clearly our enemies, the lines of communication are not there to promote the kind of dialogue we do, and should, have with our allies. Friends disagree, but two wrongs do not make it right.

Were Obama currently the occupant of the White House, I could see your point!
Were Obama currently the occupant of the White House, I could see your point!
It is the job he is going for and he is a Senator. This is a bit disingenuous. If you are applying for a job, is the first thing you do at the interview something irresposible and bad form for the job you are going for?

He is interviewing with us right now. Amazingly, what Congress gets heat for, this Presidential hopeful gets a pass on, from the exact same people. I prefer to remain consistent. It is always bad form and irresponsible to play in the news cycle with our allies. Even if "they started it first!" is your defense.
Yeah applying for the highest job in the land with no resume required ....
And promises made to get the job are exampt from the truth in advertising law.
Damo, seriously. You're taking this waaaaaaaaayyyyyy to far and being the biggest drama queen about a benign comment that he made. The fact is its not nearly as irresponsible, immature or silly as your diatribes and false outrage imply. He defended his stance and offered viable option for howie & co. I think at this point you're trying as hard as you can to convince yourself that was he was out of place.
Damo, seriously. You're taking this waaaaaaaaayyyyyy to far and being the biggest drama queen about a benign comment that he made. The fact is its not nearly as irresponsible, immature or silly as your diatribes and false outrage imply. He defended his stance and offered viable option for howie & co. I think at this point you're trying as hard as you can to convince yourself that was he was out of place.
And I think the opposite of you, I believe you work to explain away what you would not forgive from the opposition. For gods' sakes, Freedom Fries has been the lingering subject of how irresponsible Republicans were for a very long time...
For gods' sakes, Freedom Fries has been the lingering subject of how irresponsible Republicans were for a very long time...
and my point is that they should continue on the same path, so the stoopid people do not forget too soon. If no price is paid for stupid actions , they WILL be repeated.
Try not punishing bad behaviour in children....
For gods' sakes, Freedom Fries has been the lingering subject of how irresponsible Republicans were for a very long time...
and my point is that they should continue on the same path, so the stoopid people do not forget too soon. If no price is paid for stupid actions , they WILL be repeated.
Try not punishing bad behaviour in children....

And my point is, if "freedom fries" was irresponsible, then Obama's remark was as well. Only those who support him believe that it is okey-dokey to enter such a dialogue, even if "they started it first". I expect people to be, oh let's say 'as responsible as Bush' and able to either ignore, or answer with far more forethought... at least while running for this particular office.

And I especially expect the Party of "Freedom Fries is an Insult to our Allies!" to expect a bit more as well when dealing with our allies.
Hmm freedom fries took an act of congress, Obama said this how many times ?
One person making a mistake or mispeak , or just something that some disagree with vs Congress, come on now Damo. Did Obama vote for freedom fries ?
As far as I am concerned anyone who supported freedom fries needs to have their ass kicked (quite literally).

My comment when I found out about freedom fries was "damn congressional brats, when are they going to grow up and run the country".
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Hmm freedom fries took an act of congress, Obama said this how many times ?
One person making a mistake or mispeak , or just something that some disagree with vs Congress, come on now Damo. Did Obama vote for freedom fries ?
As far as I am concerned anyone who supported freedom fries needs to have their ass kicked (quite literally).

My comment when I found out about freedom fries was "damn congressional brats, when are they going to grow up and run the country".
Pretty much. And my reaction to this was that it was a bit irresponsible. Others take that and attempt to say that it wasn't. I disagree with them, they act like I am saying he should be put in jail. I say that I bet he won't do it again because he learns from mistakes and is smarter than that, they think I believe he should be stomped like a redheaded flag-burning stepchild...

Who really is overreacting? It was irresponsible, that was all I said. I think he should rethink such a tactic, and I'll bet he has.