Fight Night: Sheryl Crowe v. Karl Rove

On a bad day, a suggestion that maintaining decorum at a formal event is worth spending more than one millisecond's consideration on might actually piss me off. :cool:

These people -- Rove, in this instance -- have forfeited any right to consideration of their feelings in public, frankly. This is where the phrase "bunker mentality" comes into play, when bad people stop getting invited to A-list events.

Totally agree Ornot. But I don't do that well at black tie events anyway. I used to go to them all of the time with my fiance. I look like I fit in time I had a couple of drinks and they were talking about golf, and one of them asked me, "and what do you do all day while Jim is golfing" and I said "well, I stay home and masturbate".

I thought it was funny, but boy did I get a talking to that set my ears to ringing afterwards. :(
The funny thing is, I was going to come on today and post about the "One Square Theory" asking if even women could use only one square. I don't know of a single man who could.
I'm not really quibbling. "We are the American people!" when she is alone speaking is the royal "we". She doesn't speak for all of us in any capacity.

I personally don't care what she says. I find all of it amusing. Were I Rove my answer would have been, "We? What? Do you have a turd in your back pocket?"
Alone? She wasn't alone. That's why we can't figure out where you get this "royal we" stuff. She was in the company of Laurie David and an entire room full of other people. That's what Scratch Shot has been basing his false outrage on this time, even: it was [*gasp*] in public, at a black tie, A-list, event and so, so terribly rude, don't you know. Such bad form.
Oh, Rove's feelings aren't even on my list.
So if the guy's an asswhole it's ok to be a bafoon in your actions toward him.

You guy's may be right. My concern is moderate's and indy's being turned off by the freakishness of the far left.
What ever it takes to win.
Are they murderer's of course not only a intilectuall wannabee like ornot throws that around.
but if false outrage gets the Bushite's and the Ghestapo right out of power.
Swing away for the fenses Chicken little's:clink:
Top, I realize that back in the day when you were a rush limbaugh fan, these kind of stories about hollywood liberals and entertainers seemed like they were earth-shattering events, that would move the electorate to support NeoCons, theocrats, and republicans.

Take my word for it: hardly anybody (except rush limbaugh fans) are gonna give a shit about what Sheryl Crowe did or didn't do. And we already know how the rush limbaugh fans are going to vote. We aren't courting them.
The funny thing is, I was going to come on today and post about the "One Square Theory" asking if even women could use only one square. I don't know of a single man who could.

Obviously, no one can use one square. That's why it was patently obvious she was joking around - it was tongue in cheek.

What I'm amazed at, is how many neocons on other message boards, pretended to be outraged - that this was allegedly a whacked out liberal "policy" Crowe was promoting
ouch!! nice backhanded slap.
I was a long time Reagan Repub, not a Rush fan at all.
It's hard to see yourself as a far lefty like Chavez lover when your talking to a moderate and that's your problem.
I hope we win but actions like these are exploited by the cons 100fold in importance. And dems have had a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Alone? She wasn't alone. That's why we can't figure out where you get this "royal we" stuff. She was in the company of Laurie David and an entire room full of other people. That's what Scratch Shot has been basing his false outrage on this time, even: it was [*gasp*] in public, at a black tie, A-list, event and so, so terribly rude, don't you know. Such bad form.
Then my answer would have been, "Really? You speak for every citizen out there?"

Either way it was an arrogance to suggest that her group was speaking for the entire nation, I doubt she even spoke the opinion of everybody at the event. They represented the opinion of some of the American public, not all of it. Rove handled it poorly. I would have had far more fun with it.
Top, I realize that back in the day when you were a rush limbaugh fan, these kind of stories about hollywood liberals and entertainers seemed like they were earth-shattering events, that would move the electorate to support NeoCons, theocrats, and republicans.

Take my word for it: hardly anybody (except rush limbaugh fans) are gonna give a shit about what Sheryl Crowe did or didn't do. And we already know how the rush limbaugh fans are going to vote. We aren't courting them.
Indeed, We are amused.

Then my answer would have been, "Really? You speak for every citizen out there?"

Either way it was an arrogance to suggest that those three speak for the entire nation.
Well, they were clearly expressing the consensus opinion of the entire nation, at least in the main. :D

We are even more amused.
Well, they were clearly expressing the consensus opinion of the entire nation, at least in the main. :D

We are even more amused.
We are also amused.

Thankfully, we are the American public...


Seriously, I wouldn't presume to speak for you in such a way. No matter which group I was part of, I would never say "We are the American People". Nobody at all can claim to speak for all of us stating only one opinion.
I think the entire thing is very funny. rover showed his ass as expected.
anyone who defends that jerk over this is a fellow jerk.
I think the entire thing is very funny. rover showed his ass as expected.
anyone who defends that jerk over this is a fellow jerk.
As I said, he handled it very poorly indeed. He was at a party. I would have had some fun trading comments. Too stuffy to think on his feet.