Fight Night: Barack Obama versus Australian Prime Minister....

No, it was remarks he made and then apologized for. Obama doesn't live in a vacuum, his past remarks, especially in context of this campaign, do put into context other remarks.

I will bet that Obama will not wade into that again in the future. I think he is smarter than this.

Oh, I thought we were talking about what Howard and Obama said to each other

It didn't occur to me, to research stupid things Howard has said that didn't involve obama, and weren't even said directly to obama.

If were going to stick to the topic of this thread though - the actual exchange of "insults" between Howard and Obama - then you must concede, that the Obama response was policy-based, whereas the Howard response include personal slander on Obama and the Democratic party.
Oh, I thought we were talking about what Howard and Obama said to each other

It didn't occur to me, to research stupid things Howard has said that didn't involve obama, and weren't even said directly to obama.

If were going to stick to the topic of this thread though - the actual exchange of "insults" between Howard and Obama - then you must concede, that the Obama response was policy-based, whereas the Howard response include personal slander on Obama and the Democratic party.
No, that was something that Obama said. It wasn't research it was memory. Man, you really are not with the times for somebody who is on a poli-board regularly...

Look at today's NYT.

Anyway, I stated that long ago. That although one "wasn't as bad" as the other they were both inappropriate. Especially in the context of previous remarks by Obama about the war specifically.
the thread topic was about the two of them, however...not about Obama's subsequent statements in New Hampshire having nothing to do with The Aussie PM.
I found it interesting, when a portion of his message was to look to the rest of the world for support, that Obama found time to start up a negative dialogue with one of our closest allies. I think it was a bit irresponsible to begin negative dialogues with those whom we have some of the closest ties.

Obama did not start the negative dialogue... the Australian did!
the only way he'll be arunning mate is if the dems think they have no chance of winning, like geraldine ferrarra was (first woman vp candidate in a no win election); the only way that's gonna happen is if shrub finally gets some cajones and fights a war the way it should be fought and has a glorious victory; then the dems could run God and still lose...but that's highly unlikely at this point....

At the time Dukakis choose Ferriro, many people gave them a good chance of winning, they were ahead in the polls.
Had Obama not said anything back to the Aussie PM you Republicans would have called him weak....
Had Obama not said anything back to the Aussie PM you Republicans would have called him weak....
I gave an example of what I believed would be a better response, without sounding "weak". Read the thread, then comment.
I love what Obama said, he pointed out the hypocracy in the critisism.... If we only had 1500 troops in Iraq we would be a lot better off!
I love what Obama said, he pointed out the hypocracy in the critisism.... If we only had 1500 troops in Iraq we would be a lot better off!
I don't care who it is, or whether I agree with what they said, it is irresponsible to run Foreign relations with allies in the news cycle.
I don't care who it is, or whether I agree with what they said, it is irresponsible to run Foreign relations with allies in the news cycle.

Oh, like when Rummy called France a part of "Old Europe" and talked about how illrelevant France Germany and Spain have become?
Oh, like when Rummy called France a part of "Old Europe" and talked about how illrelevant France Germany and Spain have become?
Yes, exactly like that. Notice I stated that if they were a righty the left would criticize for such activity. Notice how the lefties in the thread were all for it as long as they agree.

Notice how the lefties actually did get all over Rummy, along with me, for doing just that?

It seems I have been justified in regards to my position that if a righty did such a thing the same lefties loving how Barack did it would be all over them....
Freedom Fries! Our congress sucks.
I already said that this was the same above. But since it is repeated I too will repeat, that too was foolish.

It does however lend even more support toward the "if a righty did it then the lefties would be all over them" side of the argument. We've heard how irresponsible "Freedom Fries" was for how long now?
We've heard how irresponsible "Freedom Fries" was for how long now?
We should never forget how irresponsibly our congress acted on this issue.
Or do you think we should act this way again ?
We've heard how irresponsible "Freedom Fries" was for how long now?
We should never forget how irresponsibly our congress acted on this issue.
Or do you think we should act this way again ?
Which was my point from the beginning.
So you agree we should keep reminding everyone how stupid freedom fries was ?
So we don;t forget and do it again ? If so sorry, I misunderstood.