Fight Night: Sheryl Crowe v. Karl Rove


Will work for Scooby snacks
Girly man Rove has a hissy fit, when Sheryl Crowe approaches him and wants to discuss Global Warming -- With a man who is on the taxpayers payroll. Sounds reasonable to me.

The best part is when Rove freaks out when Sheryl Crowe touches him. How many men have dreamed of Sheryl Crowe touching them? And Rove wigs out?

Karl Rove Gets Thrown Under the Stop Global Warming Bus

Sheryl Crow, Laurie David,

Last night Thelma and Louise drove the bus off the cliff or at least into the White House Correspondents Dinner. The "highlight" of the evening had to be when we were introduced to Karl Rove. How excited were we to have our first opportunity ever to talk directly to the Bush Administration about global warming.

We asked Mr. Rove if he would consider taking a fresh look at the science of global warming. Much to our dismay, he immediately got combative. And it went downhill from there.

We reminded the senior White House advisor that the US leads the world in global warming pollution and we are doing the least about it. Anger flaring, Mr. Rove immediately regurgitated the official Administration position on global warming which is that the US spends more on researching the causes than any other country.

We felt compelled to remind him that the research is done and the results are in ( Mr. Rove exploded with even more venom. Like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum, Mr. Rove launched into a series of illogical arguments regarding China not doing enough thus neither should we. (Since when do we follow China's lead?)

At some point during his ramblings, we became heartbroken to think that the President of the United States and his top advisers have partially built a career on global warming not being real. We have been telling college students across the country for the past two weeks that government does not change until people demand it... well, listen up folks, everyone had better get a lot louder because the message clearly is not getting through.

In his attempt to dismiss us, Mr. Rove turned to head toward his table, but as soon as he did so, Sheryl reached out to touch his arm. Karl swung around and spat, "Don't touch me." How hardened and removed from reality must a person be to refuse to be touched by Sheryl Crow? Unfazed, Sheryl abruptly responded, "You can't speak to us like that, you work for us." Karl then quipped, "I don't work for you, I work for the American people." To which Sheryl promptly reminded him, "We are the American people."

what a shocker a turbo-lib sides with a nutjob lefty over Rove.

I won't say Crow set the gw movement back 5 yrs but she sure is trying with the 1 sheet of tp comment.
Mighty white of her after touring, and flying polluting all over the country. :pke:
Sheryl Crowe uses the royal "we" and says that she speaks for me? What hogwash.

Now I agree we should work on polluting less, because it is most definitely bad to pump crap into the air, ground, and water without regard to the fact we are fouling our own nest, not because a group of scientists that cannot detect what the weather will do tomorrow are sure that we caused global warming this time.

Honestly, if we simply regard the planet as our responsibility, as I believe it is, then we will work to keep it clean regardless. However it doesn't mean we must sign a treaty that cripples our economy while ignoring the second and third contributors. There is a reason that Clinton didn't bring that before Congress for approval and that reason didn't disappear just because Bush took office.
Sheryl Crowe uses the royal "we" and says that she speaks for me? What hogwash.

Now I agree we should work on polluting less, because it is most definitely bad to pump crap into the air, ground, and water without regard to the fact we are fouling our own nest, not because a group of scientists that cannot detect what the weather will do tomorrow are sure that we caused global warming this time.

Honestly, if we simply regard the planet as our responsibility, as I believe it is, then we will work to keep it clean regardless. However it doesn't mean we must sign a treaty that cripples our economy while ignoring the second and third contributors. There is a reason that Clinton didn't bring that before Congress for approval and that reason didn't disappear just because Bush took office.

I think you took that the wrong way Damo. Rove said to her "I don't work for you I work for the American people". Well, she's an American. If you ran into say, Dick Cheney and shared a concern with him, and he responded that he doesn't work for you he works for the American people, how would you answer? Because it implies that you're not an American citizen.
Rove really ment to say he works for the Republican party, but then he views them as the only americans worth viewing...
He does actually work for the republican party, he lied.
If not why does he use the RNC email system and not the one that the rest of the US government uses ?
Rove really ment to say he works for the Republican party, but then he views them as the only americans worth viewing...
He does actually work for the republican party, he lied.
If not why does he use the RNC email system and not the one that the rest of the US government uses ?

Right...good point.
Crow is a joke and is setting the fight on GW back 5 yrs.

Top, I know this is going to come as a huge shock to you, but, Crow was joking about the toilet paper. She couldn't really believe she had to state that it was a joke, that anyone thought she was serious. That poor, deluded girl. She's obviously never been on a message board. I could have warned her.

"And by the way guys, the toilet paper was a JOKE!!"
I think you took that the wrong way Damo. Rove said to her "I don't work for you I work for the American people". Well, she's an American. If you ran into say, Dick Cheney and shared a concern with him, and he responded that he doesn't work for you he works for the American people, how would you answer? Because it implies that you're not an American citizen.
She said, "We are the american people!" Well, she isn't.

I would answer, "I am one of them!" I woudln't use the royal "we" and state that any group that I am part of are the American people.
I don't know she verbally harrassed Bush's tool at a black tie event. To me that's environmental whacko card holder.
Top, I know this is going to come as a huge shock to you, but, Crow was joking about the toilet paper. She couldn't really believe she had to state that it was a joke, that anyone thought she was serious. That poor, deluded girl. She's obviously never been on a message board. I could have warned her.

"And by the way guys, the toilet paper was a JOKE!!"
Still you gotta admit it isn't very practical. I like her line of clothing with removable sleeves so you can wipe your face at social gatherings if they offer paper napkins.
She said, "We are the american people!" Well, she isn't.

I would answer, "I am one of them!" I woudln't use the royal "we" and state that any group that I am part of are the American people.

Ok. I don't know what I'd answer, in the heat of a moment like that.
I don't know she verbally harrassed Bush's tool at a black tie event. To me that's environmental whacko card holder.

How do you know she "verbally harrassed" him? They say they approached him in a nice way, to open a discussion. And that he was very nasty. Now, I wasn't there, but when it comes down to the word of Karl Rove, vs, any other human being on the planet, I am pretty much going to take the word of any other human being on the planet, as to what happened.

Do you know why Top? Because Karl Rove lies for a living.
Top, I know this is going to come as a huge shock to you, but, Crow was joking about the toilet paper. She couldn't really believe she had to state that it was a joke, that anyone thought she was serious. That poor, deluded girl. She's obviously never been on a message board. I could have warned her.

"And by the way guys, the toilet paper was a JOKE!!"

Are NeoCons stupid? Or just liars?

I had an extended discussion with a message board Neocon who was feigning shock and anger that Sheryl Crowe is dictating that we give up our "God given right to toilet paper" and limit ourselves to one square per toilet visit.

Does one really have to explain to a NeoCon that this is tongue in cheek humour? Or, is the NeoCon lying, and simply feigning shock and outrage?
Are NeoCons stupid? Or just liars?

I had an extended discussion with a message board Neocon who was feigning shock and anger that Sheryl Crowe is dictating that we give up our "God given right to toilet paper" and limit ourselves to one square per toilet visit.

Does one really have to explain to a NeoCon that this is tongue in cheek humour? Or, is the NeoCon lying, and simply feigning shock and outrage?

I've considered the question, and my diagnosis is: FALSE OUTRAGE!

That's Top for you.
She said, "We are the american people!" Well, she isn't.

I would answer, "I am one of them!" I woudln't use the royal "we" and state that any group that I am part of are the American people.
Her construction was both grammatically and colloquially correct and, frankly, her way of phrasing it is rather more elegant than yours. No offense intended. ;)

You're quibbling with tone and stylistic issues here. You know what she meant, as would any reasonable person.