Fight Night: Barack Obama versus Australian Prime Minister....

Right.... I gaurantee that your voice would be different if a R candidate began, oh let's say such a dialogue with the leader of Spain over what he thought was a poor choice.

Of course I think the Aussie was foolish for stooping to such a level as well.

Your assumption is wrong.

When Chavez called bush "the devil", I am on record saying it was a childish and assinine thing for chavez to say. I wouldn't have blamed bush or his minions for verbally lashing back.

Just like I don't blame Obama for lashing back at Howard, for saying "al qaeda was praying for obama's election". That's a shitty thing to say. was a huge slap in the face to our oldest ally.... who, if you'll notice, was RIGHT about the war being a boneheaded counterproductive move.....

versus some irrelevant Aussie who thinks he needs to interject himself into American politics because he has a handful of non-combatant support forces in Iraq..... and all Barak said was, if he was all hot to go and thought this war was such a sterling idea, he could send HIS boys to die in droves....

it makes perfect sense and I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment and the tone.

The douchebag deserved a hell of a lot worse that what Barak gave him, if you ask me.
It was not, however, directly speaking to the leader of that ally... Notice the difference? I'm pretty sure you do...

This is another apologist inanity that you express when one side does what you object of from the other. I thought "Freedom Fries" was simply stupid. I think that this silly argument is about at the same level for both parties involved.
Your assumption is wrong.

When Chavez called bush "the devil", I am on record saying it was a childish and assinine thing for chavez to say. I wouldn't have blamed bush or his minions for verbally lashing back.

Just like I don't blame Obama for lashing back at Howard, for saying "al qaeda was praying for obama's election". That's a shitty thing to say.
It is. But it isn't better to "lash back" as you say. Not "lashing back" was one of Bush's better decisions.
Right.... I gaurantee that your voice would be different if a R candidate began, oh let's say such a dialogue with the leader of Spain over what he thought was a poor choice.

Of course I think the Aussie was foolish for stooping to such a level as well.

He didn't "begin" the dialog. He finished it. This guy insulted not only Obama, but the entire Democratic party, along with a good part of the American population. You have some nerve even arguing this line.

I'm f'ing tired of this bs that if you're a democrat or you support them, you're aligned with the terrorists. And we're looking for someone who isn't going to take that shit anymore

And that's what's really got your panties in a bunch. The last thing a Republican apologist wants (and that's what you are), is for the Democrats to not take this shit anymore.

You lost all credibility with this thread to my mind. And it's not coming back.
Your assumption is wrong.

When Chavez called bush "the devil", I am on record saying it was a childish and assinine thing for chavez to say. I wouldn't have blamed bush or his minions for verbally lashing back.

Just like I don't blame Obama for lashing back at Howard, for saying "al qaeda was praying for obama's election". That's a shitty thing to say.

Is it something we haven't heard before from the repukes in this country? No.

They're dogshit. And they're afraid. Number one, because people don't buy it anymore, and number two, because we've got some Democrats who aren't going to take it anymore. And it's high time. My opinion of Obama went up because of this incident. And trust me, he wasn't getting Damo's vote anyway.
"If I was running al-Qaeda in Iraq I would put a circle around March 2008 and pray as many times as possible for a victory, not only for Obama, but also for the Democrats," Mr Howard said on the Nine Network's Sunday, referring to Senator Obama's plan to pull US troops out of Iraq by March next year.

An insult not just to Obama. But to at least half this country, and pending the outcome of 08, very possibly to a clear majority of this country.

Only a republican apologist would defend this, or claim that Obama shouldn't have answered it. Of course he should have. He doesn't belong on the world stage if he can't play hardball with these pukes.
He didn't "begin" the dialog. He finished it. This guy insulted not only Obama, but the entire Democratic party, along with a good part of the American population. You have some nerve even arguing this line.

I'm f'ing tired of this bs that if you're a democrat or you support them, you're aligned with the terrorists. And we're looking for someone who isn't going to take that shit anymore

And that's what's really got your panties in a bunch. The last thing a Republican apologist wants (and that's what you are), is for the Democrats to not take this shit anymore.

You lost all credibility with this thread to my mind. And it's not coming back.
I did say that the PM of Australia shouldn't have said it either. What is your point? I have actually presented my opinion rather well. I think it is foolish for those in such positions to begin sniping at each other.
"If I was running al-Qaeda in Iraq I would put a circle around March 2008 and pray as many times as possible for a victory, not only for Obama, but also for the Democrats," Mr Howard said on the Nine Network's Sunday, referring to Senator Obama's plan to pull US troops out of Iraq by March next year.

An insult not just to Obama. But to at least half this country, and pending the outcome of 08, very possibly to a clear majority of this country.

Only a republican apologist would defend this, or claim that Obama shouldn't have answered it. Of course he should have. He doesn't belong on the world stage if he can't play hardball with these pukes.
I haven't defended it. You are deliberately ignoring posts where I said the Aussie was out of line so that you can pretend you have some sort of moral high ground. You do this often, you pretend to know what I think even though I have written it out for you, and "give" me an opinion I have not expressed. I didn't say the Aussie was the "Great and All-Powerful Good" I have said he was foolish to stoop so low himself.
Is it something we haven't heard before from the repukes in this country? No.

They're dogshit. And they're afraid. Number one, because people don't buy it anymore, and number two, because we've got some Democrats who aren't going to take it anymore. And it's high time. My opinion of Obama went up because of this incident. And trust me, he wasn't getting Damo's vote anyway.

Me too. Obama's stock just went way up in my eyes. I've been inclined to support someone who had the good judgment to know this war was a mistake, from the very beginning. I've been holding back to see if Wes Clark or Gore jumped in. And I was waiting to see if Obama could go balls to the wall. He did. ;)
Is it something we haven't heard before from the repukes in this country? No.

They're dogshit. And they're afraid. Number one, because people don't buy it anymore, and number two, because we've got some Democrats who aren't going to take it anymore. And it's high time. My opinion of Obama went up because of this incident. And trust me, he wasn't getting Damo's vote anyway.
Actually I like his opinion on building toward a future by investing in cleaner energy... While I don't like others of his opinions on other things.

I don't think that Unions are the next best hope for any portion of our population, for instance.

Trust me, you haven't yet been right in deciphering my position on anything because you simply won't read what I write. Instead you guess at my opinions and reflect some sort of negative stereotype you have set in your head as a template...
I did say that the PM of Australia shouldn't have said it either. What is your point? I have actually presented my opinion rather well. I think it is foolish for those in such positions to begin sniping at each other.

Who gives a shit? Of course he shouldn't have said it. He called every Democrat in America a f'ing terrorist collaborator.

So because you, as an afterthought, made the stunningly obvious observation that "he shouldn't have said it", that excuses your attacks on Obama for defending not only himself, but me. Because I take that shit personally, and I am sick and tired of it. Got it? And I'm only going to vote for someone who is going to clean their mf'ing clocks everytime they try it. In fact, one of the few things Hillary has going for her, in my book, is that her real campaign manager will be the best political mind that we currently have. And for 8 years, he did not take their shit. And he beat them. And he beat them. And then, he beat them again.

And that's what I'm looking for. Maybe, if you had spent the last 6 years being called an anti-American, terrorist loving traitor, you'd get it. But as I said, you're not voting for any Democrat no matter what, so who really cares?
Me too. Obama's stock just went way up in my eyes. I've been inclined to support someone who had the good judgment to know this war was a mistake, from the very beginning. I've been holding back to see if Wes Clark or Gore jumped in. And I was waiting to see if Obama could go balls to the wall. He did. ;)

I agree. Between this, and the fact that he gave FOX the deep freeze-out after their absolutely disgusting shit at his expense, plus that great way he put Brownback in his place in that church (welcome to my house, indeed)he got some big points from me. I'm still waiting to see if Gore jumps in; if he does, he's got my vote. Otherwise, it's probably between Obama and Edwards. It's a long time off and I need to see what happens between then and now. But this is all good as far as I am concerned.
Who gives a shit? Of course he shouldn't have said it. He called every Democrat in America a f'ing terrorist collaborator.

So because you, as an afterthought, made the stunningly obvious observation that "he shouldn't have said it", that excuses your attacks on Obama for defending not only himself, but me. Because I take that shit personally, and I am sick and tired of it. Got it? And I'm only going to vote for someone who is going to clean their mf'ing clocks everytime they try it. In fact, one of the few things Hillary has going for her, in my book, is that her real campaign manager will be the best political mind that we currently have. And for 8 years, he did not take their shit. And he beat them. And he beat them. And then, he beat them again.

And that's what I'm looking for. Maybe, if you had spent the last 6 years being called an anti-American, terrorist loving traitor, you'd get it. But as I said, you're not voting for any Democrat no matter what, so who really cares?

bravo Darla.... try as I may, I could NEVER say it as well as that!
Who gives a shit? Of course he shouldn't have said it. He called every Democrat in America a f'ing terrorist collaborator.

So because you, as an afterthought, made the stunningly obvious observation that "he shouldn't have said it", that excuses your attacks on Obama for defending not only himself, but me. Because I take that shit personally, and I am sick and tired of it. Got it? And I'm only going to vote for someone who is going to clean their mf'ing clocks everytime they try it. In fact, one of the few things Hillary has going for her, in my book, is that her real campaign manager will be the best political mind that we currently have. And for 8 years, he did not take their shit. And he beat them. And he beat them. And then, he beat them again.

And that's what I'm looking for. Maybe, if you had spent the last 6 years being called an anti-American, terrorist loving traitor, you'd get it. But as I said, you're not voting for any Democrat no matter what, so who really cares?
Attacks? Okay. I will say unequivocally any of the leaders who attempt Foreign relations via the news cycle by working on insults, including those in the UK, US, Australia, etc. are fools. Such things are better handled elsewhere, and those who answer are simply stooping to the level of their detractors.

So instead of one fool, we now have two.

So, regardless of whether Dixie has called somebody a traitor, it still is a foolish move to take on a silly contest in the news cycle to see who can create the better insult rather than working on actual responsible Foreign relations.

Bush had more class than this when he was called Satan Himself.

And BTW, I voted twice now for a Democratic Senator above a Republican... so, you are wrong in your assessment of my voting. This is once again the negative stereotype placed on me in your imagination because you simply do not attempt to even read my posts, instead you pass judgment on me with your (never right) magical ability to ascertain my opinions with that template....

You spend so much time attempting to fit this square peg into your round template that you miss much of what I actually say.
No one cares what Dixie says.

Leaders of the GOP, incuding Cheney and Bush have implied and stated for at least five years that Democrats are emboldening terrorists at best, and are terrorist allies at worst. If the GOP and there minions won't stop it, I'm all for Obama - or whoever - slugging them back in the mouth. Its been going on for five years.
Attacks? Okay. I will say unequivocally any of the leaders who attempt Foreign relations via the news cycle by working on insults, including those in the UK, US, Australia, etc. are fools. Such things are better handled elsewhere, and those who answer are simply stooping to the level of their detractors.

So instead of one fool, we now have two.

So, regardless of whether Dixie has called somebody a traitor, it still is a foolish move to take on a silly contest in the news cycle to see who can create the better insult rather than working on actual responsible Foreign relations.

Bush had more class than this when he was called Satan Himself.

And BTW, I voted twice now for a Democratic Senator above a Republican... so, you are wrong in your assessment of my voting. This is once again the negative stereotype placed on me in your imagination because you simply do not attempt to even read my posts, instead you pass judgment on me with your (never right) magical ability to ascertain my opinions with that template....

You spend so much time attempting to fit this square peg into your round template that you miss much of what I actually say.

Chavez making jokes at Bush's expense, and at Bush's expense only, is a very different matter. I probably wouldn't have responded to that either, unless I had a good joke in response.

A world leader calling half of America terrorist enablers, or saying that terrorists are rooting for a party that represents half of America, because, and this obvious, they will be easier on the terrorists/support the terrorists, is completely different, and if you can't see that, that's your shortcoming, not mine.

I stand by every word I wrote.
No one cares what Dixie says.

Leaders of the GOP, incuding Cheney and Bush have implied and stated for at least five years that Democrats are emboldening terrorists at best, and are terrorist allies at worst. If the GOP and there minions won't stop it, I'm all for Obama - or whoever - slugging them back in the mouth. Its been going on for five years.

And they're still pulling it. If you're against the surge, you're hurting the troops. How many times have I heard that in the past several weeks? It's their talking point.
And they're still pulling it. If you're against the surge, you're hurting the troops. How many times have I heard that in the past several weeks? It's their talking point.

And look at the circumstances under which the Dems finally won an election - in a landslide no less.....when they started calling a spade a spade, and slugging back at people who questioned our patriotism.

I'm not suprised that republicans are giving "friendly advice" that democrats should go back to the way they acted in 2002 and 2003.
And look at the circumstances under which the Dems finally won an election - in a landslide no less.....when they started calling a spade a spade, and slugging back at people who questioned our patriotism.

I'm not suprised that republicans are giving "friendly advice" that democrats should go back to the way they acted in 2002 and 2003.

LOL...excellent point.