Fight Night: Sheryl Crowe v. Karl Rove

might be false outrage on both extremes, I often laugh at nut jobs on both sides.
Verbally harrassing a Bush advisor at a black tie event is classless and sophmoric. Cheryll Crowe just destroyed her credibility with all but the looney left who would line up to hear Pee Wee Herman tell them what they want to hear.
I've considered the question, and my diagnosis is: FALSE OUTRAGE!

That's Top for you.

I agree. Anyone with an IQ over 50, doesn't need it explained to her/him, that this is tongue in cheek humour.

I agree: the NeoCons are lying. It's feigned outrage.
How can a turd be harassed ?

Just a closet Bushie there spin ?

He does seem to be very upset and worried that Rove's feelings might have been hurt.

Top, you wanna take up a collection for Rove? Send him some flowers? Unless they are planted in dog shit, you're not getting so much as a dollar out of me. Try Freepers!
might be false outrage on both extremes, I often laugh at nut jobs on both sides.
Verbally harrassing a Bush advisor at a black tie event is classless and sophmoric. Cheryll Crowe just destroyed her credibility with all but the looney left who would line up to hear Pee Wee Herman tell them what they want to hear.
Decorum at a "black tie event" is more important than taking an opportunity to put a little more squeeze on a party to mass murder? I think your values are a little skewed there, my man. You may need to reexamine your kilter.
might be false outrage on both extremes, I often laugh at nut jobs on both sides.
Verbally harrassing a Bush advisor at a black tie event is classless and sophmoric. Cheryll Crowe just destroyed her credibility with all but the looney left who would line up to hear Pee Wee Herman tell them what they want to hear.

Rove is a war criminal. Do you know how many hudreds of thousands of people he and his minions have killed?

Personally, I think he should be punched in the face. Whatever restraint Crowe showed was admirable.
I agree with both of you Ornot and Cypress. Ariana Huffington posted this little tidbit last year, about how she ran into Condi Rice at a black tie event. And Arianna didn't know what to say to her, so she finally decided to go up to her and ask her who designed her gown. I popped a blood vessel and replied to that little gem, and that's when they stopped posting my comments on huffpo, seriously, they never post them. And that is why most of these pundits are FOS. They dont' have any real passion about their "beliefs".

Condi Rice is a murderer. If I didn't have the guts to go up to her and tell her, I think you are nothing but a dirty murderer, then I would say nothing. I certainly would not stand around giggling with her about her freaking dress, you can bet on that.
I agree with both of you Ornot and Cypress. Ariana Huffington posted this little tidbit last year, about how she ran into Condi Rice at a black tie event. And Arianna didn't know what to say to her, so she finally decided to go up to her and ask her who designed her gown. I popped a blood vessel and replied to that little gem, and that's when they stopped posting my comments on huffpo, seriously, they never post them. And that is why most of these pundits are FOS. They dont' have any real passion about their "beliefs".

Condi Rice is a murderer. If I didn't have the guts to go up to her and tell her, I think you are nothing but a dirty murderer, then I would say nothing. I certainly would not stand around giggling with her about her freaking dress, you can bet on that.

I would never hit a woman. But, if you ever want to take a swing at war criminal Rice, I'll just look the other way.

I agree with both of you Ornot and Cypress. Ariana Huffington posted this little tidbit last year, about how she ran into Condi Rice at a black tie event. And Arianna didn't know what to say to her, so she finally decided to go up to her and ask her who designed her gown. I popped a blood vessel and replied to that little gem, and that's when they stopped posting my comments on huffpo, seriously, they never post them. And that is why most of these pundits are FOS. They dont' have any real passion about their "beliefs".

Condi Rice is a murderer. If I didn't have the guts to go up to her and tell her, I think you are nothing but a dirty murderer, then I would say nothing. I certainly would not stand around giggling with her about her freaking dress, you can bet on that.
On a bad day, a suggestion that maintaining decorum at a formal event is worth spending more than one millisecond's consideration on might actually piss me off. :cool:

These people -- Rove, in this instance -- have forfeited any right to consideration of their feelings in public, frankly. This is where the phrase "bunker mentality" comes into play, when bad people stop getting invited to A-list events.
Are NeoCons stupid? Or just liars?

I had an extended discussion with a message board Neocon who was feigning shock and anger that Sheryl Crowe is dictating that we give up our "God given right to toilet paper" and limit ourselves to one square per toilet visit.

Does one really have to explain to a NeoCon that this is tongue in cheek humour? Or, is the NeoCon lying, and simply feigning shock and outrage?
Really? Where?

I heard last night a guy on the radio who was having fun with the idea. Seriously, does anybody know somebody who could get away with one square?
Yeah I sure would not risk a hangnail to protect Rice.

If some gal has war criminal Rice on the ground, pummeling her, and Condi screams at me to dial 911 to save her ass, my response would be?

"Ooops. Darn, I think my cell phone battery is dead!"
I figure Crow could get her butt licked clean and need no paper at all :D

Plenty of fools over a nice looker out there.
Her construction was both grammatically and colloquially correct and, frankly, her way of phrasing it is rather more elegant than yours. No offense intended. ;)

You're quibbling with tone and stylistic issues here. You know what she meant, as would any reasonable person.
I'm not really quibbling. "We are the American people!" when she is alone speaking is the royal "we". She doesn't speak for all of us in any capacity.

I personally don't care what she says. I find all of it amusing. Were I Rove my answer would have been, "We? What? Do you have a turd in your back pocket?"
Really? Where?

I heard last night a guy on the radio who was having fun with the idea. Seriously, does anybody know somebody who could get away with one square?

some NeoCons on fp. Actually I think some right-leaning libertarians were pretending that they couldn't recognize tongue in cheek humour as well.
I'm not really quibbling. "We are the American people!" when she is alone speaking is the royal "we". She doesn't speak for all of us in any capacity.

I personally don't care what she says. I find all of it amusing. Were I Rove my answer would have been, "We? What? Do you have a turd in your back pocket?"
I might have added... "Or is there one in your sleeve?"